This is the only time I firmly believe Japan has it right. Why can't the rest of us do this with our college's?
This is the only time I firmly believe Japan has it right. Why can't the rest of us do this with our college's?
HAHAHA! Based nips.
Honestly, at this point they may as well be the actual master-race. Nobody else has had the guts to kick the indoctrinating bums out.
Just imagine how free we'll truly be if we cut humanities and social sciences from all of our universities. No more cringy protest and less libitards.
>that fucking pathetic justification for global humanities studies
Literally "What did they mean by this?", with regard to IS destroying ancient ruins, as if that isn't obvious to everyone already, and as if funding Marxism on campus will somehow stop IS destroying them.
>It's a give us 100K in student loan debt for a "what did IS mean by this" episode.
Oh no! What will Japan do without gender studies graduates?
Oh NOW is the time to study the threat? Not when you were trying your hardest to open our fucking borders to them you grauniad shits.
They don't mean study the threat, that's for people with actual skills.
They mean study why IS wants to destroy the ruins, and it's simple, they view ruins as pre-Islamic idol worship.
With that one sentence I've written something more useful than the dissertations of thousands of sociology students.
>Every quote in the article is in defense of humanities
Real balanced article The Guardian. The writer clearly researched the whole issue and was interested in presenting an unbiased view.
I think you'll find that it's Nothing To Do With Islam. The humanities professors said so.
I wish they would do that here.
No more socialist alternative faggots spamming my university with posters
Source for comic pls
Sounds like some useless faggots are scared of being out of a job. It's sad that academia has to resort to blatant pandering just to get grants, (what happened to the days of wealthy patronage?) but humanities has precious little to offer beyond professors.
glorious nippon
Japan's population is on the decline, and they know the solution isn't to bring in shitskins like Europe. Might as well have the remaining population get useful degrees instead of dead end muh feels degrees.
>majored in History and Irish
>transcribed and translated a bunch of Old Irish manuscripts
If you can't make money on a humanities degree you're just not very good at what you do
This was a genius political move. You're basically depriving the Marxist and Globalists from their strongholds. W/o universities those degenerates really have no place to preach their inane ideas
>Studied actually useful humanities courses with a clear goal in mind
Philosophy and literature majors don't deserve jobs.
>Neither Tokyo nor Kyoto University cared about what some retarded ministry said.
Kek, if your university doesn't have enough prestige as to be able to function independently of government then your education is worthless.
>If you haven't signed up yet you'll have to do that in order to continue by clicking here.
The two most important, prestigious universities in Japan completely ignored the government. These universities are the most prestigious because of, among other things, a much higher quantity and 'quality' of research than other universities. Unless the Japanese government goes full dictatorial its not going to trample on University of Tokyo.
Wish they did something like that everywhere.
What kind of job is someone going to get after their humanities or social bullshit study anyway?
They're obviously watching the west drink poison and wisely deciding to save themselves, the future looks blindingly bright for the nips.
I'm happy that at least one country in the world is learning from the mistakes that we are making in the west.
>getting rid of humanities
>effectively halving the time you spend in college
>the time you spend in college is actually relevant to the degree you're pursuing
Shouldn't that have been the way this whole time?
Fucking colleges and universities and their "well-rounded education" excuse for making me spend more money on classes I never wanted nor needed to take in the first place.
Oh well, I guess I can accept that I NEED to take Music Appreciation 101 in order to acquire my fucking Maths degree.
I'm in STEM, but I think the humanities as a whole gets a lot of undeserved shit, probably because of things like gender studies and literature analysis that amounts to little more than "was Shakespeare constipated when he wrote Romeo and Juliet?"
There are areas of study grouped in with these that are legitimate and valid. What needs to be done is to throw out the pseudo-intellectuals and ideologically motivated leftists so that the people who are worth a damn can do their jobs.
>Oh well, I guess I can accept that I NEED to take Music Appreciation 101 in order to acquire my fucking Maths degree.
You don't seriously do that, do you?
I live in fucking Cuckistan, and even here we don't have music courses in STEM degrees. At most a small environmental sustainability course in engineering degrees.
Whatever you think about the humanities and the marxist degeneration they've suffered this thread exposes Sup Forums's hypocrisy. If you're in favor of free speech and liberty then you'd understand that academic freedom shouldn't be supressed by government mandate. I'm sure you'd all be crying foul if the United States federal government ordered Universities to never again let Milo speak.
Fucking Americans, with a shit-tier educational system, are shitting on humanities of other countries. What a joke. Just because your shit country doesn't offer any serious humanities academic work, and just because you look down upon ares such as psychology and language, doesn't mean that other countries, where people aren't fat idiots, don't benefit from those areas.
You think the world will be better off without language experts? Without history teachers, cultural ambassadors and generally people who try to understand what the fuck is going on.
No, let's all become engineers and build bridges. What a great idea. Everyone should have the same job.
Nobody is preventing them from saying what they want to say, this is a matter of cutting spending on something that doesn't deliver.
Milo is a degenerate faggot anyway.
>If you're in favor of free speech and liberty
I'm not.
>Sup Forums is one person
That's fair.
>Kek, if your university doesn't have enough prestige as to be able to function independently of government then your education is worthless
The vast majority of top universities are either directly, or indirectly, state-funded. It doesn't matter how fucking prestigious Oxford is if the government flatly refuses to give loans to prospective Oxford students.
Go to bed, Davido.
This, Americans are unable to realize that the world doesn't work exactly like in their batshit insane nation
Then how come Tokyo and Kyoto university seem to be able to just tell the government to fuck off here? I'm not sure how funding works in the UK, but in Chile the top universities seem evenly split between "receive a bit of state funding" and "totally private", with none of them being entirely dependent on the state.
This desu.
You guys are thinking that humanities are taught the same way in Japan that in the West.
This is true only of American universities.
Here in the UK you don't need to take mandatory bullshit courses.
Each student has a core degree, with a credit quota on top of that. How you make up that quota is up to the individual, and it's only for the first 2 years.
I tacked extra maths and physics onto my MechEng degree.
I am in favour of the government dumping money and subsidies on schools and universities that actually matter and contribute to our society.
Cool but wake me up when they will stop censoring their own porn.
people like bridges
Well ya see, my swedish pal. There's not a lot of """""""""""""""fine arts""""""""""""""""""" electives at my college. Since I NEED a few, my adviser suggested Music Appreciation even after saying "Yeah, you're going to hate it."
The only electives I truly enjoyed were Macroeconomics and Philosophy, but then again, those are legitimate sciences; the philosophy one I was very skeptical about, but it turned out to be very informative and thought-provoking, as it was a very involved class with a very good teacher. However, Music Appreciation isn't going to provide me with ANYTHING important to my life or to my behaviors and lifestyle.
On the plus side, after this stupid shit, I get to focus on math and other shit that I'm actually pursuing.
People in Sup Forums believe all of the humanities are Marxist Gender Studies or some other strawman shit, completely unaware of the existence of Linguistics, History, or of the fact that fields such as Sociology are so diverse you could easily be the most right-wing motherfucker imaginable and still practice the discipline. My guess is that this perception comes from nearly everybody here being underage or, at best, a university undergrad.
It's not about not wanting those types of things to be taught ya gook, it's about practical application of budgetary resources. Courses and degrees which teach practical and important skill sets should be higher priority then other shit. Maybe Jap humanities aren't as bad as in the west, but out here some bitch taking 4 years of feminist dance therapy and then bitching about how she's 40k in debt, can't find a job and how sexist it all is makes us a little numb to the whole "muh important humanities and social sciences".
I can't say for sure because I'm no expert on japan, but I imagine that the college climate out there is probably in much better shape then most of the western world. In short I'm sorry that your history major is being cut.
90% of the Guardian's staff under 40 studied humanities as a minor, I promise you.
>Feminist dance therapy
>Social science
Watch your fucking mouth Nip, before I build a bridge to Japan just to give you an atomic bomb worthy ass whooping.
They can do this because they don't have any Jews in Japan. It's pretty simple
>studying in Japan
>social science friends all complain about this
>sit back in my glorious throne of biology
Thing is in my experience I haven't seen much of retard bullshit feminist basket weaving courses or profs. The social courses are all proper management/anthropology/polsci stuff that don't veer too far into pseudoscience bullshit so it's not exactly a hard strike against any of your Western SJW types at all.
Look at history. Look at Europe after the plagues.
A massive decline in population is a good thing for those that are left.
Any non cuck want to provide a source?
You have my sympathy, that is absolutely horrifying.
If I understand this correctly, does this also include history programs?
I like the meme, but you must leave.
Without literature and philosophy, your founding fathers would have had no alternative to monarchy and no way to manipulate hicks to help them fight, numbnuts. Literature is how people with ideas explain those ideas to morons like you and the dipshits 2000 years in the future who forgot how to think.
Yeah, but people like you are needed. Those old texts are gonna be gone one day, and believe it or not, the Irish and the Saxons did leave something behind that was worth investigating.
But I don't think you studied humanities. Humanities is "African Gender studies" and "Homosexual basket weaving."
I'd spend every penny of humanities on STEM if I could. Even the good humanities that exist like hardcore stats gathering and analisys. Analyzing how we act as groups and such. Those things have real applications.
But if we could spend all that money on just making better batteries (tech we could get massive royalties/equivalent from because of cellphones) we'd be able to have electric cars that run cheap as fuck compared to gas. Because charging is a non-issue once you have enough capacity for a full day. Three-phase will do just fine.
I wish I was a world dictator sometimes. I really dislike leadership roles but there's these small changes I'd like to make. I don't see why they aren't being made because everyone but the oil industry should have a major interest in it.
>but oil is huge that's why
That's some major BS honestly.
And honestly I'd probably put some of you in charge too. If you can appreciate the importance of infrastructure. People forget that stuff a lot.
Ok so how does this mesh with you paying the tuition and shit? Shouldn't market-interest govern what you have to do to get a degree? I doubt EE students would want any of that shit to be mandatory. SO why is it?
I'm in Japan and we had to take Japanese painting, sports and japanese history/culture during first year.
It's called Energy kyouka!
Don't confuse archeology, which in most cases just preserves its usual courses in a university and plays a major role in preserving national identity and passing it on to the yound masses, with bullshit sociology/gender studies that ask to run everything with their twisted ideas and contribute nothing to the overall.
>If literature academics dissappear people will stop reading and writing
what a tool
STEM is superior to Liberal Arts faggotry. Japan has it right.
>“It’s shocking,” says Sophie Coloumbeau, an English lecturer at Cardiff University. “The decision implies an extremely narrow, shortsighted and, I would say, mistaken view of what society’s needs are.”
Damn, the hoops she went though there before she was confortable saying an actual statement that it was a mistake.
In my university, the required 8 credits of sociology I took were all conflict theory marxist indoctrination.
Typical libtards misconstruing the fact that downsizing isnt removing humanities courses. Morons
Also, Who is this Japan fellow, I'd like to meet him
>inb4 chyna copies this
Letting humanities subjects be worthy of institution based higher education was a mistake
Yellownigger, you'd have a good point if this was
but instead, this is a "Social Sciences" purge. I very much doubt that literature and philosophy are going to suffer proportionally during this movement. There are zero relevant or important "Social Sciences". Music Appreciation and Gender Studies students might suffer.
And don't try to tell me Japan is free of the blight and Gender Studies aren't a thing. Glorious Nippon might be conservative and academic still on the whole, but we've all seen the rot set in just like everywhere else.
As if their suicide rate wasn't bad enough as-is.
Glorious Nippon will soon be extinct.
But the Japs aren't absolutely Cucked like the west man, you are only looking at it from the perspective of our retarded society and it's approach to things like this. Japan's universities aren't full of all the slam poetry majors and there are practical and valuable social sciences to be learned, just every faggot in our country that wants to "get a degree" for the sake of not wanting to have to grow up, doesn't mean that all nations are the same way.
Seems like a retarded move in the long run. Japs still need highly qualified people in fields like law, economics and languages. It's fine to cut down shit like gender studies and privilege checking, but you can't claim learning things like history aren't important for your country.
It bums me out that the best animated "hentai" in existence is still mezzo forte, something I jerked off too like 15 years ago when I was 10 years old.
Well I have to pay to go to a class, and I have to pay for/rent a book (if it's mandatory).
Unfortunately, in order to get the degree itself certifying "yep, you did all this stuff and are knowledgeable of the topics covered therein," you need to do everything required. Why this includes very stupid things, I don't know. Whoever came up with the concept of "let's tack on these classes that are irrelevant to the main pursuit of the degree" is an asshole. I'm sure they had the best intentions, perhaps trying to make it so that the degree is more widely accepted for other jobs (e.g. "I didn't just learn math for that math degree. I learned about *random shit they tacked on* and it changed me for the better."), and that's the thing. I don't want to "look better for other jobs" I know exactly what I am going for, and I need the core topics covered and nothing else.
>tl;dr I have to pay for a class I don't need because some jackass thought it'd be a good idea to put non-math stuff in a math degree
>what about the sjws??? What will they """""""""learn"""""""??
Your post reminded me of Kite. I should give that another watch.
The comments want to make me kill my self
"wow this bad you need a well rounded education"
"its the death of creativity"
SAUCE TO THAT VIDEO? Im rlly horny right now