There are no intelligent arguments against Universal Basic Income
There are no intelligent arguments against Universal Basic Income
Agreed only boomers oppose
>lol free money!
There are no intelligent arguments for it, life is suffering and you miss the point if you think that's a bad thing.
Lurk more, there have been plenty
low paying jobs are for people under the age of 21 who are living with their parents. those people do not need more money.
What happened to I N D E P E N D E N C E, Burgerbro?
Other people forcely paying for your laziness... great idea.
You have no idea how money in the world works.
It already comes from nowhere. The jews print it as they will and put it where they will through various financial machinations.
Basic income gives people real spending power. Sup Forums should be behind this 100%. It is called national SOCIALISM.
I want money regardless of need. Pic unrelated, I just like to post it.
>basic income
people would still have to work, the image seems more like an argument for black/robotic slavery
if not there would have to be a red blob on the right image saying something like "work so i don't get thrown into gulag" for this society to be sustainable
robots can work
what kind of faggot works jobs for enjoyment, meeting people and self improvment?
Helping the community is a alright reason but only in homogenous communities.
It's not laziness.. It's paying me for to stay alive in this disgusting world, I would not breathe here if I would not get paid for it. Anyone who works here to stay alive is absolute idiot or cuck. Other way round is trying to find enjoyable life before you die. If you work for for it for 50 years, it's already too late.
This user knows.
Onky boomers agree
Sure tortally
I don't agree with OP but you've misinterpreted it.
'Enjoyment' in the pic, is having money to pursue things you enjoy, i.e travelling etc.
NO its for everyone
You know it works
You dont understand economics
Money =/= wealth
You don't create more resources by printing money. There are only so many resources to go around and we are nowhere near the Star Trek level post-scarcity you basic income retards seem to think we ar
>fusion between anime and isis
That's a pretty pro-natal bias you got there since basic income is basically subsidizing people breeding.
We might improve the lives of people living right now but we have to make people stop breeding so we won't harm more people.
But it's kawaii and halal at the same time.
Yea, let's just give money for nothing so all the retards working fast food and starbucks sit at home all day fapping and playing WoW. What could possibly go wrong?
Giving money for doing nothing only incentivizes doing nothing.
When you have people doing nothing, you will eventually run out of money to give to people.
There, UBI destroyed.
>It is called national SOCIALISM
>he actually fucking fell for the fascist meme we use to screen out normies
If everybody was paid the a basic income, there would be no incentive to work, if you argue against everybody getting a basic income, you're arguing for some people to get a free pass while other have to work
Another alt-right poster claims he created "the Hitler ruse" in January 2016
Venus project pls go.
All people for all time have had to work for survival. What makes you so special?
>japanese suicide divebombers
It all makes sense now
It's hawaii
Something like this would lead to an idiocracy scenario. I don't get why the left pushed it
>being this cucked
>There are only so many resources to go around
I say again: you have no idea what's going on. You should be fighting tooth and nail for basic income. It will make your life better.
"England and France are engaged in losing what in our eyes is only a fictitious wealth—that is to say, gold and foreign holdings. Their true wealth, which nobody can take away from them, is their human potential (but on condition that it's used in such a way as to exploit the country's natural resources)." -Adolf Hitler
Let me guess you're in favour of a 100% inheritance tax as well to incentivize people to work?
More people not working is a good thing. Higher pay for those that want to and we wouldn't be building more mcdonalds just for the hell of it to keep people busy 9-5.
Severely underrated
Fucking commies GET OUT
Do you guys really still not get it? Existence is a constant struggle for power. You can't escape it. Even best case scenario all that would happen under UBI is that the people who are successful now, the motivated, the intelligent, the Machiavellian, would have more time to think up ways of getting ahead, of taking power from you.
No social,structure, be it communism, anarchism or what have you is ever really going to improve your life that much. You know why? Because you are a genetic dead end, you are the result of civilization being able to support dumber and dumber failures. So dumb you don't realize that if you have a revolution you will be one of the first to be killed.
Of course you can't see the failures of communism 2: UBI boogaloo. You are a dumb beast that is only concerned with the next meal and the next time you get to jerk off.
>All people
>have had to work
>let's take money from people who have it
>then we can all sit around and smoke weed
>Durr hurr no one deserves money anyway it's all evil
>Socialism works in the mainly homogenized (except kebab) Scandinavia so it will work in America
>America isn't full of fat, lazy, racemixing scum
>I vote for Bernie Sanders
It's mostly dumb. I wouldn't mind it if we got rid of all of our welfare programs and replaced it with a small UBI. The majority of poor people can't handle money, so they would waste it pretty quickly.
Agreed. People just don't seem to get that companies will always lobby for lower wages. Nothing against them, it's just a vested interest.
Is it summer in here or is it just Australia
Implying you don't want a complacent, easily manipulated populace
Fuck off China.
You seriously think you deserve to be paid for merely existing and wallowing in your own filth? You better produce something of value or be exterminated with the rest of the parasitic class when the camps go online.
So like, if this happened, why would the cleaner who mops up people's piss continue working? The garbage man who scoops up bags of shit at 4 in the morning?
Why would anyone continue working a job they don't truly love? Out there right now, how many people do you think would continue to even get out of bed if this happened?
I get the feeling that while this seems a nice idea on paper it'll just incentivize doing nothing and when enough people simply stop working and do nothing where will the money come from? Just print more?
I'm not a smart man when it comes to this topic so forgive me if my questions sound stupid
You were btfo by all those three posters, I don't even feel I need to reply.
I know how you think if works...
A much better idea would be to simply remove the lowest tax bracket, taxing the poor is senseless and they have such a disposable income that it's probably hurting sales tax anyway. Then again, I'm Australian and the only easily accessible welfare here is newstart which, for the teal deer version, is basically paying unemployed people to apply for jobs.
Just a heads up, Australia is not a welfare state. We do not have gibs me dat, although UN refugees have the darndest privileges. Farah, do not use my university you didn't pay for and fail completely only to drop out become a fucking diversity model. I worked hard bro and I have to pay it all back.
Could you just Google "when does Australia have summer"? You're a waste of time.
This entire thread is a waste of time, where the fuckity fuck do you expect this money to come from?
>Hurr it already comes from no where
Famous last words of a Zimbabwean currency... The first time, second time, third time, fourth time... This thread is literally nigonomics.
People will still kill themselves
They'll purposeless lives and be sad because humans are sad things
Libertarians should support universal income to replace the vast network of entitlements that takes up resources.
Get rid of social security, medicare, and medicaid.
Give people a flat sum of money and let the market do the rest.
This is a reasonable compromise
I have saved 3 persons now from suicide, just with talking. Now they are in the uni studying and becoming usefull sheeps for the jews.
That is something usefull for you in many ways. I'm ok with death any day, but I might aswell enjoy the ride as long as I can, while just watching all the happenings. Kind of spectating.
If I would have passion for something, I would probably already be doing it.
Death is such a taboo for everone, what the fuck. It is daily basis stuff.
>Produce something of value
Are you implying that working in some shit place basicly just for food is something of value, while the Jew is swimming in the gold made by your sweat? Haha.
Stone ages were when the humanity was a baby, now we are just at the point where we are being pushed out of the womb, so small and primitive.
fetus, not a baby*
If you want a basic income get a fucking job and try to be the best at what you do.
It is not other people's responsibility to provide you with an income, it is your own. If you are too dumb, lazy or unskilled to make a decent income, then it is YOUR problem not mine.
Why should my hard-earned resources be given to you? What have you done to earn it? Do you think you deserve it for merely existing?
Maybe give the basic income after a particular age.
>What is mechanization and what will eventually do?
Basic Income already exists. It's called getting a job and going to work. Poof, you now have a basic income. Wait... you didn't think you were going to use those 40 hours per week to write the next great novel?! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
It will replace dumb low-skilled people.
Technological advancements have made humans able to breed and survive at unsustainable rates.
There will be no downside to purging the world of its lowest common denominators.
>sharing occupy memes
into the trash
nah brah I was going to use those 40 hours to smoke pot and watch netflix
But this is entirely false
If all countries are in debt, where do you think all the money is going?
nigger detected. Get a job you lazy nigger.
Then you would swiftly need a bullet to the head, parasite.
A realistic diagram would simply leave a cavernous void in the second head. Human beings do not work harder or better or act more creatively when their basic needs are fulfilled--the opposite is true.
Desperation and the fear of death and impoverishment is literally the only thing that motivates nonwhites. If you supply them with just enough money to live, you KNOW what happens, you've been watching it happen in Detroit and Baltimore for the last fifty years.
they only really seem to work in homogeneous societies where niggers and spics wont abuse it and blow all the cash on drugs and guns
>that pic
How many people actually care about those things enough to spend time working?
Why not kill yourself right away, pls. No, seriously, you aren't getting paid now, so Pls kill yourself. Unless of course that's a bullshit reason. So, kill yourself.
What does "basic" mean?
Nobody here knows if it will work or not. The only way to find out is to actually try it out.
But consider this; is it worth compromising our way of living with an experiment? Do we not live prosperous?
If it ain't broken, don't fix it!
1) all countries are not in debt
2) currency values are affected by units of a currency in distribution
gdp growth affects the maximum number of units that can be minted before it adversely affects the currency. so does debt
go read up on the european debt crisis and understand why they cant mint more euroes all willy nilly.
why separate countries are not permitted to make more when ever they want and have to follow guide lines and get approval from other nations in the euro zone
if a country doesnt have the money to spend on a basic income it will end up as debt. 0.5% gdp growth last quarter for america and it would be 60 bil for every one to get 200 dollars a month which isnt enough to live on or 600 bil for 2k a month for every one and thats still not enough in some states thats 24k a year per person and 7.2 tril a year for government debt
300 mil people in the country do some math faggots
I have some important stuff yet to do, that is classified from you goys. I'm not in a hurry, and seeing people getting butthurt for nothing is always funny.
Nice b8 btw.
>getting paid
>only reason to live is to get paid by your boss xD
There is more to life than 'getting paid', also I support myself. I do not need to buy food or warming to my house.
Also, social welfare works in homogenous countries. It's just a healthy symptom of a country if it works.
No one ever deserves someone else's goods, services, or money. That is theft and slavery.
Your state pays Israel 5 billions $ a year and recieves nothing back from them.
And the worst thing is that they want more.
if your government controls your income they control you. socialism always slides into totalitarianism. before you know it your utopian ideal has devolved into a failed state where your spending, your movements, your access to social services, your right to free speech and your safety are all in the hands of the state.
I remember when I was an edgy teen. Life is all about pain and suffering bro, life is despair. My girlfriend totally broke up with me bro, life is hell and that's all it'll be about.
In the end it doesn't even matter bro.
>DUDE but if there was basic income like um, wouldn't everyone stop working? Cause in real life people are all fighting for minimum wage jobs, they don't want to earn more than that that's why there are no doctors or engineers cause everyone just wants the bare minimum right?
You guys are retarded.
It is stupid. Why anyone would do it is because they would get paid kinda like they do now?
Fucking leafs, people are doctors and engineers because they pay out the ass. Taxing them enough to pay for every low-IQ pothead to "explore themselves" will destroy any desire to go through the incredible investment of time, intellect, and money it takes to become a doctor or engineer.
You need some Zoloft. Youre depressed and its tearing your mother apart
>guaranteed income
>not destroying the incentive to work
Top jej
How tf will shit get done??
There have been multiple studies done that show that you are wrong user.
France and England have gone down the shitter because government spending is out of control. France has the highest suicide rate in NATO and it climbs every year. The only people happy in those countries are the immigrants who get a free ride on everything
"Life is suffering" isn't edgy you uneducated, ignorant faggot. It's even why I said it's not a bad thing. Google it.
Sorry about your girlfriend, but she's clearly not worth it.
literally this
There are no intelligent arguments for Universal Basic Income. You have no right to take the resources of someone else by force.
>There are no intelligent arguments against Universal Basic Income
There is. It's called
Universal Basic Income around $12000(it's not even a living wage) a year would cots $3.78 TRILLIONS.
>2016 Budget of the United States federal government Total expenditures $3.999 trillion(that's without UBI)
>Total revenue $3.525 trillion
So, using
we'd have a deficit of more then $5 TRILLIONS and growing each year.