Whats it like to have a gf?

whats it like to have a gf?

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It feels good. Asian guy with his White girlfriend.

Same couple as above

dont know ;_;

im not talking about sci-fi, user

>Satan is a handholdless kissless permavirgin
That explains a lot

Please someone tell me what episode that is from

I can't even imagine ;_;


why did this make me laugh

>im not talking about sci-fi

1) 'Sci-Fi' like Star Trek = not real
2) AMWF Couples like this see are actually real

>go to see transformers at the cinema
>movie starts
>wow this is really good
>it was just a trailer for cloverfield
>transformers wasn't as good as a trailer

>tfw webm

More of the girl in your webm

>More of the girl in your webm

With her Asian boyfriend

is she in court?



Fucking RICED!

is she in court?
No she is getting ready to sing. She was a wannabe singer / entertainer.

are you the guy that used to post amwf shit in porn threads? that's hilarious

>Oh user, you're so funny! You're like a brother to me!


lmao ew


On the left


is that milana?

Pretty sweet desu senpai.
You get sex, someone to hang out with and watch flicks.
Watched Jurassic world last night with mine. We both seen it before so just talked shit about the little kid being a pussy.

that is some advanced attentionwhoring

it doesn't worth it

eventually she will leave you and I tell you it fucking hurts

I heard men gets over it in 1-2 weeks but I still tear up thinking about her after 1 years



>Fucking RICED!

This girl here only dated White boys in high school. As soon as she got to college, she went Asian see

Her White ex in high school

>no gf
>no waifu
like who even cares
i don't care

jesus christ

seek help friend


It's romanticized for some stupid reason. Probably women trying to trick you, like always.
See, they want your money. They play the long con, pretending to like you, that they're the key to happiness in your life and you should pay for the privilege. Once they've got that ring on their finger or a baby in their butt, they're free to start changing their tune and cuck your checkbook for life.
I'm not exaggerating or bitter, I'm warning you cool guys who don't deserve to have bad things happen to you. Stay safe, don't let anybody talk you into marriage. You get literally nothing out of it. You think that ring will keep her faithful?

You seem to misunderstand the concept of sarcasm.

I swear the user that keeps posting that chink and his 6/10 gf isn't sane. He can't keep getting away with it

>I heard men gets over it in 1-2 weeks

they are either psychos or lying

i wish men didnt lie to others so much in the real world.


Gf's are usually annoying and gay. Unless you are super deep in love


I just want a gf...... Who looks like emma watson...

Im asking too much?

like salty milk and pennies

Y-you mean that's not him? I was gonna call him an attention whore, but now I'm more inclined to call the police.

i don't know

but I see this everywhere even on the internet and when I talk with others

depends what year of emma youre looking for

>whats it like to have a gf

90% of the time is amazing, you feel loved, and you love someone, yo do fun things, have sex, visit new places and the whole thing motivates yourself to become a better man

10% of the time is awful, you fight for everything, gf gets mad at the tiniest insignificant shit, you will find yourself saying 'sorry' for things you didnt even make. You will cry, she will cry, and sometimes it makes you feel like you would be better alone.. However after a shitty moment, everything gets way better and the relationship strenghts for good.

So overall, 9/10, would recommend

It was amusing the first 9,999 times but it's getting really grating now

I don't understand how someone can spend all day every day making the exact same fucking post over and over again

There's this MLP cuntrag who does it on Sup Forums, every hour he'll make this long samefag thread of him arguing with himself. I kind of want to find him and cave his head in with a Louisville slugger.

Niggers like gfs

If you like gfs you are a nigger too

Don't be a poo poo nigger

It is funny because this girl here is also named Emma. Anyway here is Emma with her Asian boyfriend.

More Sci-Fi ...

Duh, her prime..... In 2001.

>More Sci-Fi ...

Walking in Central Park together

I wouldnt know

This is some 'Interstellar' shit here

>emma watson's prime in 2001

what the fucking hell is wrong with you user? are you some kind of pedo she wasn't even a teenager then

her prime was in 2003

Dude, you have some real issues.

Stoo doing this, at least you not are even asian.

You are a cuck but with only asian man.

>He doesn't undertand the joke.

It's okay user, just back to le/d/dit.

>it doesn't worth it
Do you think it's better to spend a life time alone with no affection and another human touch, because that is what is happening to to me, and I'd rather feel pain like the one your feeling than to feel empty like I do.

>wearing a fking scarf

>implying we have a choice
the sooner you get in peace with the idea the less painfull it will be

>>it doesn't worth it

okay I exaggerated here a bit, being in a relationship with someone is definitely good (don't listed to the r9k drones) it just feels really right living with someone or going out with your girlfriend

just in my case the breakup hurt me so much that it almost overwrites the good parts

Imagine being smacked every time you had to take a loud fart in bed

The pain is still here... I don't think it will ever leave.

what's wrong with wearing a scarf?

It was nice

I am 24 years old and never felt "love", can someone explain it?

I feel physical attraction when I see a good looking female but that's it, nothing more. If I feel horny I jerk off and as soon as I cum I feel no need or desire to be with a girl.

I never think or dream about someone else in my free time or something like that. I am content with being with myself and after all of these years of being alone frankly I can't even imagine walking down the street holding someones hand, going to bed with someone beside me etc

The whole concept of "love" is so unfathomable for me.

Fuck stop making eye contact with me

Imagine being with an absolute 10/10 for so long that they might aswell be a 5/10 for all your cock can care.

Trust me from experience, It doesn't matter how beautiful they are, how exciting they are to be around, someone out there is bored of her body and tired of her shit.

You stay together though, because despite all that, you're entwined to the point where life without them would only be worse.

thought i was the only one,
this makes me feel better

dunno senpai

Nothing, user just can't pull it off.

It's a meme. It wanes off fast and in the end you're left with a person you can barely tolerate. People who have idolized vision of it are virgins or deluded women.

nothing if u're a fag

>24 years old
>never felt "love"

woaaahh no way dude! it's almost like love is a rare and special thing and not just another way of saying "i think you're really hot AND i like hanging out with you!"

i think you're the one that missed the joke user

Hello Bateman

Too bad tits are so fake.

I'm seriously considering seeing an escort just for cuddle time. Why can't I be like everyone else?

It fucking sucks.
I mean i've propably fallen for the biggest meme of them all. A long distance relationship. You get all of the bullshit with zero sex. I mean she's uncomplicated, so there's zero drama, but the lack of the physical and the uncertainty if she's seeing someone else is killing me.

Wow. I don't think there's any reason for you to be uncertain. Don't worry, it's not a real relationship. seriously dude what the fuck is that, you just like talking to her? Grow some testes.

I have agoraphobia, so i don't leave the house much. Yeah, basically i just talk to her every day. She is kinda misanthropic and depressed, though. So yeah, the chances of her seeing anyone else are low, but i guess i'm just scarred from past experiences or anything.
I think if i'd go outside, i wouldn't care that much. That said, i've grown on her and i definitely want to meet her.

RIP Anton

this is accurate

this not so much

I love my waifu

Couldn't tell ya, op.

what's the difference?

all i see in both webms are qt 3.14 white girls trying to look cute for their man

I like Locke. I'd like to think I connect with him


Delete this thread.

If you do it right, almost nothing changes. If you let a relationship affect your life too much, you're doing it wrong.

damn, you tricked me

In the event that you do find a girl that doesn't annoy the shit out of you and has similar interests, it will just hurt that much more when she leaves you for some other dude.

t. wizard with wisdom beyond all else

I'm no expert but one looks like a girl looking overly cute while the other is more along the lines of what I've experienced.

how can you be a wizard if you had a girl
that's not how it works

I never said I did, the greatest wisdom comes from perceiving something with no personal stake rather than experiencing it. I've chosen to wait until the artificial womb comes along rather than torture myself with love.


if you guys want a gf so badly why dont you just get one

we posting waifus?
