This is kino, isn't it?
This is kino, isn't it?
it's fucking hamhanded christfaggotry garbage. great job revealing the depths of your plebness
i actually like it besides the whole finding god shit and them killing both dogs that really pissed me off
>Aliens are intensely vulnerable to water
>invade a planet which is 2/3rds water to attack a species who are 2/3rds water
Meltards will defend this
ITT: r/atheism
If you liked it, Cuckmann analyzed this movie, so check it out.
>le fedora meme XD
>Humans are vulnerable to acid
>invade a planet to attack a species who are 2/3rds acid
If Cameron can get away with it, why can Shamalamadingdong?
>I discredit pure kino as trash because god makes a cameo
It was holy water that killed the alien
A most euphoric reply.
Aliens sucked. It was a terrible sequel to a cult sci-fi movie with well implemented horror elements. Fuck Cameron.
>using kino even if you're being ironic
I send my regards, user.
why are you pissed off?
they're dogs
To this day I still think this is Gibson's best performance ever.
It's rare to see posters who are this enlightened by their own intelligence.
The aliens are an allegory for demons, yes, but in the movie universe they're still aliens sensitive to water
t. Twisted fucking psychopath
>tfw Shylamakingkong apologizes to him for accidentally killing his wife, and Mel holds back the tears
>when he curses God after his son suffers the asthma attack, unintentionally revealing that he still believes in him
You dont know ANYTHING about these aliens asshole!
Why do you people always want the same tired old cliches and if something doesnt make sense in film logic you act like it doesnt make sense in general?
They weren't aliens dumb dumb, they were demons, the water was blessed by the little girl, all water doesn't kill them just holy water.
the water itself wasn't blessed, Graham blessed the house as a whole so the water the tap water was blessed too and could be used against the demons
People who hate this movie tend to be autistic plebs and wannabe movie critics, who think that pointing out trivial plot holes somehow makes them an authority on kinomatography.
Patricians who can appreciate good story-telling and atmosphere, on the other hand, recognize that this is a quality film and pure Melkino.
>blessed the house as a whole so the water the tap water was blessed too
That's not how this works protddit
reddit incarnated
Is there anything Mel can't do? All his movies are good.
The last two Lethal Weapon movies were kinda bad.
Its a great movie
If you hate it you dont enjoy cinema as a product
Youre the kinda faggot who looks for things to dislike
>swing away