Saturday night debate thread
Saturday night debate thread
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its a stone
it is clearly saying it's a boulder you retard.
All of the above.
faggot. it's an iceberg
im less concerned about the rock an more concerned that the pic is 499x496 why not just make it 500x500 you fucking madman
Heres your reply.
and you believe it cos it's a picture on the internet right? dumbfuck
Is it mayonaise?
It's not a rock.
It's a picture.
And then theirs this faggot. If it was a rock and an iceberg the ice would corrode it and make it into rocks you tremendous faggot kys
No, Its an image
Picture is a broad term: it is used to refer to oil paintings, children's drawings, digital images, etc. Picture is also used metaphorically in referring to something pleasant: "she was a picture in pink".
A photograph is an image captured by a camera, whether digital or film. In the early days of digital, it was common to refer to a "digital photo" or "digital picture".
Image for computer users refers to graphical representations. Many images are photos. Image is considered more technical; a graphic artist might say "I am enhancing this image".
Rock is the parent file, Boulder is the subdirectory, and Stone is the last Matryoshka doll. It follows: A rock is the general term (large or small), boulder describes a very large rock, and a stone is a smaller rock.
not an image fagg,open your cum stained eye lids, it says .jpg not .image
Fuck off, Magritte
The definition of a jpg or jpeg, is a file type for images and a means of compressing an image
Is he Bozo in Chief or The Big Cheetoh? C'mon Sup Forums. You'll argue about anything.
it's a definition. if you show a picture and define it how ever you want it is what it is you cock breath.
bolean algebra 101. retard
saying something is something doesn't make it so
Rock is rock no matter what. We can call it anything we like but rock will always be rock. Go outside and pick up a rock for yourself. They are literally everywhere.
It's not just a boulder, it's a rock!
It's a rock
Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
We went to the moon, more than once
September 11 was perpetrated by Al Queda
Kids died at Sandy Hook
Global Warming is real
There is no NWO
Any mixture of minerals is a rock.
A boulder is a size of rock.
It is both a boulder, and a rock.
it's both a rock and a boulder. both are accurate descriptions.