Dubs gets to choose what I do with this shit toe. I'm tired of this, I'm actually considering amputation as an option

Dubs gets to choose what I do with this shit toe. I'm tired of this, I'm actually considering amputation as an option

Put a bandaid over it

superglue to forehead

set fire !!!!!!

antiseptic cream, bandaid, good night's sleep

Have a doctor take a look at it.

Go to the fucking doctor


Time stamp

do it


do it faggot

explode with a firecracker

Will do wait a sec

Stop wearing socks and you'll be fine.

Go to the doctor.


Bath it in warm salt water/Dettoll/any other antiseptic solution. Get a pair of nail clippers and cut into your nail just on the edge of the infection at an angle towards the ingrown nail. Get some tweezers and pull the nail up and down towards the ingrown part until you are able to pull out the chunk of nail that's causing the infection. I've cut out my own ingrown nail in the past using this method. Good luck.


Winrar op

he got dubs



I will do the first but I don't have firecrackers so I can't do the second

Get the toe nail removed permanently

Do it already faggot

dubs confirmed

Ingrown toenail gone infected?


Hurry tf up op

hurry up

post video of u licking it

Draw a face on it and masturbate thinking of your sexy toe

Here I burned a paper and put it on my toe


I have a similar problem. You'll have to go get your toenail removed, and a little surgery on the side, but it is fairly low impact compared to amputating your fucking toe.

you fucking faggot.


webm and use alcohol

Cut it off


You'll regret that, OP. Get off Sup Forums and see a doctor.

It's an ingrown toenail. I have the exact same thing right now, going to a podiatrists friday to get it cut out since mines quite bad.

omfg Kyle, they caught you, run

GO for the operation where they remove 1/3 of your toe nail on that side.

then they destroy the root so it won't grow anymore on the "bad" side.

IT's the only way. trust me

c'mon op that will be funny !! YOLO

OP here, I ain't doing that unless someone get trips

Just get it operated on, fool. Mine looked arguably worse than that when I did, not it's fine.

I had the same problem, let the nail grow although it hurts, there comes a moment that comes out in front of the finger and does not take over. I was the same for more than 2 years. Sorry for my bad english, I hope this helps you

op, will you tell your child that youre a faggot?go ahead

Use a knife or a nail to remove as much dead tissue as possible daily. Squeeze any pus out, and pour some hydrogen peroxide on it.

I've had about 5-10 of these, and they are always gone in a few weeks if I give them daily treatment. No doctor needed.

go on! Roll TRips

Kyle has already been apprehended and is en route to a mental health facility where they can care for him and get to the root of his voyeuristic self harming tendencies.

roll trips

My trips are here now deliver



trips roll

I feel you OP

Who's Kyle?

trips rolling

It doesn't even need to that much, I've had it performed on both sides of one toe and while it's noticeably slimmer it still looks like a full nail


Dubs of truth.

Rip kyle


poke all the infection out of it!
(cut a opening and press the shit out!!!)

Rolli rolli tripioli


op is pussy

Stick a pin through the bloody bit

try to stuck it up your ass


Nasty, ingrown toenail. Have it removed by a doctor, before it gets so badly infected that you get your overall health is impacted, and you need an amputation. You are almost certainly going to need antibiotics and minor surgery. If you get it tended to now, a general practitioner can tend to it in his office. You don't want sepsis, it can really fuck you up.

Come on OP

Oh shit

Lighter, needle, tweezers, a razor blade, some clean gauze, neosporin, and some big boy pants.

Self surgery to cut the nail out, be a fucking man.

go to the doctor you dumb fuck. I had three taken care of all at once. two on either side of my big toe. fuck that noise. haven't had them since. i'ts been like 20 fucking years. go to the fucking doctor you god damn idiot.


he will not amputate he's afraid to set fire, shame

OP here, I don't know what to say

Go to the doctor. Don't just cut it the fuck off. You need that shit to run.



trips roll fire

do it faggot you said youd consider it


will you do this?


But seamen on it

From the looks of it you have an ingrown toe nail infection. I would suggest seeing a doctor about it.

Fuck that shit I'm to much of a pussy


What about semen from seamen

Cum on it and record it

Give it its week to heal? God you're a pussy. That doesn't even look painful.

rolling trisps firesfsijfgo

Faggot nigger op

Quit being a pussy. Steralise a blade and take out all that shit. Cut down your nail and remove as much as you can. Cut a Very shape in the top of the nail about half way down. Apply hot salty water. Don't wear socks or shoes while it heals. Keep cleaning it every day.
Already been through this myself. Takes a good month or 2 to heal fully

Go to a podiatrist

It happens because you cut the nail so short. Let it grow out past the end of the toe so it doesn't grow into the flesh I'm the side.

Go to the doctor's and get the ingrown toenail removed for good. They can do something that causes it to stop growing in.