I know I should be healthy and cut out junk food - go vegan and help fix my system and help the world a little bit at a...

I know I should be healthy and cut out junk food - go vegan and help fix my system and help the world a little bit at a time but I lack the discipline to stick to it. Mixture of depression, seeing no point in anything in the universe and acknowledging the fact that we may as well experience life. Feels shitty to eat other lives, yet I crave it. Would love to feel satiated on non-animal products but it feels like something is not being fulfilled. Suggestions?

INB4 cuck, weak sauce, cancer post, faggot etc etc whatever - nothing fucking matters anyway so say what you will, kek

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probably suicide at this point

I did that last time - came back like this, so that's not it either..

Healthy eating is all about moderation. Have a cake and an ice cream if you want. Forget all the fad diets and just have a balanced diet.

How about you start by cutting off meat and you keep eating some other satisfying shit like fries. then cut out fries once you get used to the lack of meat. then you add more healthy shit like fruits, then replace your fries wth rice, then with quinoa then add broccoli and veggies. slowly slowly - you seem to be rushing into it thus failing.

You are overthinking it, just eat everything in moderation, yes, this includes eating meat. Fuck your vegan, vegetarian, semen diet. If nuclear war broke out and you couldn't get your fill of semen because you are a vegan faggot, you'd end up eating a good steak, now wouldn't you?

this op, just eat whatever you fucking want and enjoy life because even if you went full vegan that wouldn't change shit, it would just make you more depressed because you cant enjoy life

kys vegan fag

>Anonymous 07/23/17(Sun)03:42:17 No.739754978 ▶
I want to agree with you - but what about all the talk about meat being cancerous and clogging our arteries and stunting our spiritual growth?

hey guys my diet is 90% meat, sugar and carbs and I'm perfectly healthy, ask me anything