Is Cap's serum realistic?

Is Cap's serum realistic?

Can we create a super-steroid capable of making us nearly superhuman?

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no, neither are heavily armed flying exo-skeletons or women who can fight.

No. Your body's muscles being instantly inflated like that would cause a very severe heart attack.

>women can't fight

probably in the far future.

honestly how do you get those gains and no fat? he looks like hes pumped full of helium

I'm not talking about the process as shown in the film, but the effects.

try fighting the first woman you see tomorrow and see how easy it is

Not at the moment though I would imagine there are researchers looking into the possibility of using selective genetic engineering and/or nano-technology to accomplish the same thing some day.

How do his pants still fit him perfectly? Even if they stretched, wasn't his belt tightened up?

By genetic engineering, maybe. It would not be instantaneous like in the movie but we could create super soldiers from the birth. They would not be as strong as Cap, though.

whats in his pockets?

that's his dick m8

post-Avengers Cap is too OP
he's basically superhuman at this point

Yeah. We put the soldiers to sleep and use small machines to hurt their muscles, then we use a serum to heal them. We can make a very strong soldier in a day.

>Is Cap's serum realistic?
No and even if it were possible it would probably still be a bad idea. It's always easier to just draft a bunch of people.

>I'm available, ladies *tips trilby*

Sad sack of shit.

he is superhuman. just on the low end of the spectrum.

Why not, chimps are a lot smaller than human yet they can rip your arm off no problem.

Not if you can mass produce it at low cost.

super soldiers aren't going to be a thing since remotely operated robot soldiers is the future.

If they can fight for themselves why are you always defending them, Louis. :^)

already today it is possible with the hormones we have at our disposal, namely IGF-1 and HGH (although mostly indirectly through increased IGF-1 release) to achieve the formation of new muscle fibers (hyperplasia) instead of just increasing the volume through additional retention of nitrogen (amino acids) and glykogen + water (which is what anabolic steroids do).

you're not going to gain strength or resilience or whatever else this super serum is supposed to do unless you specifically train for it (the strength that is, you're not getting more resilient, but for that there's always painkillers, eh?).

Next step is probably the creation of a working myostatin inhibitor (see Belgian Blue Bull, an animal that is mutated to not release myostatin). There are already some less potent ones around, but the problem is that with shutting down/inhibiting myostatin you're effectively destroying your joints and connective tissue since they don't grow in proportion.

Will certainly be interesting to see what can be done with DNA engineering and nanomachines, though.

Why do you think so? Robots suck in city fights, they can't even climb stairs and definetely not negotiate with locals which is what boots on the ground is all about. Inventing a super steroid sounds way easier

That would probably take a while given that it would be experimental technology and most likely expensive as hell. If they ever figure out how to do it, Spec Ops guys will probably be the only ones to get it.

>Is Cap's serum realistic?
Dude gained a bunch of muscles and became a lot taller too. Even if this shit worked, it would probably give him 50 different kinds of cancer.

Steroids already make you superhuman, because you can't reach those results naturally.


>Why do you think so?
lowers human casualties and cheaper to make. you can mass produce it in a factory unlike people.

>Robots suck in city fights
they'll obviously make one that doesn't suck in city fights

>they can't even climb stairs
and can climb stairs

>and definetely not negotiate with locals which is what boots on the ground is all about.
robots will only used for aggressive negotiations.

We are probably a lot closer to perfecting genetic engineering techniques to improve soldiers than we are to creating a viable infantry combat mech.

There's already a super-serum capable of making people subhuman. Alchohol.


>bitches don't know bout my myostatin inhibitors


Yes, it's called gene therapy. CRISPR might make shit like that possible in 20-50 years.

reminder that women would prefer to have sex with this than spend one second in the company of a beta male

they dripped some of the serum on his khakis so they also grew

That's a female dog, user.

No Cap is the "perfect specimen" he has SRank Stats in all areas, he has a metabolism so fast that his liver neutralizes the affects of alcohol before he can even feel them regardless of how much he drinks.
Not close at all is virtually the same as really not close at all.

With that attitude, it's no wonder the world has gone to shit.

What serum did she get?

Did you mean semen?

>that chest touch

Is that you Adam Johnston?

Fertility Serum, if we weren't going to win the front with superior soldiers we'd win it with superior numbers. It turned her into the perfect breeding stock with nutritional stores that ensured her numerous spawn would never go hungry.


>That would probably take a while given that it would be experimental technology and most likely expensive as hell.

Just like any other technology ever then.

The big titties serum

Nice digits you have there..

check mine

>or women who can fight

>inb4 keyboard warriors say all it takes is one punch to that glass jaw

Learn to take a joke you fucking boring retard.

dumb cuck poster

Learn to make a joke you fucking boring retard.

Cum for me, really stroke that hot cock right now, you do it and i'll let you eat my cum.

It's completely realistic in the reality of their world.

thanks for the (you)'s, boring trolled retard.

It'll sort of be possible when we perfect gene doping. The tendon strength to support extreme levels of strength and muscularity combined with excellent genetic response to PEDs could effectively create a super soldier

what the fuck



You're attracted to masculine features. Just come out of the closet already.

We would need an advanced understanding of muscle growth. A chemical to cause microfissures on the muscles, and then another chemical to causes rapid healing. Repeatedly.

So Wolverine basically

Regular steroids and exercise will get you bigger than cap

well, we only use like 40% of our muscle fibres anyway so there might be a way for us to unlock and use our muscles to their full potential
well you can unlock to 100% but then you'd have to do rigorous bodybuilding training

>ywn lick her pits after a hard workout

No. You can improve neuromuscular recruitment but not to anywhere near 100%. If you did, you'd rip your tendons clean off the bone.

Yeah it's called exercise

can't argue with those quads

She couldn't fight her way out of the freezer section

the serum skipped leg day

you need to go back musclefag, when did Sup Forums become infested by those cunts?

People have been able to do it under the most extreme circumstances. But yes you're right. Their muscles literally came off the bone

Would the serum work on Thor?

Yes, it's called HGH. The people that want it banned are holding back human progress.

We have thousands of people willing to basically be guinea pigs in professional sports leagues, but it's taboo because 'muh sportsmanship'.

Fucking perfect.

Is this natty

I've seen traps prettier than her.

I'd like to tie her down and force her to cum repeatedly with a hitachi while she struggles against the binds.

who dis?

what a disgusting monster

What do you think you're giving your athletes? It's only a banned substance when they know how to detect it

I could knock that bitch down no problem and I don't even lift.

All these betas intimidated by a lean and defined female body, hilarious.


Son you need a dictionary and a gun in your mouth.


Full name? Google only gives me Natasha.

Just because she's big doesn't mean she's strong. 99% of the average male population could send her to the hospital.

I'm not sure if you know anything about fighting or the physiological differences between men and women, but women just don't have the strength to compete with even an average man. There are plenty of illustrative examples in real life.
The USA national women's soccer team for example, regularly trains by playing against under 18 boys' state teams. To put that in perspective, these women, who are the best the sport has to offer in the world, are playing (and losing) to children who are not even some of the best in the world (it's soccer, there are some great young USA players, but the best players are European and South American).
Another example is the deadlift world record: Becca Swanson deadlifted 683 pounds at 200 pounds or more body weight.
To compare this with a man, the record was 1015 pounds raw at body weight approximately 283 pounds.
Another interesting comparison for deadlift is the fact that a 123 pound man deadlifted 634 pounds in competition.
We can also look at Fallon Fox, a nearly untrained transgender fighter, who has mopped the floor with his/her opponents in UFC.

>roiding for this

nobody wants to fuck that gtfo faggot

>We can also look at Fallon Fox, a nearly untrained transgender fighter, who has mopped the floor with his/her opponents in UFC.
lol, is this a thing? if so why every woman sport hasn't been filled with transgenders?


Still waiting for that sauce mang.

Yes. There are 2 drugs that the body produces that regulate muscles, one that increases muscle mass and one that stops growth. I forget their names. Adding one or cancelling the other will make you natty like Captain. Unfortunately so far it has only been tested on mice and is already illegal.

>not xir for maximum lulz

My penis is confused.

source or dropped

Don't trust a trip to do the right thing, user.

Is this snusnukino?