Why is it so cucked?
Whatever happened to Fox News?
Its mainstream media. When has it NOT been cucked?
FOX News has a show with all female cast and a different male guest each day.
The women all dress pretty and conduct themselves like ladies, e.g., not speaking over each other or breaking into fits of cackles and hoots.
When MSM does the same, it's always an old jew with her pet spics and pet blacks. They're usually overweight and unattractive--pic related
They dress like whores who just came in from a night of clubbing.
That's based Herman Cain.
I'd let him give my wife the BBC
where da mixed wimmin at?
Why are you watching faux? I thought that was "the view" until I saw the graphics in the corner.
perhaps this is more to your tastes
I stopped watching fox a long time ago. Complete garbage
here's a jewess with her minority pets. have your pic
They still have Based Bill
more old jew bag with her minority pets. You better believe they're with Shillary
Sugar Cain's A-OK baybeh
>Obongo and First Tranny, flanked by the old jew bags and their pet sheboons
Oy gevalt, this is some perfect post racial diversity programming, just what the goyim need. Shalom
Obongo in the middle, flanked by two old jewbags and their pet sheboons (the leash and collar are invisible)
>When MSM does the same, it's always an old jew with her pet spics and pet blacks. They're usually overweight and unattractive--pic related
Nailed it.
women do n't belong on television having careers. fox is pure feminist trash.
>Jew-bag with her pet nigger
>kikess shilling her alcoholic merchant goods (far right)
>the two whitey wimminz are from FOX News
Two old kike hags with their negro pets. The white woman (far left) has since been rescued and sent to FOX News
I believe there is race mixing propaganda almost everywhere but this is not it.
>I believe there is race mixing propaganda almost everywhere but this is not it.
1 blonde white woman
1 black woman
1 black man
1 Hispanic woman
1 white/black mixed woman
No race mixing propaganda...
>fox is pure feminist trash
You tell 'em, rabbi. NBC is much better and has more diversity, ain't that right, Chaim?
>obvious JIDF shilling
you aren't welcome here, jew. You aren't going to get anyone to love feminism.
Fox News is part of the MSM
Can't spell Canuck without Cuck
The black man was a presidential candidate last election and now hosts a daily political radio show. He's there because of his qualifications, not because of a quota.
The niggress is a conservative married to a white man and she's notoriously hated by blacks for betraying her race and for not acting like typical nigger behavior.
The spic is based Judge Janine, strong loyal Trump supporter.
The mulatta is a FOX News staffer who's purpose is to piss off liberals who claim woman and minorities aren't given a fair chance
While they might not be redpilled per se, there is nothing more sexy than a woman that is conservative, both politically and culturally.
Andrea Tantaros, who is usually a staple of the show, just wrote a book how third wave feminism is ruining women's lives.
>All those legs
>The black man was a presidential candidate last election and now hosts a daily political radio show. He's there because of his qualifications, not because of a quota.
>The niggress is a conservative married to a white man and she's notoriously hated by blacks for betraying her race and for not acting like typical nigger behavior.
>The spic is based Judge Janine, strong loyal Trump supporter.
>The mulatta is a FOX News staffer who's purpose is to piss off liberals who claim woman and minorities aren't given a fair chance
Wow, a conservative who supports race mixing. Fuck, and there I thought America is less cucked than Germany.
Allahu Akbar to you. Allahu Akbar.
>Fox News is part of the MSM
yes and no, that's up for debate in some aspects. NBC and CNN have pretty much become propaganda tools for the White House while FOX News is treated very much as an outsider by the Left.
>conservative who supports race mixing
Who could blame her for wanting a white man over a nigger?
Wew lad. How haven't you killed yourself Adolf?
>Who could blame her for wanting a white man over a nigger?
Race mixing is race mixing.
I love Jews, what are you talking about? Jews are white. I also love Slavs and Spaniards and Italians.
But when it comes to Africans and Asians and "Hispanics" aka Native Latin Americans, I think we should be careful not to mix.
Thank you.
Fox News viewers are just too stupid, apparently, to figure this out, simply because O'Really and others constantly make references to the MSM as if i was something foreign to them.
It's simple brainwashing.
FOX News is anti establishment in many ways, such as the fact that virtually all of their prime time shows are hosted by whites. Every other channel has a quota of at least one sheboon for every white male, see CNN, for example.
>I love Jews, what are you talking about? Jews are white. I also love Slavs and Spaniards and Italians.
im sickened to share the same flag with you on pol.
also i was "raised" by a jewish stepfather , so my resentment is even larger.
i wouldn´t call it love , i´d rather call it a truce until the day of the rope.
>Fox News viewers are just too stupid
Fuck off, jew.
>tfw your newsfu gets fired
they need to bring her back
hava nagila
2 shekels have been deposited into your account.
anyone remember this old kike bastard?
He retired and they rushed to replace him with this groid
down the dial, the other morning show fully embraced diversity by removing any traces of white people altogether
She got fired? Why?
"contract issues"
Nothing specific mentioned. She's writing for the Daily Caller now.
there's the Today Show with this fucking kike Matt Lauer and his minority pets
Obongo has a perfect physique for a president
I'll give him that
Tantaro stopped blowing the producers and started dating Dave Navarro of Jane's Addiction and Red Hot Chili Peppers. Not even joking
that's called a smoker's physique. You'd look like that, too, if you sucked down two packs of newports a day, or as the Brits call 'em, fags.
>not watching your daily dose of Morning Cuck
They made Elisabeth Hasselbeck sit the furthest away both times.
There's a tranny show pic related
>all those legs
Yeah thats just happened to be yesterday's show. Majority of the time its 3 white women, 1 white male, and 1 black women.
Still the show has sucked since they fired Andrea Tantaros.
aww, look at the pet shvartze giving her yenta a kiss. how precious
>crossing legs like women
Why the fuck do men do this, I am not saying I have big as duck and balls but even a slight twist to my legs like that hurts my balls.
>Hannity, O'Reilly, Kelly, Phillips
Senator McCain flanked by two old jew bags and their pet sheboons, but let's ignore pic related and pretend that FOX News are Faux Jews.
>watching people talk
No thanks.
manspreading is banned now, user. Haven't you heard?
Pro Tip: be a good goy and tuck it back so there's no bulge or else that's considered rape
Apparently, you're just too stupid to figure this out.
Yea but...
>its okay when I do it
Anita Sarkeesian WANTS women to manspread!
>american intellectuals
>watching plastic made people coming in different color models
>sheboon news anchor
>angry mulatta mayor
>self-loathing white Cher
>Flint water supply is poisoned! This be whitey's fault!
>nevermind that local government is almost entirely negroes.
>tfw you don't even know how to win the black vote
What ever happened to germany bro
>not setting your DVR to record Outnumbered, The Five, O'Reilly, Kelly File, Red Eye, Gutfeld and Watters World
Even though I'm on Trump side now, they went out of their way to make sure Trump got the nom. I can never watch Hannity objectively because he is nothing but a fan boy.
No Hannity?
No Greta?
No Judge Janine?
No Fox and Friends?
op bailed, I'm just keeping thread alive, faggot.
Many Fox viewers have been fooled into thinking that neocons are "real republicans".
Thanks, jews!
Greta is ok, a little boring for me though. Tell me more though.
I should add JJ to the list. It's probably better than Outnumbered.
What's good about Fox and Friends? Morning shows always seemed uptight to me.
I don't find Hannity interesting. Too predictable, pandering.
I don't care about any of that infighting bullshit. All stripes of conservatives have good arguments.
Has the GOP reached the final stage?
>Hannity and O'Reilly
pic one and only one.
Must see Judge Jeanine destroys Mitt Rmoney
Gutfeld - the annoying guy that everyone can't stand but is always hired or promoted because he always has something to say, no matter how irrelevant or retarded.
>good arguments
Yeah, right.
As long as you allow them to define the issue on their terms, even ghetto nignogs can do the same.
In that respect, you guys are no less cucked than Commie Sanders.
>The same people who chimped out when zimzam was found not guilty are the same people who would have cheered when OJ got the same result
user, if that's your REAL name, you're a spoiled brat and a wimp. Plus you're a racist for not moving to Mexico, even though Mexico is not a race.
It's run by neocons. It's always been worthless.
Kind of getting a slight boner at all those legs
Fucking jews.