What was that beacon?
What was that beacon?
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Can you really not recognize a lighthouse?
A feeling to hold onto
watch with directors/writers commentary senpai
You'll know when you reach 10th grade and read Gatsby
A lighthouse is used to make ships aware of hidden dangers and to guide them to shore. When a boat is floating in the ocean, it cant see anything, including rocks. So they put lighthouses in cliffs to stop boats crashing into the cliffs
Or in other words, the lighthouse is for a vessel that is unaware of the dangers that lie ahead and is their to guide them to safety
death, you fucking moron
same thing happened to Chris when Tony was about to shoot him in the face
I'm not American. I read Hamsun instead.
Please explain how the beacon relates to Gatsby.
You people are all retarded, they tell you what it is in the show. It's a lighthouse by the place he sees Tony B before waking up from the coma
Except its not you fucking pleb
He's completely wrong about the interpretation, but in Gatsby he would always look across the harbor to see the single light coming across the New York bay that was where his former girlfriend currently lived with another man.
They were in love, but he left to fight in WW1 and they drifted apart. In the story the light symbolized all that he wished he had (his old life) compared to all he currently had (an empty life but with money)
anyway this has nothing to do with the Sopranos, aside from a few themes (Tony never became a football coach so I guess you could interpret that as him losing a "better life) the light's mainly about death.
See the scene where Tony is about to kill Chris and his face is bathed in light
it is. Light is a symbol of imminent death to a dying person
Have you ever heard the term "don't go to the light"?
That was a shot from after Tony kills Christ btw
the same thing happens in the scene when Tony gets high in the desert after killing Chris
this is the light he sees
Death is too simple a metaphor
a recurring motif doesn't have to be complex
it's not a warning, it's an invitation to die
did you even watch this scene?
better quality
I don't really buy it, but I'll definitely keep it in mind when I rewatch
There's a 1080rip of every season out there
and you post these fucking small penis sized pics
Fucking kill yourslef
Who was that scary woman?