Get in the Hole
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This will never replace the roundabout
>rip dongus
lol I was just watching this
some fa/tv/irgin needs to get down there
better view
What's going on? Chimpout?
who else /r/outoftheloop/ here?
can anyone r/ELI5 what the heck is going on
Why am I watching this?
Even though it's a tourist trap, Jackson Hole is fucking beautiful.
yeah, DAE need to /r/AskReddit about what is happening here?
it looks like eerie, indiana
this is comfy
does everyone in america drive a 4x4?
This town is real huntin' fishin' and shootin' country so they certainly do around here
the hole where people treat each other right
Terrible modelling and N64-tier texturing of the hills in the background.
AI is retarded too, it's on like this five minute loop
Needs a couple more spawn points
Wyoming? Well I say, Why Not Oming?
>tfw I will never live in Wyoming
Capt. Vasili Borodin: I will live in Montana. And I will marry a round American woman and raise rabbits, and she will cook them for me. And I will have a pickup truck... maybe even a "recreational vehicle." And drive from state to state. Do they let you do that?
Captain Ramius: I suppose.
Capt. Vasili Borodin: No papers?
Captain Ramius: No papers, state to state.
Capt. Vasili Borodin: Well then, in winter I will live in... Arizona. Actually, I think I will need two wives.
Captain Ramius: Oh, at least.
Really is a beautiful town. Only spent a couple days there but it made a real impression on me.
So how long until someone who lives close drives there and then holds up a sign?
everyone driving new vehicles makes me a little sad
It's a very wealthy area
p sure it's a town full of rich Jewish bankers
this intersection is off centre
Not many Hebraic folks welcome out in big sky country
>that archway is all skulls
>tfw I will never live in a small white American town
Just build the fucking wall you fat fucking Amerifats!
Listen to some jacksoncore right now
>that archway is all skulls
Elk antlers apparently, I've been reading about the place on wikipedia
>you will never live in usa