Why the fuck didn't they include Bombadil?
Why the fuck didn't they include Bombadil?
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who would you cast as him and Goldberry?
Because he isn't real.
He's basically pointless in regards to the greater plot. It would just confuse normies who haven't read the books.
Cheeky little side cameo would've been nice, but the plans already jump on the "why didn't they just fly the eagles to mordor?" thing, imagine if TomBom was included amongst that
A better question is why is Bombadil such a selfish cunt?
He could have easily ended all the evil in Middle-earth in like an afternoon tops.
He doesn't really forward the story in anyway so it would just add extra runtime which would about Normie's.
More pissed about them exchanging Glorfindel with some faggot woman just so they could have a extra live interest for Normiegorn desu.
I read the books and still was confused.
More mad about how they turned gimli into comic relief after the 1st movie. His quips during the battle of Helms deep and Minas tirith were annoying as hell
who wasn't?
Worse yet, 90% of it is schtick about dwarves
Because movies have to be dumb enough for the audience to understand the chracters motiivations.
Tom Bombadil stands outside the affairs of middle earth and represents something which audiences cant underrstand; something that transcends time and place and points to the eternal.
The point of Tom Bombadill is to show that there are old and great forces still within Middle-Earth, and not all of them give a fuck about the Sauron
This is actually one of the issues with the movies, they make a bad job at establishing that not everybody gives a fuck. Hence "Why didn't the eagles..."
They couldn't see the bigger picture and accept that taking down Sauron was crucial for their long-term survival?
because he adds literally nothing to the plot or the characters in the book either
Why does God allows Satan to do evil in the world?
Why is he silent in our suffering?
Is his power diminshed because of this?
Tolkien did not set up a world just to create battles where everyone is either good or evil and good always wins. There is much more depth to the novels that even die hard tolkien fans fail to understand.
>They couldn't see the bigger picture and accept that taking down Sauron was crucial for their long-term survival?
LOTR is all about how the old world is dying no matter what. Age of Sauron, Age of Men, many didn't care because they were going away either way.
Tolkien was a huge technophobe.
Because they didn't really understand the book.
>Why does God allows Satan to do evil in the world?
Because he's not real you fucking retarded christcuck
Hence the reason why you will never understand the books.
Tolkien was a Catholic though, so whatever your view of it, that's the worldview the book exists within.
The real question is, why the hell is everyone white? Seems a bit racist, honestly...
lol no dumbshit. Because it's a big section of the book that doesn't actually move the main story forward.
Turns out when you turn a 500 page book into a film you have to cut some non-essential stuff
Because Tolkien created middle earth as kind of a pre-history to english history. White people
Who the frick cares what some old white dude thought? It's fiction, there should be able to be a few POCs.
>hurr durr those common folk can't understand the lofty shit like me
>Who the frick cares what some old white dude thought
literally millions of people apparently
>faggot woman
kek this is the first time I've ever seen that insult
shitty bait
How are normines supposed to understand Tom when 90% of the virgins on this site dont get it?
Idris Elba and Lupita Nguyen
better question OP:
If Sauron conquered middle earth... then what?
What of the undying lands? What would Sauraon turn middle earth into? (besides an industrial waste)?
What was his endgame?
>Brian Blessed
Because he's a fucking meme character, and the films would've stayed garbage regardless
Needed more Lego Las skateboarding bruh!
Because Glenn Frey is dead and the rest of them all hate each other.
But the films were great and every fantasy film or tv project since has tried to emulate them...
Tom Bombadil would be Seth Rogen (dude where's my elfgrass? U hobbits are my homies BUT I can't help u against Sauron because it's against the Brahcode of Olyd Middle Earth dude. Now let's get baked hobbros and make a sex play with Goldie!) and his wife would be Elizabeth Banks or whatever Hollyjew spanbank they can make blonde.
Don't give Peter Jackson ideas for the Simillarion. He'll fucking do it.
>Tom Bombadil
>Not a definitive establishing point, that the Ring does not "make" one evil, but grabs onto the smallest shred of evil, to display that all mortals carry some form and level of evil, creating a narrative undertone so that the War of the Ring can then in large be narratively about establishing hat while man isn't perfect, this doesn't have to be the final truth, that they are still capable of greatness, and as such deserve to be free of Sauron, for despite all their shortcomings, the very essence of mankind is to fight back against evil both from within and without
It's like you're not even attempting to see Tolkien's work as anything more than a series of semi-interconnected events
And before one of you fuckers start spewing "Oh but Tolkien was against allegory", he was against he kind of shit where you write a fictional book but you're trying to commentate with it on current day politics. The idea that somehow him not wanting to do that means he's against stories having any sort of meaning, would defeat the entire point of literature.
There was a comfy discussion over on /lit/ on the origins of this faggot
What are Sup Forums opinion?
It's literally the story of Satan. Tolkien just straight up copy and pasted parts of the bible.
Once again kino that atheists will never understand.
Satan doesn't even have a story in the Bible
He's not even mentioned by name other than in Job, and there's not even 100% clear he's the same character as the serpent in the Garden of Eden
>What was his endgame?
Perhaps try to get Melkor out of meme spiritual prison. Also ruling people plain and simple.
>He's not even mentioned by name other than in Job
Don't be stupid
t. person who doesn't know shit about the bible
Melkor and Satan are both fallen angels whose chief sin is wanting to becoming god. They are complete parallels as literary characters.
Pretty sure Bombadil's power was absolute only within the general area of the Old Forest.
Someone will now tell you that Satan and the Devil are not the same thing.
I always expect the dumbest possible replies on this site.
>strip away all the details from both and skew the view of Satan into just wanting to become God
>dude it's totally copy-pasted, exactly the same!
>not King James Bible
You'll burn in hell, you know.
Where do you think we are.jpg
>Using an objectively inferior translation
It's fun to speak in an archaic language and all but it's much better to get things right.
What is bombadil?
Is he the personification of Arda or mind wiped morgoth?
*hand rubbing intensifies*
>Satan doesn't even have a story in the Bible
Uh oh, someone didn't actually read the bible and just parrots anti-christian arguments he reads on the internet. How embarrassing.
So you just had an ENTIRE CHAPTER with Gandalf giving the history of The One Ring and explaining how evil and corrupting it is, and the very first character the Hobbits meet when they leave The Shire takes a look at The Ring and basically goes "Nah I'm good. I'd rather sit in my hut, smoke my pipe, sing songs, and fuck my bitch."
It destroys any credibility The Ring has a threat.
Uh oh, someone memorized fictional history and thinks it makes them special. Did you wander out of a /got/ thread? they love fake history.
>GOAT movie trilogy
>no people of crime
This is not a coincidence.
>that face
>that posture
Is Bombadil into anal?