I mean real objective proof. n>100 doesn't count. hell n>10000 is dubious, but 100 is a good bar for you autist mongols. 99.9999 dna shared between the white and black race (if race is a thing which I don't believe) should be a wake up call to you inbred Appalachian sister-fuckers. "wow they have more melanin in their skin organ this gives me authority to lynch em" fuck off --source I'm aboriginal
I mean real objective proof. n>100 doesn't count. hell n>10000 is dubious, but 100 is a good bar for you autist mongols...
wow you're so smart I'll turn in my bed linens and start advocating for black lives matter. thank you op I'll be over to suck your dick in a jiffy
Fuck you op I don't have time to research racial genetism.
op here: right Sup Forums silence on your part you fucking no data having cucks. blame it on the jews though it'll be alright because who can count on jews? fucking scum white boys
niggers have big lips
First of all we are talking about millions of genes and we have problem with most of the niggers not only for a few of their tendencies but most of their social behavior and hereditary culture
The skin color is only an indicator that we keep in check to know what actions the individual being examined is more prone to do
>notmost of their tendencies
>but most of their social behaviors
Are tendencies not part of behavior? Troll harder
Implying most violent crimes and crime in general isn't perpetuated by Caucasian men.
Read that again retard
>not only for a few of their tendencies but most of their social behavior and hereditary culture
>wow they have more melanin in their skin organ this gives me authority to lynch em
literally nothing wrong with this statement
Top fucking jqj
>I'm aboriginal
what does it feel like to have the IQ of a a chimp?
If you talk about the USA them the incredible part is that an ethnic minority that only represents the 15% of the population can compete with the crime rates in flat percentage with the whites who make around 65% of the total population
If you talk about the world just look at africa
>if race is a thing which I don't believe
Agreed. It's all about the species. White species, black species, etc.
>99% of mouse genes have some homologue in the human genome.
I guess mice are human!
3% of the US population of "nigs" commit crimes
15% of US "crackers" commit crimes
Get real and stop reading storm front articles
You are mixing numbers faggot
Stop breathing and give your family some joy
OP here. I love how every reply is emotionally biased with no factual evidence. I guess I can't expect better from Sup Forums. Btw you are all faggots and your mother will die in her sleep tonight unless you post dubs.
Cut him some slack. Numbers are difficult for the blacks.
Op you didn't give any fact, go kill your family
My shotgun is in the shop
I wish there was post id's because it feels like I'm talking to one person
Herp derp race is a subject that we shouldn't fight, argue, and complain about.
I wish we would complain and fight and argue less about race herp derp.
>it's all breeds of the same race
>we're like a planetary pet, dogs to the earth
Implying I'm not trying to fight, argue or complain about it right now
Implying genes are the same as as dna and genes can be compared as dna can
Graduate highschool and then kys
Why is everyone so afraid? Humanity is a scary force to be reckoned with but you gotta accept that you're a human too. You'll give in to the same dark emotions that you question and hate, becoming an avatar of everything you thought you stood against.
>graduate highschool
now you're just projecting
why don't you try a real attempt at discussion?
Nice job picking the two last words of my post. I am and trying to but there is not any scientifically and academically backed facts in this thread.
I know right? Not even the OP could come up with anything close to pseudo-intelligence. It all boils down to being afraid of their own racism and not understanding why.
Then you are plain stupid, you came to express your shity opinion and want ppl to agree with you or deliver academic data that supports why they think you are a faggot
I just want something published in a journal proving your point that BLACKS or JEWS are in any way inferior to WHITES. I said this in the op.
You don't need a academic study to prove humans are equal you fucking nitwit. Prove me wrong
BLACKS and JEWS are just WORDS created by fellow HUMANS.
Journals are being published by HUMANS, consisting of all races. You could call yourself a NIGGER and publish a JOURNAL about how NIGGERS and JEWS are inferior to WHITES, and suddenly people like you are racist due to your naive data structure.
Unless you believe in a difference in races, we're all human. If you want to get technical, some people are stronger or smarter or more resilient, while others are more sensitive or creative or expressive. No we aren't all equal, but that's not to say we're so different we should be seen as different species.
Really? You want a journal to support something that doesnt adjust with the capitalism interests
YOU got promoted from ignorant faggot to FullRetard faggot
Op here: I don't give a fuck about niggers, jews, muslims or asians; I can't understand what the fuck you keep going on about. Were you I by them? Or your sister? If you hate niggers so much why aren't you killing them in the street?
blind toxicity gets us nowhere
yeah it tends to be, as per the manipulative nature of the more intelligent few.
What are you, twelve? If you're going to bother to type, bother to say something other than "I be funny!"
Op here: I believe partially in the latter half of your post. We are not all created equal and we do have differences. But its person to person. Not race to race.
They took the bait. I'm going to have to recast in another thread
Races are people too. Thinking like that IS racist, whether you like to think you are or not. Statistics and stereotypes will exist, but whether or not you focus your attention on it is what really matters. Tomorrow 99% of all aboriginals are assholes, do you become an agitated asshole in response or do you go against the statistic? We are the enlightened who have to stand apart from those kinds of things. Virtual misinformation and sensory interpretation from reality are very different things; Will you continue to complain and argue (yes, you are) online, or go out and be the difference you're trying to make?
Otherwise just go around trumpeting #BlackLivesMatter to pretend you care.
>But its person to person.
That can be discussed
>Not race to race.
You are forgetting that when you compare a whole race you also take in account the achievements of strong/smart/creative individuals of each race
But niggers are the ones with less contributions in the ancient world or the actual world, thats why they are inferior as a race
Jews are more like a greedy group that started a fucked up plan which doesn't involves directly with the topic
Wrong reply
If individuals are mad that their race is inferior then working to make it better would be the good choice but Many individuals of the black race keep repeating the same self pity story of enslavement as an excuse and crying for injustice while doing nothing to improve themselves
You all belong to the 85 percent, listen to what the five percenters have to say. You all ignore the truth
>black race
Are you black? If not, stop there. It's not of your concern as you cannot change it. If so, why even go into the shitty slavery thing or talk like they are a helpless breed of human?
If individuals view existing as a competition, how can anyone win if winning means that someone loses? Nothing is ever learned except that violence is the answer and losing is unacceptable. It's not a fucking contest, and it's not about races or family names, the shallow goyim. It's about love and the desire to procreate and lengthen the existence of your species. More specifically it's about the human experience and deciding to live a life of darkness or enlightenment. Lives of darkness can be spent wishing you were happier, or wondering why things aren't the way you want them to be. Lives of enlightenment can be turning a difficult struggle into amazing creative expression, or changing the way things are around you so others are happier. Quite simply it's sit and complain and drown in the floods, or get up and DO IT.