ITT: Scenes where it's okay for men to cry

ITT: Scenes where it's okay for men to cry

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>australians getting murked

lol nahhh

>ok to cry
try again fgt

>No parent should have to bury their child

the Six Feet Under finale nearly got me, nearly.

Wannabe tough guy spotted



cried from my japs eye watching this

>Atta boy, Carence!


m8 seeing a man cry is disgusting.

I cry whenever I want faggot.

So did I

When Sean Connery gets chucked off a bridge in 'The Man Who Would Be King'

gib me oscar now pls


Would you fuck me?

I'd fuck me.



God. Matt Groening used to make some decent stuff

How did he go from this and Jurassic Bark to the drek that is the simpsons now?


I'd wager that Groening is pretty much hands off at this point, and probably a lot earlier on


>crying when people can see you
That's your problem

Well to make a show for several decades and also that other animation is from the opening title sequences...

Gallipoli is a huge part of my movie childhood.

That ending blew my child mind.
Peter Weir is a "Movie Women don't Understand" director.

He also did Master and Commander for those who don't know.

this ending



This gets me every time if i'm being honest with you family



still the only one that got me

I didn't expect to tear up when I started watching this film but the Sigur Rós song as the OST of this scene got me

>I wonder if it remembers me
Why would it, its a fucking fish?
Fuck me Ive grown to hate Anderson films


>another le evil emotionless english gibson flick

Normally I wouldn't get annoyed at this if it wasn't for the fact that I actually had a great granddad who died at Gallipoli with the Aussies, and he wasn't some officer forcing Australian men to die for him, or whatever stupid shit this film implies.



I would have followed you my brother, my captain, my king.


It's specifically the British commandung officers that people take issue with. As warped as the facts about the first world war sometimes get here I've never heard a bad word said about the enlisted Brits.
It's also worth noting that the CO does eventually listen, it's just that the order doesn't get to the trenches in time to stop the charge.

Now post the dog.

but thats what happened, you dogcunt

we got fucked hard because british head shed had their head up their arse

Same, every single time.

i long lost all hope for this shitty board and then you post fucking gallipoli.
god bless you op. you restored my faith in the neets of Sup Forums. there are still people with taste out there.

>tfw my great granddad fought at Gallipoli and survived

If you listen to the Simpsons early seasons commentary, it becomes apparent that groaning was not the one who made it great. His goat Simpsons favourite joke is "I cal this one blinky" ffs

What are your legs?

>Peter Weir is a "Movie Women don't Understand" director.

Picnic at hanging rock is a great film of his and is girlcore

>tfw my great granddad on my dads side fought there too for the British, my Grandfather on my mums side was WW2 dutch resistance, and my uncle was in Vietnam
>tfw im just a Neet

>The guys responsible for getting all those aussies killed on both sides turned out to have fantastic political careers.


>having hope in the first place

Ottoman, please

Click at your own peril

>that moment Jim realises the truth
>his country's been destroyed
>the emergency services will never arrive, the chemist's down the road will never reopen, and it wouldn't matter anyway because it's not flu, they're both dying of radiation sickness
>doesn't whine or complain or even mention it out loud
>just uses his last few hours to comfort his wife

But it's true.
Churchill came back later in WWII when people had forgotten about his huge blunders and Mustafa Kemal gained a lot of political clout from defending the Ottoman Empire, helping him take control later.

The whole operation was botched from the get go. Highlights include landing on the wrong beach, which is lucky as the British plan had leaked to the T*rks and the targetted beach was a minefield.

Dat Natalie Portman?

Woody Grant driving the truck across the town

>The Big Fish
The farewell of the father

I guess father themes always gets me

fuck, friend, patrician tears on my face right now


i'm oversensitive as fuck

i cry even at the cheapest feelbaits


For some reason the Lord of the Rings trilogy have an overwhelming amount of crying material. Why?


wtf i hate america now

a million times this.


me too user. I have to really control myself when i watch something with some friends

bloodfather final scene

Also the scene following the rock being thrown his window

This scene got to me. The music and heroics seem to set the tone & then BOOM!

Niagra Falls

What movie?



patrician music too senpai

>no, my friends. You bow to no one

>that last prayer to God

Same here. Fucking incredible scene. I think another big thing is my dad basically forced my brothers and I to watch Gallipoli when we were kids to instill the idea of courage and valor in us, so the movie will always remind me of my dad.

Fuck yes...

Try coughing when you feel the tears coming, it helps stifle the process.

t. Fellow sensitivefag

My father beat me with a pipe everyday until I was strong enough to take it from him.

women just can't understand...


When The Wind Blows

Every single time.
God damn. Saddest moment in a trilogy that is fucking full of him.
MAYBE Boromir's whole death scene gets an edge on it on repeated watching when you realize that Boromir is the broest of bros

>tfw our ancestors survived several global extinction events
>tfw no one will survive this one
>everyone will suffocate and die eventually

Your father is a true man m8

You see I never cried during a movie ever, and I just realized a few days ago that everytime I watch a movie and something sad happens that I try to hold back on the tears as hard as possible, whether am I alone or not. Like it is not okay to cry

And I thought "but I don't try to hold back if something is funny to laugh, why should I hold back crying?"

So now my mission is to cry like a river at the next sad movie moment. Wish me luck anons

You were lucky. We lived for three months in a brown paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six o'clock in the morning, clean the bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down mill for fourteen hours a day week in-week out. When we got home, out Dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt!

Except that I wasn't joking.

Luxury. We used to have to get out of the lake at three o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of hot gravel, go to work at the mill every day for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would beat us around the head and neck with a broken bottle, if we were LUCKY!


What else did your dad make you do?

We used to have to get up out of the shoebox at twelve o'clock at night, and LICK the road clean with our tongues. We had half a handful of freezing cold gravel, worked twenty-four hours a day at the mill for fourpence every six years, and when we got home, our Dad would slice us in two with a bread knife!

Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, (pause for laughter), eat a lump of cold poison, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad would kill us, and dance about on our graves singing "Hallelujah."