On his walk to the convenience store, Johnny found a strange gun lying next to the sidewalk. He picked it up to examine it and fired it three times, producing a gyro, a bandana, and stick of chalk in that order. Johnny has concluded that the gun fires random objects and its behavior cannot be predicted. What should he do with this CHAOS GUN?
dubs or above decides Johnny's course of action
a get between a preceding get and its corresponding post will be ignored
in the case of unexpected thread traffic, I reserve the right to announce a limitation, in which case only even dubs will qualify
On his walk to the convenience store, Johnny found a strange gun lying next to the sidewalk...
Grayson Reyes
Nathaniel Hughes
Shoot himself in the balls
Angel Hill
shoot yourself with it.
Brandon Nguyen
shoot yoursel with it.
Luis Watson
shoot yourself with it.
Easton Hughes
shoot the sidewalk
Oliver Walker
shoot yourself with it.
Daniel Jones
shoot yourself with it.
Angel Anderson
He shoots up a mosque with it
Caleb Torres
shoot yourself with it.