What are Sup Forums thoughts on the Boondocks?

What are Sup Forums thoughts on the Boondocks?


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The first two seasons are pretty based, 3rd had some moments but wasn't nearly as good.

good show

Just finished watching it on netflix.

I loved it. Really wish I could see what college kids and BLM activists would say about it.

It's one of those shows you can use to tell who is a brainwashed idiot just by finding out who likes it

Only character I like is Ruckus.

Gayniggers from Outer Space: the Show

I have better things to spend time on

It was funny.
Then every black mother fucker wanted to be Huey.
>pic related

You literally can't like it if you're bluepilled, though not everyone who is redpilled has to like it.

It was good, but a lot of black people missed the point of the show, and though Huey was some intellectual.

This. Some episodes have some good plot (like neighborhood watch, homosexuality in rap music etc.), others were just here for the laughs (the hateocracy series, Riley trying to become a chocolate mogul, the kickball game).

Overall it's okay, approved.

That looks like fucking shit

Just by looking at the design and facial expressions of the characters I already know it's a reiteration of Uncle Tom propaganda, with a large serving of edgy

Am I right?

It's a dumb cartoon with shock value jokes.



There's a (very black) central character whose whole existence revolves around how much he hates niggers. His rants are too funny and too accurate for the writers to not at least believe in them somewhat.

Not even close you baguette eating faggot.

Dumb frogposter

>a reiteration of Uncle Tom propaganda


I have a hard time believing Yuros even know what they're saying when they use terms like this. The American race game has a ridiculously complex history and rules that you probably can't understand fully unless you grew up in it. But yes Tom DuBois is the archetypal "Uncle Tom" character and is treated as an object of ridicule diegetically and extradiegetically for that reason

So it's a vitriolic depiction of porch monkeys america, i.e. an Uncle Tom piece

There's nothing complex about it. Europeans bought niggers and used them as slaves on a continent they took over. Said niggers are still very mad, even though it's been a couple centuries

Here in Europe arabs and africans are mad as fuck as they are historically closer to their root civilisations than afro-americans are.

USA has a dream of melting-pot assimilation, I for one believe it works
It works so well people from african ancestry consider themselves american even if they hate parts of the american system
Angry african people in France do not consider themselves french, for example

Afros in America have developed a culture. Even if it's entertainment-based, it's still a culture. Some blacks would prefer the emphasis was put on academic successes, but let's face it, white people won't ever swing, so maybe each race has its own gifts they should prosper upon and partake with other races

Also there is deep-rooted racism in the USA -more virulent than in Europe because americans ALL agree that even niggers and spics and chinks are americans, whereas in Europe racists deny that immigrants can ever be a citizen of their country: the racist american has to deal with a shitskin but this shitskin is american, that makes him all the madder-
so this deep-rooted racism is socially infused through social engineering in stuff like Boondocks

I am americophile btw but I find it both hilarious and frightening that 1/4 of your european ancestors are german

I enjoy it

Very on point, more black people need to watch desu familia

why don't you fags grow up and get a job?

stop watching cartoons already you manchildren, especially cartoons about niggers

A lot of truth in the show, but it's still very black centrist. Riley with his "Jesus was black" and other nonsense just really put me off.

Uncle Ruckus is satire in the show, but he's literally the only with the "true" opinion.

With your wisdom and guidance I too can achieve a smug sense of superiority telling others how to live over the internet.
Enlighten us o teacher.


The show would have been much better if they had put actual racists of all types in it. Most racists are not violent psychos.

They should have had a whole lot of semi tolerant but "no diversity in my neighborhood" type whites. "Well ok, I'll accept a few token blacks." That would have been realistic. If some of the neighborhood members and Uncle Ruckus were having a good laugh about "stupid niggers, lol" it would have been far closer to real life. (Probably why they didn't do it.) Ruckus and Tom as the House Niggers and the Freeman's as High Yellers, it would make sense that the semi tolerant whites had accepted them. That's too close to home for most of the audience though.

A few fucking scary whites that other whites didn't mess with would have added some much needed tension to the show.

As it was, Ed's father and Gen Rummy were the best of the white cast in a funny as hell but deeply scary beneath the surface kind of way.

Prostitution is illegal.

Just one? B-but I have two senpai. Am I doing it wrong?

Well he is an intellectual, but I am not sure that that is at all the main point of his character. The show seems to be about this love-hate relationship with African American's that Huey has. Primarily, the show compares Rukus to Huey. On the surface Rukus is just a hateful stupid bigot, while Huey is a hyper intelligent leader and activist for the Black Community. But in reality Huey hates black people even more than Rukus does, and Rukus is really not a bad dude, he is hard working, honest, kind and nice. Both are expressing ways in which the Black man could attempt to rise above the cultural squalor into which they are born, and both are equally as ineffective at producing any real change.


Seems redpilled on just about everything but politics. (id est Republicans da devil) Funny either way.

Pretty good show. Of course that's if you ignore season 4.

Only anime I will watch, Its a near perfect show

Aaaro McGruder / Huey really gave up on politics after Season 2. Huey just sort of "gave up" after Barack Obama became president. It's an interesting progression and I really wonder what political views Aaron Mcgruder holds now.

I love it. 1st and 2nd series was brilliant. Wasn't fond of the series after the original writer wasn't behind the newer series but I watched them.

shits redpilled AF


Uncle Ruckus tells it as it is

Serious question, how do they get away with this? Is it because the creator is black?


Were there not cries of racism and intolerance when it was first aired? How did it survive?

But...you know every character is just an example of the different black mentalities right? Riley is the young easily influenced hood persona who believes black is right.

You realize that that is exactly how they wanted him to be portrayed?

The creator was black and Adult Swim thrives on the controversial. The series isn't racist for shock value unlike threads you see on Sup Forums, it has a point and is being satirical. Being black myself, the series shoves everything wrong and great about my culture, disguised in satire. I wish more black people saw the series and appreciated it.

Some episodes were banned though, because they directly critized BET for "destroying the black community". There's also an episode in which they obviously parodied Tyler Perry, and in response he ordered networks to never air the episode again.


Cheers lad.

They shat all over Obama and his cult of personality


Boondocks is supposed to be a hard critique of african-american culture masked behind jokes and n-bombs... kind of what the chappelle show tried to do.
Too many stupid people don't understand though and have pointless discussions like in this thread.
If youre not black, it really means nothing to you

im pretty sure more people watching the series is what turned season 3 and 4 into garbage
To quote someone... "it became less about laughing WITH us and more about laughing AT us" (black people)
The way the show evolved from the comic strip diluted Mcgruders message thoroughly

I used to have lots of black friends(former Bball star) and they confirmed nigger moments are 100% legit. I've even seen a few go down

Season 4 was shit yeah but Season 3 was great, what are you talking about? Season 3 definitely marked a change in tone though, and that's because Aaron gave up trying to have political comedy in the series, he felt like no one was really "getting it". Majority of black people thought he was just being controversial for no reason. Huey is Mcgruder's self insert, so Huey decided to stop advocating his politics in Season 3. That's where Huey's character takes a backseat and Season 3 starts focusing more on Grandadd and Riley comedy.

Season 4 was an abomination, Rodney Barnes had no focus without Mcgruder and that new writer treated the series like Family Guy except you can say "nigga" every other line.

Is it mitt romney in 0:32?

i can't wait to share this clip on jewbook before november
it's like poetry..


This show isn't redpilled at all, and I'm surprised you people are dumb enoug to think it is. It's like All in the Family. Archie Bunker might have been the star, but he was ridiculed for his racist views.

That being said, the show does point out a lot of the retarded shit that goes on in black communities, but in the end, they always find a way to blame whitey, or paint white people as racist assholes who mistreat black people.

>I find it both hilarious and frightening that 1/4 of your european ancestors are german

>Oh shit Jacque, watch out for that American over there! He looks like he has German ancestry! ONE WRONG MOVE AND HIS INNATE HITLER WILL SURGE TO THE TOP AND HE'LL HOLOCAUST US ALL!

>, but in the end, they always find a way to blame whitey, or paint white people as racist assholes who mistreat black people.
i don't think you have watched the show or at least understood it

you probably seen little bits here and there. how about you actually watch something before criticizing it whitey? typical whitey

>who mistreat black people.

But we do, a lot of people on here would like to hang a nigger. How can you deny that?


Great for the first season then shitty every other season. It became a show you'd expect to see on BET or something.


this show is a bunch of fucking garbage

>tfw named Hugh
>tfw white
I quit watching after season 2, not because I disliked season 3, but because direct tv quit having it on demand iirc.

the irony

I know, and it's pathetic that it tries to make fun of BET when it degenerated into an idiotic cartoon after the first season.

I think it's Clooney


You didn't watch the show. You're spouting ignorance.

And you're ignorance incarnate. Sup Forums may be pretty racist, but no sane white man has any plans to hang a black person.

ay yo your brother told us how you be all into READING N SHIEEET.
*cue incoherent rambling from busta rhymes

literally the most redpilled show i have ever seen

Larry Bird everyone!

Norway with the shit-tier opinion on shit he doesnt understand. 85% of the show is about personal responsibility.

>watches one episode, hears a black character mention white people

stfu norway,
no one cares about your white guilt or burden

I really think that clip is when the series peaked. It's just so good.

Whenever anyone asks me for anything animated to watch, Boondocks is one of very few shows I ever recommend.

It's extremely good if you can see it for what it is. Many people can't.

Black here (guess it's relevant): that show was my SHIT in high school

Season 3 had literally nothing of value. The fact that Huey and Mcgruder gave up speaks volumes about the intellectual state of people in general but more specifically the African-American culture.

We already have a lot of pointless comedy shows, Riley and Granddad didn't need their own.

A Canadian nigger. How droll.

Worked for the injuns

You're a fucking retard, dude.

A salty cracker. How tasteless.

Salty crackers taste pretty good.

Nigger you're on Sup Forums, you don't have a job


Everything tastes pretty good when none of your food has seasonings or spices...


one of the best moments in the entire series.

You're not making any sense, my underage Canadian friend.

seasons 1-3 were godlike, 4th was shit because the creator left the team to work on Black Jesus.

Guess ill just keep on whooshing in the free-world, my overly assumptive American bro.

so you judge your success by the amount of ill will you generate from those around you? by that definition.. you have a very bright future


That was during the bush years. They did the Obama election very well.

Agree. The comic strip was always shit and McGruder is a conflicted self hating faggot. It only seems redpilled because there's some un-PC comedy

last week in lunch, Riley says to a classmate, "can a nigga borrow a french fry?" And my first thought wasn't oh my god he said the word... the n-word... It was now how is a nigga gonna borrow a fry? Nigga, is you gon give it back?!

And I'll keep awooing on the series of tubes.

>Riley with his "Jesus was black" and other nonsense just really put me off.

That was Huey. Riley was the wannabe gangsta who lives in an upper-class suburb with his grandfather.

>uncle tom
There is a single non-nigger black character in the whole show and he's literally a cuck

>you should never ever have fun, goy, only work for the Bergmannstein Corp. at least 16 hours per day

>but in the end, they always find a way to blame whitey
Have you even watched it? All episodes besides the ones with Wuncler and Rumy are about how blacks screw themselves. MLK literally comes out of a coma to tell blacks they are niggers.

Seasons 1-2 are pretty good. It's basically a black guy telling his race to get their collective shit together so they can make something for themselves. Most of the criticism of the current state of race relations isn't even directed at white people; white people are mostly shown as being blissfully ignorant to them. Even guys like Wuncler Sr. aren't directly racist; just corrupt and greedy. My take on it was that Aaron McGruder mainly wants black people to step up and start taking responsibility for themselves and their communities.

"Man, fuck yo mamma" was the collective response, so it went to shit after season 2.

You should try putting sliced meat and cheese on your salty crackers. It tastes really good then and is very easy to make, too.

Comics were great, cartoon is shit

Based. For Hebrews.

t. Nehiyaw patriot

It's a niggerfied Bloom County.

Is that werner herzog i hear? the fuck?