What does Sup Forums think about getting married and having children?
What does Sup Forums think about getting married and having children?
Should at least be happening by your late 20s
Coming to the realisation that it won't happen for me.
God doesn't want me to have children ;_;
This is /r9k/ in disguise and it will never happen.
I'm going to have children, definitely. I just need to get a better job or some kind of better income. Finding a woman worth marrying is a huge challenge, too. I'd want the kids to have a stable family.
absolutely do it if you can find a decent bride: pure, virginal, religious, traditional values.
i want to smush my head into those high test thighs hnnngggg
Why should it happen though
I mean all I'm saying is she can Ron your life with a call by taking away your kids and making you pay her for the rest of your life. And statistically speaking, that will happen
If you're a woman with no ambitions.
If you're a man with ambitions, use your best years for blood sweat and tears to build you dream career, then have children. Whether you're 30 or 60, matters dick for men.
Im not enjoying it
I did it. If you marry the right girl its like hangin out with your best friend every day. Also youll never understand how amazing having a kid is until you have one. Im talkin LOVE. Real hard. Lol
I want to start having kids by the time i'm 28. I want to be a good father and grandfather. I'm 23 now and planning my life around having sufficient resources to have at least one kid in 5 years time.
I am almost 26, and I will put children on hold until I get the opportunity to live to my fullest potential within my interests. If I never get that, I will never have children. Because I would rather be unhappy with my life alone than set a child up for failure too.
I'm a degenerate who has a child already, at least it's with a girl I've been dating for the past 5 years and am going to marry. I'm lucky to have her though I can see why most don't want to get married
It's good. If you are 28-30 years old and you have money and prospects, it is necessary to fuck girls and have children as much as you can.
I think so.
I think I will have at least 6 children, I don't want lose such a good genetic material (my genes).
its for fags and cuckolds
I'm married with 2 children. Like any relation it has it's ups and downs. I was fortunate to have married a woman with dignity. Both my kids turned out pretty good, and my relationship with my wife gets stronger every year. We still have crazy monkey sex 3 times a week, and hang out together a lot during the week. It's truly a wonderful thing to have a person be your life partner in this ugly world.
It's expensive slavery in my place.
you are a literal cuck who wants to give your money, time and energy to taking ncare of and pampering a little kid who is gonna suck on your wifes tits in front of you. you're so beta it doesn't even take an adult to cuck you.
For the next 20 years it will not be worth the risk if you live in N America or Europe. You'll lose more than you ever think you could gain in marriage and raising a family, and I'm not even talking about redpill memes. Western society is creating an environment that completely negates family values.
If uphill climbing is your favorite pasttime, be my guest.
must happen to preserve white race
>Western society is creating an environment that completely negates family values
All trolling aside, this along with the exodus of western industry to Asia are perhaps the greatest cancers of our time.
Not a single fucking politician gives a rats ass about it.
>the exodus of western industry to Asia
you mean capitalism you retarded faggot?
>Getting married and having children
im sterile and cant have children. there is no point in getting married if you arent going to procreate.
If you're a man, early to mid 30s works fine.
Of course, it's worse than in 50-60 years to lead a boring life without the support and family.
By 30-40 years of life, live as earlier becomes just boring.
Do you think that in 60 years you'll also cheerful and ready for adventure? Lol.
You will lead a boring life, your mind and memory will fade.
You will realize that your best years are long gone. And now, your life and your identity will be gradually fading. You will not even have friends and family.
I'm not going to do it. I was lucky to not be fucked up too bad, but other people in my family got the a shitty role of the dice with our genetics. Bad.
I don't have any incentives to serve a woman anyways. "MAN UP AND BE A REAL MAN user" has been said probably hundreds of times to me now, they are meaningless words typed up by femanons that are bitter because Chad won't love them.
This. Loving your kids before they are born user. Very based.
I plan on dying the minute I cannot work anymore. I would never leech off of socialist tax systems like a fucking disgusting beta male cuckold. You should kill yourself.
>not getting married and having children
>don't preserve conservative lifestyle
>complain about degeneration of western civilization
>islamic invasion
You deserve all this.
I think it's a great way to keep a tight grip on your goy's balls to make him overwork himself even harder to provide for more people.
Wanted to. Then all I was meeting was trash women. Soon I started to see all my married friends getting divorces. Vast majority of them were caused by the woman cheating. Really ruined my outlook on marriage. Figure at this point, it isn't worth some slut getting at least 50% of what I've acquired in life just for a little pussy.
Ahahah, oh my God.
How old are you?
16? 17?
Its liberating when you give up on it tbqhfam
i'm not giving my information to jewish shill databases like you, cuck.
>tfw I have that same exact truck
Where's my thick sorority sluts?
Real men fight the Jews to make the world a better place; cucks and fags change diapers and push strollers.
Literally all I want but I swear there is no longer a trifecta wife.
down to earth
You have a window of about 2 years after high school to marry one and if you don't they'll be whisked away to college and turned into a commie.
If you don't have a combined household income (you+wife) of at least $100,000, then you should not have children
If I get lucky enough to meet a woman I want to spend the rest of my life with and want as the mother of my children, then I will gladly get married and have children, no matter what other things in life I will have to sacrifice.
If that doesn't happen, I'll use the time and money that I would otherwise spend on my family and do things that I would not be able to as a husband and father. For example: travel the world.
Fucking black college athletes. Sorority girls are all degenerate whores
>getting married
Going to, she's more redpilled than I am.
>having children
Depends, shes's not crazy about it. Maybe in two years.
It's my end goal, but at this rate I get gayer every day. I've already started fucking dudes for fun. #killmyself
To retire and relax when one is old and decrepit is fundamentally irrational, seeing that a youthful body is the best vessel with which to enjoy any task. As it's generally agreed the young feel most acutely, and the old – who by faster mental clocks experience shorter moments, who by acclimation to pain suffer less than a child, the pain being equal – one can see that they pile on pain the years in which it's most painful, and scramble for pleasure the years in which its effect will be most blunted.
marriage?, meh, having children?, damn sure.
>Going to, she's more redpilled than I am.
please explain me how a woman can be more red pilled than you.
>fucking dudes
>using a hashtag
yup, time for sodoku
I did a career reorientation at age 26. Went back to grad school for a masters in mechanical engineering
I'm single now. Won't be done with everything until age 29
At that point I'll habe to work for a year or two to pay off the debt. By the time I'm ready to seriously settle down I'll be 30, maybe 31
Anybody think this is too late for marriage as a man? I'm in good physical shape
I want to get married and have children now but I've already crossed the 30 years mark which means that the only women that show any real interest on me are single moms and near 40 years old SJWs desperate to engage in a relationship only to have a kid.
I'm 21 almost 22 and still a overweight, and balding neet with no ambition in life.
what the fuck am I suppose to do to get good?
Well yeah I wasn't really being sarcastic/ironic. Maybe I'll go to church first though.
>you mean capitalism you retarded faggot?
You mean Globalism, you filthy shill?
I'll go one step further and say that if you don't make six figs ad a man, you should not breed
I'm 27 and dreading this. What do you work as?
Am too poor and undesirable too
>tfw 26 and no degree
>will be at least 30 before i start a career
>might go back to school but won't finish until I'm fucking 31
Better than going to school at 30 i suppose.
>right girl's thighs
sweet mother of god
>please explain me how a woman can be more red pilled than you.
For starters, she's white and proud. Well-versed in banter. Sup Forums browser too. Constant jew jokes. Doesn't give a fuck about privilege, talks back to minorities talking shit in public/college because being a woman, she can get away with quite a lot.
You need to do it now
I was in similar situation last year, 27 now, but was doing grad school
I'm a software engineer. I'm good looking and have a very good income for brazilian standards.I guess my problem is that I started to carry about relationships too late and now all the decent women around my age are already taken
Why not date younger
I'm a little younger than you and was assuming this would be endgame, but I met the girl of my dreams. Date younger, just not so young they won't know what they want.
[spoiler]Also don't date BRs, we know they're shit.[/spoiler]
How old are you
Thats degenerate.
I'm 27 and single. Getting masters in engineering. No girls in program so very difficult to meet women
Where did you meet your girl
>broke up with fiancee of 2.5 years two days ago
I've been trying but there is too much competition
I'm currently 33, how much younger are we talking about? I can't stand a 2 minute conversation with anyone younger than 25
>No girls in program so very difficult to meet women
> what are Churches?
>> being engaged for 2.5 years
Yeah I've realized income is not enough. I also need to be in amazing shape and have other hobbies in addition to career to get women interested
I'm not Christian and not white either
Why did you never tie the knot
I know it doesn't mean much from some anonymous burger on a vietnamese tapestry board, but I deeply deeply respect that.
Same situation here. All of them married, practically impossible to find a good one who's available. I'm 23 and single, kinda regret ending my last 2-years relationship, she's 27 and we actually got along well, shouldn't have ended over petty stuff, would be married by now and planning kids.
Nah. 20~29 is my dating range, but most of them are already taken.
Damn, and I feel like dying alone for being 23 and not married yet.
well i worded it wrong. Fiancee for about a year and a half.
Sup Forums, to be honest. Shitposting gets serious sometimes.
If you want to meet girls into engineering you should try conventions, but honestly, it sounds a little unlikely you'll find someone with that particular interest, although if you widen it up to other math-related stuff, you can find activities where you'd meet girls you can relate too. For example, I imagine any female interested in a chess competition or Russian literature would be at the very least interesting.
20-ish. The more you think about the age, the more you're limiting yourself. Take it on a case-by-case basis: talk to girls, see if you're compatible as people. Back when I was 15 there were girls in my class dating guys your age. Some people just develop faster, I guess.
Married at age 23 in US is very odd
Median marriage age for men here is 29
>not Christian
To be completely honest, most church girls care more about you being a good man than being a Christian. They'll try to turn you into one, but that wouldn't stop them from bonding with you.
>not white either
If you're black, even easier. Black church girls make for good wives.
Learn to be a better judge of character. Plenty of good women out there with morals and compassion.
That's stupid. Freaking homeless tier people are having kids after kids and they manage somehow. If you're a proper caring person your children will grow up happy even if you are poor.
Nah I will blow my Brain out before 30 and donate all the cash I leave behind to some refugee enabling organisation.
Wow that's so edgy
>Plenty of good women out there with morals and compassion.
Citation needed.
By the time I'm 60 they will have perfected VR so I can live the rest of my life with my waifu
Popular culture states that its easier to get laid in Brazil than in most other countries in the world (save perhaps Poland).
>So i've heard...
I would be considered white in Brazil, FYI
But yeah I mean I'm pretty decent aside being 175 cm in height. High IQ. engineer. In shape and work out. Have hobbies
When I go make an effort to meet girls I actually do pretty well with them but it's rare I have time to go out anymore
>Plenty of good women out there with morals and compassion.
I wouldn't say plenty, but they're still out there, yeah. Some with insanely strong senses of justice, even.
Society is going to shit, but I still think marriage is worth it. The real issue is how people rush into relationships before getting to know the person and where they really stand, and seeing how both people react when the other is at their worst or their best. Marriage is serious business.
I'm 25 and will get married next year. We've been together for 4 years.
Everyone in my state are practicing Protestants. Being single past 19 makes it a challenge to get married, when everyone is already in a relationship and either married or engaged by the time they reach 23~25. Problem is a really want to get married, seeing all of my friends engaged/married and being single makes me feel like an outcast, at the same time I want to take it slowly and don't appear to be desperate.
I'm going to be father to a baby girl in 2 months.
How do I stop her growing up into a degenerate whore Sup Forums ? I'm a bit worried about external influences like pic related
Hell, I'm considered white in Brazil and almost everyone in my family is native. That's not saying much.
You sound fine, maybe just put yourself out there a little more. If you can't go out, try and connect with people that have the same interests as you on the internet. It's very good you're using your time to better yourself and have hobbies, though.
I think that people with more then 2 children should have to pay a tax.
Yeah tough situation. Consider migrating if you have the skill set. People still single well into 20s, sometimes early 30s
ITT pussy 30+ losers who didn't want to grow up
what are the pros and cons?
Creating more slaves for the Jews to whip. Creating more costs and more need to consume thereby lining Jews pockets. Jews need slaves, you're a good goy right?
>How do I stop her growing up into a degenerate whore Sup Forums ? I'm a bit worried about external influences like pic related
Actually raise her. Some things in life come from nature, and others from nurture: a lot of these really degenerate kids, boys and girls alike, come from houses without a father figure. Show your kid you love her but be ready to discipline her when she needs you. Make sure she knows you're there for her, whether she needs protection, support or just someone to laugh with. Don't let the world convince her that her only value is fucking: your baby girl can make things, accomplish shit.