Is this movie accurate? I had no clue of the opulence the EU leaders lived in.
BREXIT movie
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Yes, it's fully accurate.
How do the people in Brussels not complain? It's outrageous.
>opulence the EU leaders lived in
This is public employees everywhere.
>The more I learn about the EU the more I rejoice that we're not a member.
Then I remember that our government accepts all EU directives voluntarily and pays huge amounts of money to be allowed to trade with them as an equal.
God damn it all.
It's obviously biased, but all they say is true.
It's not fucking enough
Sorry Kraut. Germania will be fucked over by Britannia for a third time in 100 years ;)
I hope you and your fellow continent wreckers burn in hell!
Eurocrats mostly here.
You pay a fraction and only follow 10% of the laws.
However, you do have open borders
>uk pop 64.1mil
not even a fucking per mille of the britbongs has seen this
does it get aired on a local tv channel?
does anybody have the guts?
>open borders
Because EU said we had to.
Luckily our government sends the "economic refugees" back en masse.
It's been blacklisted by the BBC, I heard. They're massive Stay shills, but since the newspapers let it slip that house prices are set to collapse if we leave, there's a lot more Leave sentiment.
We also have to spend shitloads on lobbyists as we can't participate directly in the EU "parliament".
Pls have the Brexit break the union, it would be good for all of us.
It obviously has been written with the conclusion drawn before the opening arguments, but it still presents the case quite effectively. I'd love to see something from a truly independent and unbiased view point, but almost all notable figures weighing in on the debate have some vested interest one way or another.
My mind was made up to leave long ago, but I'd still like to hear a strong case for remaining that can't be refuted by 5 minutes on the interenet, such as;
>muh national security
>muh economic risks
>muh influence
The point that most people are more willing to listen to BBCuck news or purely seek out confirmation of their current beliefs is why the polls put remain as equal to leave at the moment. Hopefully these are the more apathetic voters who are less likely to turn out and vote.
I'd love to see 'Are Nige' getting the same level of publicity as he was in the run up to the 2015 general election right now. But I suppose that doesn't fit with the current narrative being pushed by the liberal British media.
I dunno. I thought it was pretty informative. Although I turned it off half way through because they made it kinda gay in their attempt to simplify it. And finding out about no say on laws and the destruction of industry is enough to realize it's all shit. Really really hope ya guys leave. Goodluck
Didn't like the part about democracy, cause it's the main reason world is going apeshit, but the rest is pretty accurate.
One of the biggest argument against leaving is that we won't actually lower immigration. We will actually be speeding up neoliberal globalisation as we open our anus to the world.
Nige is getting a spot on ITV to debate about it.
The BBC was kicking off saying he doesn't deserve a voice
It's not a debate. Him and Cameron will be interviewed separately and then will make a statement.
In a real debate, Cameron would get roasted.
fucking stupid britbong
Democracy and the WILL OF THE PEOPLE is just a meme
Put Bill Gates and 2 poor fags in a room and they will vote 2:1 to reallocate the wealth in the room and split it evenly
The majority is not always right and its simply dangerous
A representive Republic is superior to a direct democracy.
That's only true if we vote a pro-immigration party into power. With immigration the major factor in the Brexit vote I can't see us voting leave then voting in a pro immigration party.
Some excellent opinions you've shared here.
the founding fathers of the US were right
maybe debate them on this issue you filthy commie scum
Basically this. The general public, especially Women, vote with their feels.
Ah yes you're right, Nige is a world class debater. At least it's something.
How the BBC can complain about the biggest anti-EU voice, the main reason we are having the vote, being allowed to voice his opinion and still claim to be unbiased is insulting.
All our mainstream parties are pro immigration
If the tories were serious they would have been cutting down on non-EU immigration, but it's still as high as ever.
I have faith that we are shifting politically.
Everyone's disillusioned from main party politics. The only issue is most are too wary of UKIP so vote LibDem as the Goto 3rd party while knowing nothing of their policy
that's because they are being run by a Neo-Con bloc which will likely be destroyed in the event of a Leave vote. Conservatives cannot keep their current Middle-of-the-Road stance any longer as they are pissing off the entire grassroots with UKIP willing to take them in. If they aren't careful will genuinely end up like Labour in Scotland because once your base goes you're fucked (especially with UKIP hoovering up disaffected former Labour voters)
There is no argument for you to stay unless it's an argument the EU has paid for. Get out of it, and tell everyone you know to vote too.
LibDems are getting a huge share of defectors purely just on the "we are the other guys" platform.
My girlfriend voted for them because "UKIP are racist and I hate the other 2 parties"
On most issues, the conservatives will do whatever the loudest voices in the public are asking for so that they can sustain power. The voices that are amplified the loudest are those pushed onto a platform by the media.
Case in point:
The public, and therefore Cameron were vocally against accepting Syrian refugees on the grounds of economic strain and security risks. Suddenly, a photo of a dead child is covered by the media, and any argument against accepting refugees is painted as being racist and inhumane so there is a shift in public mood and Cameron does a U-turn.
Who cares, the normies will eat it up
>the normies will eat it up
they already did just like your other british friend
Thats why Brexit won't happen
Why do Americans feel the need to comment on our politics while adding nothing of value?
>My girlfriend voted for them because "UKIP are racist and I hate the other 2 parties"
time to leave you're girlfriend
>That's why Brexit won't happen
Did you mean to say 'will happen'?
It made some good points on the EU and the size of it, but I felt it was more about promoting the small-government, pro-free market libertarian ideal than anything else. It's not a right or left wing debate, whether or not we're in the EU. This documentary seemed to try to polarize it as that.
Council elections are always different to the general, in my experience the Tories won a lot of votes back from their grassroots in 2015 by promising an EU Referendum. Of course one would then be smart to think they wouldn't continue to piss off that grassroots during the referendum but they have, badly
Be honest lads, will Brexit happen? Nothing good ever happens..
leddit is conducting an online poll about Brexit
You know what to do anons
When neck and neck in polls, the status quo tends to prevail. It will be very close and the political fallout will be massive either way.
They killed the right-wing subreddits so it's bound to be a yes.
I think it'll be close, if any Paris like attacks happen between now and then though...
Currently 50/50 polling - if Shy Tory factor works in our favour we're gone
Spread this brit bros.
The polls say it's close but the ones who want to stay are mostly young people and if I know anything about young adults over here, they don't fucking vote yet will complain about what the government does.
Do you believe 50/50 reported polls? I always see that as an effort to get more people to vote
Yes, and pro-brexit voters are far more motivated and likely to actually vote. The most pro-remain group (18-25) are lazy fuckers and tend to not vote.
Why vote when you can click like on Facebook?
lots of the people I've spoken to up in the north are really adamant on leaving. I think when you get into the city/metropolitan areas and down south people lean more to the remain side.
That being said, the Tories are spending a lot of money on their remain campaign. It may indicate there's a large majority of people are intending to leave but we will have to see what happens. Regardless, I will be voting leave. I can't wait to watch Nigel Farage and David Cameron debate head-to-head on the 7th.
I don't believe any polls, especially after the 2015 election.
But it's useful for duscussion
>no polling booth at Glasto
This, the only "Remain" I've been hearing are from under-25s. I know for a fact a large number of these are going on holiday before the ref debate and I know they can't be arsed to get a postal vote. The young people who want to Leave are all guaranteed to turnout, I'm quietly confident lads because I can't see where the Remain vote is coming from a part from Liberally principled 30-somethings (where as we have the entire 40+ demographic locked in)
> if any Paris like attacks happen between now and then though
A chemical attack in any western european city would work wonders right about now. Yeah people on the news would say " not all muslims" but people in their living rooms would be openly hating muzzies and will be voting out.
The silent majority is not a meme.
The problem with Brexiters is that we're easily stereotyped as paranoid cranks. The guy who made this doc going onto the Daily Politics and complaining that the BBC is "The propaganda arm of Brussels" doesn't help our cause whether or not you think it's true
It is obviously biased but the eu is shit
Not enough brits are watching it to make much of a difference
I'm 24 and I'm voting to leave. Nice generalization.
>they've spent lots of tax payers money on their remain campaign
The remain booklets angered far more than they converted.
There's not going to be a head to head debate on the 7th. Just some statements and pre-recorded videos most likely.
A debate would be suicide for Cameron and for the Remain campaign.
I fucking hope they have.
We are a minority, polling shows only 18% of Under 25s are adamantly voting to leave
>vast majority of trade is with the EU
>US is not interested in a trade deal with the UK outside of the EU
>China is not interested in a trade deal with the UK outside of the EU
>Scotland wants to leave the UK and join the EU in case of a Brexit
>surrounded by the EU on all fronts
The only reason I want you to leave, is the endless amount of brit-tiers when your economy crashes and burns.
It's a fact that younger vote turnout is less than old
t. Jean Claude-Juncker
He's right the for the majority, most young people couldn't give a fuck past drinking and shagging birds after a cheeky nandos then watching the footy with the lads.
You're the minority
Learn 2 Read
>Mr Farage, the UKIP leader, will take questions first from the audience of up to 200 people, who will be drawn from across the UK. The prime minister will then take the floor.
I still can't believe that slimy cunt gets to go second
It is a generalisation and it's one that's broadly true. I'm only a few weeks past that demographic myself and would strongly agree with that statement.
That's not a debate. That's a live program.
The picture of young Britfag
>Germany will happily destroy its Car industry to spite Britain
>The maritime gateway to Europe will suddenly disappear to spite Britain
>North sea oil will be ignored to spite Britain
>The channel tunnel will be closed just to spite Britain
That's one hell of a nose to cut off
>shagging birds
>cheeky nandos
>footy with the lads
rather shitpost on pol
I'm trying to get people in my age bracket to go out and vote. Most of who are voting leave.
>Implying a trade deal is actually required to trade with other countries. So long as the manufacturing is compliant with both countries laws, or whether the trading partner gives a fuck about the manufacturing process the trade can happen.
Current polls are 50/50, but we have the elderly advantage and the motivation advantage. Leave voters feel more passionately about the cause, whereas the status quo is less likely to vote because they don't have to do anything to keep what they have.
This is implying they don't outright rig the vote though. Which I'm 40% sure they will.
Careful user, don't want a visit.
>vast majority of trade is with the EU
Vast? No. Also, we are trading more and more with non-EU countries.
>US is not interested in a trade deal with the UK outside of the EU
OK? That doesn't stop us from trading with them. Also I find it difficult to believe they wouldn't want to cash in on our economy.
>China is not interested in a trade deal with the UK outside of the EU
Citation desperately needed. we're currently improving Anglo-Chinese relations/trade. That's what the Chinese president's last visit was all about.
>Scotland wants to leave the UK and join the EU in case of a Brexit
>implying I won't pack their bags for them
>surrounded by the EU on all fronts
So is Switzerland. Not too sure what this is supposed to mean.
I saw a young lad shilling for leave on the street today. Gave him a thumbs up and said I'm voting leave. In London too..
why do people respond to obvious trolls
Tbh I'm normally Tory voting (can't vote Labour under Cuckbyn ever) and did in 2015 bc EU referendum but they're so bad atm I would either be Lib Dem or UKIP today. Leaning UKIP.
>implying I won't pack their bags for them
I like you
Because I like arguing about something I'm passionate about, I guess.
my post was satire. I aspirations include working at GCHQ and converting to islam.
I like teresa may.
Why hasn't this gone viral in UK? Why isn't every Brit recommending this to all his friends?
>Having friends
got me mum and one of the lads to watch it tho
The internet here is owned by liberal retards, that said I'm forwarding it to most people I know who'll actually watch it
i suggest making a summary of the most important parts of hte movie knowing the average britbong will get scared off cause of the length
>I aspirations include working at GCHQ
All jokes aside, I feel like this would actually be a cool job. So long as you could mentally justify it.
Ive never been big into computers and ICT, so Id find it boring as hell,and I think I would feel guilty snooping on peopls private lives.
So I just tried searching for the full brexit movie on youtube, and I couldn't find the official one. Had to go through google. Seems rather odd....
why do we want the UK to stay?
obummer "hussien" said it so i'm skeptical on why that's america's stance.
>why do we want the UK to stay?
Because being in the EU makes it easier for corporations and globalists to twist and control the economy. With that comes all the wonders of gloabalism such as mass immigration
oh makes sense. other than a short term stint of locking up immigration and sorting things out, would this mean more work visas being given to commonwealth countries and americans? i really wanted to do some work in the UK and they really don't like americans.
>pro immigration
It's a good idea to make the distinction between mass immigration and regular immigration.
I am 36 minutes into this film, just passed the part showing how many laws the EU has for the man 'waking up and having breakfast'
Not only should everyone in the UK watch this, it would benefit everyone in the world.
Particular redpill was about how large corporations actually LOVE regulation, because it makes it more difficult for smaller competitors. I never thought of it that was before. When you look at it through this perspective, it's no surprise Shillary is getting all of the corporate donations.
Holy smokes. Post this everywhere.
I did
Got banned from leddit for "vote manipulation"
That's the idea, the way the system is now a Doctor from the US or Canada has to go through a lengthy process than some illiterate Romanian gypo. Easier visas for Commonwealth countries is often mentioned