Calling blacks, 'coloureds', is offensive, but calling them 'People of Colour' isn't? Someone explain that to me?
Calling blacks, 'coloureds', is offensive, but calling them 'People of Colour' isn't? Someone explain that to me?
It's pronounced nigger
Can't. It's completely arbitrary as to what they deem is offensive in that moment.
welcome to the regressive left
no explanation
communism is devoid of meaning
you don't call the homeless "homeless", you can them "people without certain residence", because it's the politically correct thing to do, and you'll be silenced if you don't comply
now bend over while comissar ivanov expands the residence five people without certain residence into your private property to better accommodate their socio-economic status of victims of oppression by the bourgeoisie
or, in other words, sends 5 drunk bums into your house so that all of you are equally miserable
Some niggers even offended when you call them black
Somehow it's shocking that we aren't colorblind.
I can't, because I don't understand it either.
POC doesn't mean just black though, it means non-whites in general. That probably doesn't help but just saying it anyway.
One word that weirds me out is calling black people "African-Americans". It would be more simple to just say "black people", and I don't get why they like to use such a clunky word.
Every word used to refer to inferior people such as niggers, gypsies or women ends up becoming offensive over a while because the words are associated with inferior people.
There's no actual logic in it, calling negros people of color would be incredibly racist in Finland while darkskins is the preferred term.
Names people choose for themselves are okay, names crackers dreamed up are not.....
Just like "crackers".....
>calling white people "white master race" is bad
>calling white people "oppressive class above everyone else" is ok
Sorry, had to do it
It's the objectification, like referring to "the disableds", or "the blacks"
it's still dumb as shit though since it's just otherism instead, as though all non-white people are the same, and that skin colour is the only attribute that matters
lol sure, slavs are totally white people
whiter than you, sadiq
the reason/explanation is to stress that they're people
PEOPLE of colour, PEOPLE of homelessness
it doesn't actually matter or make anyone give more of a shit about niggers or bums, but there you go
I get what you're saying but it's like say "cripples" is offensive but "people of crippled impairment" is not.
I don't understand how blacks or any minority for that matter cannot see they are used and exploited by the left in order to destroy democracy.
Thought control.
If they can control what you say they control what you think.
They're called People of Oppression you fucking racist.
niggers don't care for their own
why should I
fuck off
Oh they'll make "People of Colour" offensive soon, too.
Just call them nigger
>call a group x
>group acts like subhumans
>x is now offensive and means subhuman
>call them y instead
>group still acts like subhumans
>y is now offensive and a synonym for subhuman
>call them z instead
because the term "colored" has a bad history behind it since it was used during the jim crow times dumbass
Hmm, you've got a point with the crippled thing, I suppose there's always an issue of the way language evolves; it becomes sort of cyclical
What I've always found particularly odd though, is the US insistence on the term "African American". What do you call black residents who aren't american? Or black americans who are ethnically australian aboriginals or w/e? Obviously the second would be super rare, but it's still odd.
Next thing you know the PC term will be "Basketball Americans" or "Track and Field Citizens"
abbos aren't black, they're a whole different race
black = african ancestry
You have to mention they are """""people""""", because as a white man you'll be permanently accused of trying to deny their humanity.
They literally call British niggers "British African American" to be politically correct.
>POC doesn't mean just black though, it means non-whites in general
No, it means black
>no POC nominated to an Oscar on the last years
Wait, you can call them "blacks"? I thought they were basketball Americans.
Because American niggers are idiots.
They will shout about Plymouth rock landing on them and slavery forever, but won't actually research slavery ever. They'll talk about going back to Africa and how it's an ancient and beautiful place, yet they have never been there, know nothing about it, and will never go.
I'm assuming the media came up with the term and then nogs decided it was cool because it featured the term African and is as good as excuse as any for them to bite the hand that feeds them and generally hate the country that has given them everything.
'coloreds' has a very demeaning tone to it. It is saying that there is nothing to their beings apart from their skin color. I would consider even "blacks" to be borderline offensive. People of color at least says that they are more than their skin color.
Okay then, frog. Explain to me this.
Why is "people of color" acceptable.
But not "colored people"?
Who are you calling people of colour you dahm dirty human?
Just call them ''poop hole of color''.
Just more nigger narcissism and insecurity. People of color makes them feel more sophisticated, even though it highlights just what dumbshits they are. Kind of like how they call themselves nigger to "take the power out of the word" even though they get more offended by white people using it now then they ever have.
>it be spelled wit a A cracka
Retards. Literally the only race stupid enough to refer to each other as a slur.
Why not stick with Gollywogs?
i still can't get past why it's racist to call the brown people instead of black people
the majority is brown
it's not my fault you look like shit
What about nutty coloured,or chesnut,tinged?
Niggers wield power over cucks by keeping them in perpetual confusion as to what does and does not offend them, making them avoid it altogether.
ummm.... there is a lot wrong with that haha. Generalization much? Many blacks worry about working overtime to support their kids. Don't think they give a shit about your neo-nazi conspiracy.
black = african ancestry
brown = any other somewhat dark skinned ethnicity
it's that simple, calling black people brown is not the correct term, i'm not gonna call you a pink man am i?
it's an anglo thing
it's like you always must call jews kikes instead of jews, or else your an anti semite or anti-X, Xphobe, Xist whatever here insert weird shit that should be offensive first.
>Here we call a spade a spade
Are you serious!? It became like an inside joke between them to say it. Nigga is an ebonix way of saying nigger which is a white insult. Obviously nigger would have much greater trigger factor than 'nigga' dumbass
So let me get this straight, your counter to my statement is literally, "uhmmm, there is a lot wrong with that hahah many blacks work overtime"
How the fuck does a limited black minority have anything to do with black ignorance? When whites are viewed as teaching something that is wrong, the black community loses it's collective shit, while if the white community merely points out the parallel in blacks, they're racist.
At this point in time racism is the patriarchy for blacks. It's something they can cry about and feel victimized by without actually being affected by.
How is it a conspiracy? Because I hear this shit all the time from black people?
Probably bait or some reddit faggot, but I really do hope you die.
Literally your statement repeats what "take the power out of it" means, and then fails to understand what that means in the first place.
Way to go nigger, you gave yourself away.
>suggesting the words "nigger" and "logic" have anything in common
Come on, Britbern.
It's not spelled or pronounced like nigga on purpose, you nigger. They speak "ebonix" period, so nothing is going to soound like it has an ER at the end. Even as an inside joke, it still proves they're retards. Of all things you can joke about, and still get offended by. Kill yourself.
Also, just look at the gays (whom black people hate, ironically enough). You can call them faggots and they might throw a little fit but for the most part they'll just tell you to fuck off.
Call a black a nigger or even "black" "colored" "negro" or other terms that were used to over time be more and more accommodating to their preference, and there is a 90%+ chance of a chimp out.
It's like they think attacking people for saying something they don't like will somehow improve their people.
"We gots one, Mielikki, he no say da nigger word no mo"
Any rebuttal from our adorably illiterate butt blasted nigger who keeps posting? It's kind of cute watching him try to debate.
I love you.
The People of Color should understand that they're living through the latest racist experiment.
>i'm not gonna call you a pink man am i?
not unless you want me to blush
why don't you ask the suffering cat for help on sucking my dick instead of showing your boobs off for a bunch of retards?
i think operação lava-jato in Brazil is compromised. it has been on the race for too long, its probably corrupted by this time.
the chief of the operation is a damn retarded, has a retarded daughter, and a team of retarded fishes, who are only chasing the dragon to enjoy the budget
still, i thinkl that retarded girl must open her eyes, bc it has been a long time that i'm trying to warn her, but her jesus christ limited brain functions are jammed.
and besides, you can be a freemason in brazil and choose one crime of your interest to commit without being arrested.
pigs as your family choose rape kids, therefore i don't want to live in this fucking country anylonger.
>I would consider even "blacks" to be borderline offensive.
Is "whites" offensive, then?
If not, then what it is about "blacks", "coloreds", "people of color" that make their every descriptor a slur within ten years' time?
There's a reason leftists and non-whites struggle to create slurs for whites. And there's a reason every new descriptor bestowed upon non-whites will become a slur.
pic related
that's pretty gay fampai
pls say no homo
Yeah bro you can call me a pink man if you want. Technically I'm more of a beige, but feel free to hit me with whatever you got.
So they prefer African American because they want to feel special and respected and tip toed around like the perfectly crafted historically illiterate monkeys they are? Got it.
I also find it really fucked how blacks are actually the worst about hating gays and muslims. Somehow America gave all blacks a free racism pass and now we get to watch them invoke it every 3 seconds.
Every name for a black person will inevitably become a bad word. You are describing a bad thing.
Euphemisms, when legally enforced through political correctness, eventually take on the same meaning as the politically incorrect words they replaced. For this reason, they have to be changed every decade, and the old words become hate crimes.
Are these actually legit and true?
>Someone explain that to me?
Over time certain terms and words acquire negative connotations becasue of groups that they describe and they need to be recycled from time to time.
So we can call them 'People of nigger behaviour' and that's fine?
Calling them coloured people puts the emphasis on their blackness while people of colour puts the emphasis on their humanity.
You make it sound as if they should be ashamed of their skin colour
This quandry can be resolved by calling them shitstains.
I don't get why Half caste is racist. I'd rather be called Half caste instead of mixed race. That implies I could have Indian poo poo genes.
Any term used to describe black people eventually becomes offensive to them.
> nigger, negro, coloured
It's Newspeak.
Africa is an ancient place. They've maintained their culture since dinosaur times.
It's the same reason why retards have been called challenged, special, mental handicapped, disabled, to differently abled.
Each new term eventually holds the negative connotations of the word before it and needs to be replaced once again.
A new title can't change what it's attached to.
You forgot Afro American. Another 90% chimpout chance. Their insecurity is nauseating. Constantly trying to come up with acceptable words to describe themselves because they have zero identity, and they gotz to feel like STROOONG black bruthas n sistas. The only time they are ever brother and sisters is when white is the topic of conversation. Other than that they will lie, cheat and steal on each other. They know deep down who they really are and they hate it.
>melanin enhanced
>sunburn resistant
Check your privilege, nigger
That's what I don't get. You can try to claim that there isn't a prevalent insecurity among black Americans, yet the overwhelming response to any real or perceived racial intolerance is violence or counter hate speech.
It seems like several times a week I see new articles detailing how, usually the black community, has been most recently slighted by [insert white person/company/country].
This is the reason I don't want to have children. Because it's an absolutely abysmal environment to bring a human being into. If actual American patriots don't stand up against this mockery of equality we call the political climate, enjoy having incompetent blacks, muslims and women running our country into the ground on the S.S. Diversity Wins.
Holy shit post more
I feel the same way about having kids. I know it's defeatist mentality, but I know be potentially setting my child up for disaster. Think about the amount of resistance it would take to completely turn everything around here and in European countries between the governments pushing everything, minorities, and whites being so divided.
Whites have become too civil and too comfortable for our own good. We've become weak overall. By the time we find our balls to make any kind of difference, it'll probably be too late. Not saying I won't have them. I will. Just hesitant. I want what you want, even of how little shot it is at this point. I feel like it's a responsibility to keep it going no matter what.
Call people of color "POCs" and it'll be considered a slur in time.
Why is that flag displayed incorrectly?
Like pocks on humanity's skin
This. I don't say Pee-Oh-See, I just say poc.
This. Or, to answer more accurately; it's not about offensiveness or whatever. It's about knowing the correct jargon which, like jargon often is, serves to differentiate the in-crowd from the outsiders. It's like children use secret passwords or special words like ''wicked'' and ''groovy'' used to be decades ago. These words have also changed in the same way. You're only an insider when you use the correct words, but as soon as too many people use them, they lose their exclusiveness and a new word is picked.