Who is more to blame for it?
>men or women
The fall of western civilization
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Women are not in charge of maintaining the civilization, men are. All went down when women's suffrage became a thing which is ,sadly, our fault.
When did you or I agree to women's suffrage?
At a beach in California I saw a Muslim woman with her head covered in garb. I told her no disrespect but I'm curious why come to America. She says because in this country the women rule over the man...
Just wait until we have a queen like England. We'll be full blown cucked like the UK.
Men in this country EARNED the right to vote after decades upon decades of always sacrificing themselves to defend this country.
We just gave rights to women and blacks without them doing a thing to earn it.
Ergo they do not realize how precious it is. They do not realize how much hard work white men have to put in every day to maintain and keep the same rights women and blacks are freely given.
This is why western civilization will fall.
Our ancestors allowed that to happen. The "our" was for men. You or me are not at fault, but the men in the past that allowed that.
So she basically stays a "Muslim" so that she will be provided for. But if her husband steps out of line or continually does somthing she doesn't like she will just call the cops or get a divorce. And since it's not a Muslim country, she will win and not get killed?
This is a red pill
If you let the Tigers out of their exhibit at the zoo do you blame them for trashing the place and killing people?
Men of old times knew women destroyed culture, and kept their women in check.
Men, 100%.
Men allowed women to vote and men enabled the whole fucking "tolerance" movement. We no longer take pride in what we conquered and what we created, we now feel sorry about what we leave in our wake.
I can't wait for a global war, fucking ready for this shit to pop off. I will most likely be dead by the time it does because everyone is far too comfy right now, need that big fuckin bear to wake up in Russia and start killing hundreds of thousands of Muslims and hopefully we won't be so Jucked that we fight Russian over it.
Why did they? Because remember it was a select group of men in each country who decided it.
Your average man didn't have a say in the matter and was probably too busy to really give it much thought.
>Did they actually think it was a good idea
>purely an emotion based decision
I refuse to believe these powerful men did it in the name of "equality" or "justice" or out of the kindness of their hearts
>Men of old times
Didn't do it
>men of today
Are born into it
Are saying it just magically happened leaf?
Are you referring to HRC? She'll turn herself into your Dear Leader if she wins in November.
She's not mentally stable. Just like all female leaders. I'm convinced third must be somthing wrong with them to do it in the first place
Power, it's always power. Just look at Clinton and her pandering to women for example, she obviously doesn't care about the plight of women because of her vapid suppression of anyone questioning her husbands infidelities, she's a victim blamer AT BEST.
LBJ wanted to have droves of votes for dems, so he pandered to niggers. He lost the battle, but holy fuck did he win the war, look at how fucking liberal we are now.
Theory on when things went wrong: After slavery black women started brainwashing white women to behave like them.
>ITT: People simply not getting it
Why don't you guys get it? Too many people here try to play the role of this renaissance, sophisticated, Deus Vult type guy and they are deluding themselves.
Western culture has, for over 50 years now, hated men. Hated even small boys too. That is the problem (along with the Jews). All male angst, all male aggression now is redirected into hating other men, being disposable slaves and serving women on a golden platter.
Nothing is going to change. Why? Well, because all young males these days are cowards. I'm 24 and I am amazed at how weak and effeminate they all are. None of them can stand up to women and that escalates into what we see now.
It's not talked about too much, but a minority of westerners know it, and many foreigners know it - that western culture hates men, and worships women. People would talk about this when I was younger, and I knew they were right, but I stayed away from the topic because it made me uncomfortable.
Why are women incapable of seeing that they are being used? Whether it's by
>other women
>the government
They never see it.
Then they go and think somthing like being provided for, loved, and having 2 or 3 kids is "being used". It's mind boggling.
Jews and women.
> if she wins
NOOoooo... say it isn't so! There will be no place to run. The whole world has become Americanized.
/end sarcasm
No but seriously, don't joke like that.
Explain /r9k/ and MGTOW, then.
I haven't said otherwise
They are merely a counter to what is going on. Some people chose to opt out of this game. They knew the system was rigged.
More and more however are becoming aware of the shit going on and slowly but surely perhaps in a generation or 2 things will be restored to proper order.
Oh my god, oh my fucking god you have triggered me.
My wife and I (2 kids) like were both about to have seizures last night agree on this after we saw some SJW news snippet about "woman power". The fact that a woman can think she's being used and abused by becoming a house wife and pumping out kids and teaching her children common fucking decency while having a husband go out and provide is fucking INSANE.
My near autistic spasms fucked my typing up because of how triggering this shit is
They both did. Men treated women like shit. Women got tired of it.
Whites treated everyone else like shit. Everyone else got tired of it.
Its a simple idea really, when you treat people like shit, they do the same in return.
Make of that what you will, Sup Forums is all faggots anyway.
>Men treated women like shit.
>Literally pampered their entire lives
>Treated like shit
You're an idiot.
>Its a simple idea really, when you treat people like shit, they do the same in return.
It's funny how you're such a faggot loser autistic nerd that you don't even consider that THAT is why men are not bothering with women anymore.
Women are abusing their privileges and being evil sluts 24/7, and men are getting tired of it.
Then I have to see stories in my facebook news feed of self proclaimed "alpha male" faggot dudebros ranting on about how men are the problem, and how men need to worship women again, and "WHERE ARE THE REAL MEN"?
Fucking losers, all of you.
>"my husband didn't murder me today and put food on the table. I'm pampered."
Right on m8. That's not called being pampered by the way, that's going through the motions.
Don't you have anything better to do while your bull is being prepped, Reddit?
It's crazy isn't it. And I don't know if this is just my experience but women always seem happier around children.
Even in highschool, girls I new that had little nieces and nephews seemed the happiest when they were around them.
I'm not saying women can't be happy from other things and in other ways. I'm also not saying all women like children, some definitely don't. But it seems to me that most are and do.
What's then even more "funny" is when you look at the jobs women take. Teachers (especially of younger kids/grades), speech therapists for kids, nurses, doctors who specialize in the process of pregnancy and childbirth. Any job that has to do with kids is most likely dominated by women, almost all of them.
So I ask, "why not just have your own kids, and none of the stress of a job?"
Ignore this fucking trollHe's either just trying to get a response or he's legitimately mentally insufficient. Either way it's pointless
See now, you're implementing your standard observations of biology involving women and children, it's called using baseline logic and rationale via empirical evidence. You can't do that today though, because, accepting standard biology is racist or something.
I say this as a person professionally employed as a biologist and with 7 years of post high school education in the subject.
>faggot loser autistic nerd
But that's you m8. Any straight guy with some game has little to no trouble picking up women.
You queers have this "woman is beating me up" mindset and its pretty disturbing. Just talk a girl, they're not going to eat you.
>But that's you m8
No, that's you, you faggot loser autistic nerd. I can think and say whatever I want. At least my posts have substance; you come on here and defend women because you think it makes you cool. I can just tell, you're a gay faggot.
You are not an alpha male. You are what we call a "beta male", and you need to accept that you are just another loser queer that worships women.
It's all fucked
Men, for allowing women to destroy it.
You can't even talk to women these days without having them devolve the topics into nonsense.
If a woman wants "Respect" she has to earn it like everyone else, nobody is given it from birth like an inheritance (And even those can be rescinded)
Again this is the reason you can't get a fucking girl. BECAUSE YOU KEEP TREATING THEM LIKE SHIT.
I never knew this was such a foreign concept lmfao.
Cant smooth talk a girl, dont get pussy. So fuckin simple.
I've only met 1 or 2 girls who weren't this way. I wish I had known it was that rare back then and not now.
>This fag thinks women don't want to be treated like shit.
Yeah, sure.
Ultimately men for allowing slavery to end, women to vote, the federal reserve become a thing, etc etc
I wonder
Since so many men are effeminate queers these days, I can't even tell at this point if you are a faggot or a woman.
There is a stunning similarity in how effeminate queers and femanons talk on here.
I have gotten women before, it's losers like you that come on here and talk about sex sex sex to divert from the actual topic. And I don't care if you are a woman and you don't like me "treating you like shit", woman up and learn to take criticism. Otherwise, don't bother coming here if you can't handle it. I'm not going to give you special treatment.
I like the cut of your jib
First post is best post
You can usually tell when a girl actually writes somthing. They have a certain way of talking. It's how they use their words and structure their sentences.
It's distinctly different from guys. It drips with contempt and self perceived superiority.
>muh murdered women meme
Women are rarely murdered. The fact that people are so concerned about murdered women when the chances of being murdered are so low (1 in 10,000) and even lower for women (4 male victims for every 1 female victim) shows that society disproportionately values women's lives.
Can you post the image where it's like a 3 pane picture with an image like that and then with Brussels and Paris beside it, I like to be angry
I don't have it but we should burn these things at the stake
No you haven't. You're a virgin, who's never talked to a girl outside of his family before. And I can tell because talk of sex offends you.
Secondly, if talking like a normal human being is "effeminate" to you, I take it that you have some suppressed homosexuality that you've never talked about.
Lastly, most girls can take criticism fairly well, but that's another thing you learn by talking to them.
its 2016... Every woman is a whore and you think there are virgins here.
Well............that image made me markedly more angry, so thanks.
>You're a virgin, who's never talked to a girl outside of his family before. And I can tell because talk of sex offends you.
Alright, so you're a femanon that is resorting to sex and denying my personal experiences because she is triggered that her vagina powers aren't working here.
>Secondly, if talking like a normal human being is "effeminate" to you, I take it that you have some suppressed homosexuality that you've never talked about.
wew, the projection is strong in this one lad. Just remember, you're not cool.
>Lastly, most girls can take criticism fairly well, but that's another thing you learn by talking to them.
Look at your autistic spergy display here. You think this is you taking criticism well, slut? You're not as awesome as you think you are.
But by all means, keep talking about sex and social stuff because you don't have an argument and you're a bitter lonely wench that Chad won't text back anymore.
Sexbots with artificial wombs would be the new wives. Problem solved
I know the one you're talking about but I can't find it.
Who is this minx?
Lmfao. The fact you think I'm some chick attacking you instead of a guy trying to help you see how fucking dumb you are, and the reason you still haven't got laid yet, speaks fucking volumes.
Hey man, I tried. Cant fix defeatism.
I do see that happening, honestly, we've synthesized almost everything else.
When it does, I'll have had enough, I'll GoPro a shooting spree at UC Berkeley or something.
Men for getting drunk in 20's and allowing feminism to come about while they were wasted
>a guy trying to help you see how fucking dumb you are
You are an effeminate queer little beta dudebro that thinks he's cool. You sound a lot like a woman, but I'll humor you user. You might want to get that checked out though.
>and the reason you still haven't got laid yet
I have had sex before, like I said, but a lot of vapid bitter losers like you, along with femanons in general, use sex in place of an actual argument. It's not my fault you're so vapid and hollow that you see sex as the one and only validation and experience that life has to offer.
Go kill yourself, you stupid little queer faggot.
Once again, you're not an alpha male. You are what we call a "beta male". You are not cool and you worship women because you are effeminate and have no backbone.