>If you endorse treatment for trannies you're literally a bigot
Has /r/the_donald been compromised Sup Forums?
pic related
>If you endorse treatment for trannies you're literally a bigot
Has /r/the_donald been compromised Sup Forums?
pic related
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It's Reddit so it was gay to begin with.
Fucking trannies, their whole world revolves around their delusions. People like these need to be quarantined.
Also, this reeks of a leftist infiltration to drive a wedge between groups of Donald supporters.
>okay I'm pro trump but you're literally a bigot
there is literally nothing wrong with needing to be a girl
Can you fuck off already?
This is the only treatment for trannies Sup Forums should support
Oh my god! Two whole people! SHUT IT DOWN!
>19 upboats
infiltrators hard at work
They were banning any posts that criticized muslims, so yes
What Sup Forums needs to realize is that the majority of young people, including those who lean right, don't hate people the way they do.
That subreddit is made up of young people, many of whom are from Sup Forums but don't feel the need to conform to Sup Forums's ridiculous ideology outside of Sup Forums.
>What Sup Forums needs to realize is that the majority of young people, including those who lean right, don't hate people the way they do.
Sup Forums doesn't hate. That's only a tiny minority on here that does.
Sup Forums saved my life
>right wing libertarian meritocratic values means we should leave brain diagnosis to those who have made it their profession to study
lel, someone should read how not more than a decade ago it was considered a rare mental illness by all accounts
>Sup Forums doesn't hate.
ahah memes
I would agree. It made me realize just how delusional it was to fight against "degeneracy" and I accepted myself
Looks like the mods deleted his posts for being a cuck.
Just read some more posts by that user
(Different user) >Christian churches created your free society
His response to this was
>And idiots created you by banging
oy vey goy we love Trump just as much!
>accepted myself
Please don't tell me you are a faggot or a tranny.
>Sup Forums doesn't hate.
do you think this board is satire too faggot?
>It's the Sup Forums is one person meme
Defeatist faggot detected
/r/THE_DONALD is curated and frequented by nu-males and attention whores.
/r/THE_DONALD is moderated by pro-israel, anti-liberty subverters who control subreddits like reddit.com
They DO NOT care about the outcome of the election. They DO NOT support Trump unironically.
>white mouse pad
>What a silly thing to say, it doesn't even merit a response
>I'm going to be the bigger person and walk away from this conversation
>Responds anyways afterwards to ensure they get the last word
So pathetic and annoying when people do this.
It's been infiltrated. It used to be pretty based, then, a couple of weeks ago the head mod got doxxed, deleted his account and since then it's been going to shit.
I was banned for calling milo a degenerate.
>It's a "lol why can't FEMALE to MALE trannies just use the bathroom they want? Nothing wrong with that" episode
The issue time and time against is male to female degenerates. Why do people always do female to male? And what's wrong with being butch female or feminine male? Those are usual stereotypes for gay people. Now it's like they're being pressured into cutting their dicks off to prove how gay they are.
as long as Sup Forums doesnt turn into a bunch of know-it-all big words make me look intellectual internet dipshits trying to convert eachother to some hive mind thought process thats just down right extreme were going to be ok.
Check your privilege
nice setup desu
He likes using Reddit so he can pretend he's American instead of his leaf or bong flag showing.
Guys the posts in question were already removed and the faggot banned for concern trolling. Stop crying out TAKEN OVER THE JOOZ every fucking time you see a post that got through the cracks there.
This setup couldn't possibly be more reddit if it tried. Gross
>going on Reddit
Holly shit I just realized Reddit is suppsed to mean "Read It"
yes it was posted in the trump general.
that's the point
Dear god she's ugly as fuck
das racist
>not just getting gas strut monitor stands
What's all this shilling about the reddit site being "compromised". Sup Forums never gave a shit before and now we are supposed to. Fuck it I'm a #Cruzmissile now
>farewell, poor fool
Cringy as fuck thing to say
>Woods of Ypres
Great taste.