Has he made anything but shit recently? What happened to his career?
Has he made anything but shit recently? What happened to his career?
Probably that leaked audio of him threatening to kill a stagehand
Has he made anything good ever? Like a movie where he was a defining, irreplaceable factor?
I want you off the fucking thread you prick!
Yea. Dubs man.
>he hasnt seen american psycho
fucks sane man you're amateur
he fell for the "im ready to try new things and move forward in my career" meme and stopped being batman. Oh well, at least he got to suck on Natalie Portman's toes, so I guess it was worth it
I have. Incredibly mediocre film with an equally mediocre performance.
I mean it's not like there was much to do with the script, it's just not particularly interesting. May as well say Shia is irreplaceable as Sam Witwicky.
American psycho, the prestige, arguably the batman movies
This is probably a role he'll never top.
>dropped out of Steve Jobs
>dropped out of the Revenant
I didn't think it was possible to have such awful taste
>what is knight of cups
oh wait, you're a pleb
>What is knight of cups
>What is weightless
Is it any good?
>dropped out of Steve Jobs
Thank fuck, I can just see it now...
Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman as Steve Jobs.
christian bale has only played patrick bateman in one movie
go watch some more movies, he was way better in the machinist and rescue dawn
Its complete drivel
Is it worth watching? I fapped a bunch of times to the foot fetish scene on youtube, Im a big fan of Portman and Bale, but I dont know if I should take the time to see the whole movie. Should I marathon it?
THE BIG SHORT he played the autistic math man pretty well imo
It's very Malick. I liked it.
nice """"opinion"""" homo
if you like malick sure, if not no
>Should I marathon it
what the fuck does this even mean?
Yeah but that movie was pretty bad desu
Uh, it seems you were not brought as a friend.
There is a lot of Patrick Bateman in his performance of Bruce Wayne.
Structured so weirdly, which is all it honestly had going for it. Not to mention the touchy subject of getting fucked by banks which all can relate to
If dubs you admit you're wrong and then kill yourself on a livestream.
Yeah in BB the drunk party scene but being calculated was some Bateman shit
The Machinist
The Prestige
Empire of the Sun
The Big Short
The Fighter
If dubs 2016 claims Christian Bale next
So OPs question hasn't been answered yet, what the fuck happened to his career? Is he evern working on anything good?
Besides prentious malick stuff
Him, Adam Adams and Robert De Niro are the only good parts of American Hustle. I still can't believe that mediocrity got such outstanding critical acclaim.
He was great in The Big Short.
>Adam Adams
AMY Adams
Is this just a thinly veiled dubs thread?
wouldn't expect an illiterate to understand Malick
Knight of Cups is an extraordinary film. One of the best of the millennium.
Nice dubs, user
You're a footfag so you won't understand shit.It's a movie made for intelligence audience.
Not that user, but take it east. We can be patricians as well. I mean, Malick did make the film after all.
>Take it east
Sounds like a line from Knight. I meant "easy."
gods and kings was good.
What happened to his career is Batman made him a superstar so he no longer has to do a few films every year to stay relevant. He can now carefully pick and choose what he wants to do.
>I'm a pleb redditor
So I take it no one has seen the big short? That's the most recent thing I can think of with him in it.
;Look at his IMDb page: a movie with Oscar Isaac, Jean Reno, and James Cromwell, a movie with based Stephen Lang and Rosamund Pike, a Terence Malick movie with too many famous names to mention (Ryan Gosling, Michael Fassbender, based Benicio among others), another, totally unneccessary Jungle Book adaptation with a great cast.
Bale is doing great.