This bread though
This bread though
Other urls found in this thread:
Seems tasty enough
I do make tasty things
A nice pasta would do.
Id do that too.
Sure is summer in here
Hah. Haha. Hah. You must be new here.
I like simple things though
I truly wish I had a summer break instead of a job.
Pasta is simple though.
I'll probably boil some soon.
I like spaghetti more.
We had chicken and veg for dinner. I have fud babby.
Thats a type of pasta
do these animes even know how to draw cute feet?
cant be better then the real thing
also spaghetti ganganggang
I'm back
What kind of spaghet?
Hu dis
Aren't you supposed to be busy fighting kangaroos
I dunno. What heretic am I talking to?
You know which one
idk what you americans call it
sauce with ground beef in it poured over it
those feet look pretty tasty
Oh. The quad nigger now.
well English language mybad
Sounds good. Went to a town fest yesterday and they had quite the traditional dishes.
Im Strayan
I dont have to clean. Feels good man.
thats pretty scary
Eh I guess technically. Not officially claiming Ruler but when you get banned instantly for posting here with my actual claim I just tired of it so I'm posting from my second largest folder
Do the spiders kick in your door from time to time?
Yep, Yep. That's always a plus.
Not really
No. Its too cold rn.
Very much.
I'm used to it by now
who is your usual claim?
Time to mix drinks and change lives.
I'll leave that for others to find out
Shouldn't take long for anyone to figure out
pls tell me, im retarded
Gil is best John
Such a heartbreaking fuckboi.
But who did he fuck? Cause he totally fucked.
It's been quite some time as far as I remember.
Surely not Mario. Kek.
I bet it was.
Hey Noire
Doing well?
I hate saber
Where's Alma though.
Not at all, been feeling like shit since Monday, but I'm trying my best to not give in despair or anything.
In one of the endings. Gaby best imouto.
someone said Gaby?
Oh hey there's the Rider poster
That's unfortunate. I hope things get better for you
Not the shit Gaby. The good Gaby.
I don't see the problem?
Play VA11 HALL-A and pick a good Gaby kthnx
Is this working now?
No reason why it shouldnt.
Well there was that incident with the mods being mad...
Can't tell if loli thread or waifu rp fags.
I gotta get some sleep
Mods are always mad.
>he doesnt rp using cute anime girls
Trying to 100% it, only miss the flamingo achievements, Kira's ending and the flawless service for every day.
It will take some time.
I guess a mix between both, maybe.
Will give you everything but the Moais. Save and reload for those.
>tfw on new game + and bought everything
Sei and Kira a good. Streaming-chan os good for laffs. Virgilio a shit.
My little angel!
>he thinks hes people and is allowed to have an opinion
Im not the one with a shit waifu
>tfw just read the wiki page for Gabriella and was disgusted
Not surprised tbh
>I'm not the one with a shit waifu
An edgy horny Gothic Lolita sounds pretty shitty. Plus Gabriel isn't even my waifu. Of course, you'd love a shitty tsundere like Gabriella.
And these are all reasons why you aren't allowed to be people.
Then why post her you filthy heretic. Even I have standards.
>edgy horny gothic lolita
>implying an angel version of Tomoko is any better
Nigga you better check your own shit.
Because you said Gaby. Also my waifu said I can't post her
>even treating the thread as actual RP
Its like you ask for a bulli.
Also I don't like wasting hard earned pics that I had to screenshot myself
>he wont even show his real waifu
Its like you dont even have one and you're just avatarfagging like a cuck.
>not posting your actual waifu in a waifu thread
But why
>implying an angel version of tomoko is any better
Yes, she is actually. At least better than moe Satan and edgy goddess of love
My waifu says not to post her
>He still thinks he's people
Cracks me up
hEY GUYS!!! what is THIS fhread is this the meme threadb??
>he says posting Lori instead of Eu
Oh I'm just a plain heretic. Eu and Iori were pretty equally important to me anyway.
>Hey Jim, what kinda wood is this Korean zombie desk car made out of
>moe satan
Do you even do the different animes? Who is a mow satan in GATE? There isnt even a Satan.
>read a little more on Gabriel
Oh God, its just an angel Umaru. This shit gets even more cringe. How is the divine hamster?
>my waifu says things to me
Wow see a psychologist you wackjob. You hearing shit and shit.
here is my waifu i hope u like (((him)))