Who is this guys target audience?

Who is this guys target audience?

Is it Millennials?

Do they get political insight from comedic satire?

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Who is OP's target audience?

Is it Underaged?

Do they get autistic insight from reposted threads?



>Do they get political insight from comedic satire?
how else would they? gotta get down with the kids when youre a liberal twat

yay time for a memer thread

I'm kind of worried that my generation only gets the news from people like this. Like it's not even an exaggeration. Shit like John Oliver and the Daily Show is how they learn about the rest of the world.

Yeah, they're stupid. They should be getting their political insight from Sup Forums's many dank memes.

He discusses social and political issues with an easily digestible, moderately trendy humor - couple that to the fact that his subjects are, more often than not, things which almost everyone agrees are in need of correction (Auto Lending, Municipal Violations, Infrastructure, etc.), bringing their often ignored existence into light, and you have yourself fame.

His more eminently political segments are less propositive and interesting in my opinion, relying more on deconstructing in a somewhat funny way the entities he (and his public) antagonizes instead of putting forth data or reasonings to prove himself right, but then again doing so wouldn't do much but alienate viewers.

Though I mostly share his positions (with the obvious caveat of not being so facile with my "solutions"), I dislike his political stuff as it's more a resonance chamber than everything else, and that's insufferable - but you can't deny he did some good /and funny) pieces.

Well, as opposed to us that get it from Sup Forums.
Much better this way.

i hate you

he presents unnuanced arguments for dilettantes. him and his ilk's collective horror over the workings of society is like a microcosm of this generation's belated entry into the realpolitik of adulthood. dont they teach hobbes in school anymore?


an entire generation raised on talmundvision.

it is a recipe for disaster.

Protip if you are at least 18 years old right now you are part of the millennial demographic.


>It's an OP makes the same thread every day episode

Would you perfer fox news or cnn? Msnbc? Yahoo?

Best posts.

You guys are just mad cus you're old. Funny news is still news.

Well, that's my point as well. He rarely manages to say something actually logically cogent in such a way you can't help but accept the truth of what he's saying (referring to elenchos, by the way, not just blindly following someone's thoughts), but frequently manages to expose issues people *might* educate themselves on autonomously - but obviously most don't, as is the nature of things.

And I mean, yeah, he's paroxysmal in the way he expresses disgust over the workings of society but the basis of political action is feeling "enraged" or "amazed" (think thaumazein) by how things are, then wanting to understand and change them. And again, if you do so just because lolideology then you're an idiot.

People from Sup Forums get their news and information from infographics and memes. Seriously most people here don't ever read anything serious, only repost infographics to prove a point

I get my news from Sup Forums.

You seem to imply that millennials aren't allowed to criticize their own generation.

I one time worked with a guy awhile back who was about 19 or 20 and he once told me he got his news from the John Stewart show. He was a white rapper btw.

Why does anyone give a fuck what he says when he called for Europe to accept the refugees with open arms, which has been an unambiguous nightmare for European citizens many times over? Seriously, do his fans simply give no fucks that he was so fucking wrong it got people killed and women raped who didn't need to be killed or raped, and is straining Europe's economy to the breaking point?

I used to get it from panel shows when I was a teenager.

Has he ever explicitly called for that, though?

He probably agrees with most politically invested liberals, that are a reduced intake is superior.

I actually don't mind taking in refugees. I just don't think they should be treated as citizens but without the obligation.

I also think that every country that chooses to take them in should also help out in the war, hopefully encouraging the braver refugees to help take back their homeland.

Not only allowing but encouraging them to become leaches is extremely counter productive however. And it is building resentment.

yes, he said france would need imigrants or they would die out. then he threw up a pic a beret wearing skeletons and pointed and laughed.

the next week bataclan happened. he hasn't been dumb enough to revisit his old topic.

Literally all his jokes have the same set-up
>Why yes, senate hearings are a bad place to have loud smelly farts
>Just like -insert wacky non sequitor'
>Pulls retarded face and makes an excited illustration while flailing his arms around
>Audience laughs uncontrollably

And that's all the jokes in his show. He sometimes finds out interesting stuff about crap no-one bothered to focus on before, like districts or auto lending, but even those are incredibly one-sided and poorly argued. He has a good research team and that's about it. He has zero charisma and his jokes are unfunny.

So people who are 50 right now are also millenials?

To be reminded of the current year

22 year old in my class always watched Oliver on his laptop during down time. Said his favorite politician was Elizabeth Warren and that he picked our school after researching on reddit. So walking memes watch Oliver.

I'm 20 and I still get labeled as part of the millennial generation

Honestly anytime any underage acts retarded people just label it as part of the
>hurr durr millenials

Everytime frankie boyle tries to give some kind of witty political insight I fucking cringe