Bravo Refn
Movie of the year definitely.
It was Dean
Bravo Refn
Movie of the year definitely.
It was Dean
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Is that the BLACKED girl?
>Movie of the year definitely.
have you only watched this one film this year?
0 respect for Jesse after she didn't call the police when John Wicked raped the loli next door.
Sadly, yes. I don't get it how Refn chooses her actresses.
Why did you even have respect in the first place?
I was undecided before.
Second half was a complete disconnect from the first
No depth to Jesse, no motivation for her behavior
Blue/Red triforce garbage
Refn hasn't improved
The fact that she wanted to go modelling in the first place makes her a bitch.
How does a danish guy get into hollywood in the first place? With what money?
>I ate her
What the fuck Refn
What did he mean by this?
Are Refn, Kojima and Anno the exact same person?
the imdb synopsis literally details that
What were they trying to tell us in this scene?
Stop posting.
Try to improve your intellect. You're embarassing yourself, it's clear you need excessive use of expository dialogues in order to understand a film.
You're to kind of people who claim Evangelion is meaningless and who pretend to like David Lynch.
>You're to kind of people
That BDSM sex is just as fun as it looks like.
he is literally lying to his investors
he got the money for only god forgives by telling his producers he is going to do a martial arts fighting movie in the tradition of drive.
he probably advertised the neon demon as some kind of thriller.
never is he telling them he is actually up to making pure kino.
He is talking about Only God Forgives FYI
obi wan dies.
>It was Dean
What did you mean by that, OP?
Does Elle even show her tits in this movie ? If not then why even make it ?
>Then why even make it
Here's Refn on that:
They're portraying a 16 year old you sick fuck, you think they'd show tits?
The movie sucked
It's his method.
He's "deep" and his work reaches you on a "deep" level. Cool, right?
Finally watched this last night, really interesting.
It made me think he's more autistic than I thought, but at the same time, more of a committed visionary auteur. And the Goose made me question if I was gay a couple times wtf.
>tfw his kid pulls a Spider-Man and descends a building's exterior on the 42nd floor
>Cool, right?
No you sound like dweeb. It's not deep. It's visceral, it's feeling, it's kino.
t. proud fan of captain america civil war
Are you sex or are you food? Beauty isn't everything it's the only thing, and beauty can either be that which brings new life(sex) or that which feeds life(food).
That's the entire foundation of this movie, she was a virgin and chose to retain her virginity and as such chose to became food.
I don't know why so many people have such a hard time understanding this movie it's very simple at it's core. It flat out tells you what it's about.
focusing on feeling is quite feminine, you know?
The whole foundation of the movie is
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Therefore -> eat the eye . Also first and last shots of the film are Jesse's eyes.
Stunning visuals, wish I could have watched this one in a theater
Nearly 10 years of Marvel brainwashing will do that to people.
The murder of the motel neighbour dum-dum.
Cool, bro. le epic bacon and such. Manly things ;)
Evangelion is meaningless. Even the director admits he's making it up as he goes along. It's really nice looking nonsense though (the 90s originals,not the ugly new cg bullshit films).
It's not a bad thing.
It's just a shallow thing.
I have nothing against puddles, but they don't endlessly fascinate me.
And the eye on her bed during dream(?) rape sequence
Why do people think it was Dean who raped the girl in 214?
Evangelion is literally the most layered and meaningful work of fiction ever conceived by man.
It makes Ulysses look like Goodnight Moon.
because he was pissed and Keanue told him about the chick in that room.
I don't know that it was, i'd like to think the film had one person who wasnt a monster. But it also couldnt have been keanu because raping your guests isnt a tenable business model.
I prefer to think of it as just, dread. A random act of violence in a sick world/town.
For the same reason they thought the Joker was in some way Robin in Suicide Squad: they're retarded
In the real world (e.g. politics) it is. Because men are better at repressing feelings. That doesn't mean however that men are emotionless robots. Notice how most emotional films that are popular among and/or made by females tend to portray emotion, rather than evoking it, where as male-made films tend towards the opposite (evoking emotion rather than simply showing it) - which is exactly what this film does as well.
Because they didn't pay attention to the obvious mountain lion growls and didn't realize she was getting mauled not raped.
Just because the creator claims that his creation is meaningless, doesn't make it meaningless in an empirical sense and it also doesn't make it meaningless in the eyes of other people.
Films with depth don't necessarily exclude emotion.
Yours is not really an argument for meaningless films.
Really makes you think huh?
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
never heard that one before.
stop bullying refn pls
Ironically, like Keanu.
I made up the term 'capeshit'
Keanu Reeves being in it actually improves this movie's credibility, due to his track record of picking good movies to be in.
I felt for him when he hit himself in the face.
One one hand, yeah he was distant w/ his wife it seemed, on the other, that's who he is, lady.
the focus of neon demon is showing scenes that don't necessarily move the plot forward, but makes you feel strange feelings. like mountain cat in the room, the entire opening 15 minutes etc etc. The ending. The subjectivity is the point
Reminded me of Joey Etsobatsu
So we can all agree that Refn pretty much spearheaded a new sub-genre of film, yes? What shall we name it?
Autism Kino? Neon-Noir?
NeonKino alt. Pure Kino
a roller coaster makes you feel strange feelings, too
another category added into the arena of art
I'm sure you did kiddo.
Applying an exquisitely chic aesthetic to B-movie/genre plots
That was already a thing though
The only value this "film" has is in serving as a comparative example that brings out the merits of Knight of Cups.
>an exquisitely chic aesthetic
worst writing ever. very cringe-worthy.
>using the word cringe
>accusing others of being cringe-worthy
i cringed.
This is the artistic creative writing ability I would expect to come from someone who respects Semen Demon as a great film.
Thanks for being consistent.
Grow up you fucking idiot. Cineastes are talking.
Oh look, you're that same faggot from every other Neon Demon thread.
Movie was the definition of pretentious. Tried to be Black Swan, forced hallucination bullshit for no reason, boring and pause-filled dialogue for no reason. Majority of the movie had its plot ripped from Showgirls.
I like this. This is, at the very least, way more articulate than anything a fan of the movie has had to say.
>tfw found out Elle Fanning is taller than me
Don't post that nigger loving bitch
>Tried to be Black Swan
>My cinematic knowledge only goes back half a decade!
more linear logic by small minds.
It actually tried to be Persona really hard, no wonder a Dane has a hard on for a Swede.
The Neon Demon was an interesting deconstruction of aesthetic values and a compelling modern retelling of the story of Narcissus.
>it's a belabored fashion ad
so deep.
what is he talking about there?
He's just thinking out loud, saying nothing, really.
Just the first movie that came to mind when watching it, and Showgirls. The thing is, Black Swan had build up to the hallucinations and insanity. This has nothing. The most generic of symbolism, beauty in the eye. Bam triforce out of nowhere.
You're only projecting your own depth buddy.
That's how art works. You see in it what you put into it.
If a belabered fashion ad is all you see in it, that's because you've seen too many belabered fashion ads. You have my pity.
>all art is the same
Too thoughtful to me.
probably appeals to illuminati conspiracy eye of the pyramid types
Swedes should pe raped and killed
That is the objective message of the film.
You're just jealous you never had a threesome on the beach with young boys
>all art is the same
That's not what I said. You can learn a lot about a person of how they react to a certain thing.
Good art works as a Rorschach drawing. People see different things in it depending on the individual.
I'm actually saying the exact opposite of what you put in my mouth. I'm saying no art is the same. Even the same piece of art is different to different people. This should be apparent to anyone with half a brain.
I still maintain it was one of the girls working for Ruby
Dean was too nice to do that. He's the sort of kid that would just cut his losses rather than all that