What did she mean by this?
''I bypassed the compressor.''
The files didn't have to be zipped first
If she was a man you wouldn't have even noticed the line, bigot.
>I bypassed the character development lmao
>tfw dont know how to bypass a compressor
-white male problems
It was a metaphor for her bypassing the character development
I want to rub my cock against her teeth
"chewey we're home"
>tfw compressor has not been bypassed
I'll bet the stupid bitch activates her almonds, too
But a compressor is usually a hydraulic or air system part
How can she bypass it by yanking out random computer chips?
because she was smarter than the engineers that built the ship.... DUHHHH
What happened to the other Knights of Ren?And since when lightsabers can give someone dream & wiped memory sequences
It means she broke the air conditioner
>But a compressor is usually a hydraulic or air system part
thats why you're not a jedi
the opening scene was great - the rest of the movie was terrible
i should have just left after the opener
except for that quip when he was on his knees was kind of out of place
I loved Kylo Ren.Probably the only good written character from TFA.
does anyone have this pic with the chink eyes
The fact that there are people that actually liked this travesty speaks volumes about the level of intelligence of the average population.
A good question for another time.
Yea a man would have delivered it better. Not Oive baipuhse tha compuressuh.
Imagine Ford saying the same line. Like you said, you wouldn't notice it because film acting is supposed to be subtle, not school play tier.
Its a movie for children, champ.
The best answer to anything and everything unexplainable in Star Wars movies, the force, duh.
Tell that to Kanjiklub's snapped neck
I wish fin would have pressed his face against her ass when they were crawling around in Han's frieghter. Just pushed his face in and took a big whiff.
>old men actually do that
That makes me worry that I'll still like animu and go to cons to creep on cosplayers when I'm 50 or something.
What do you think her poop tastes like?
This is sad, just sad.
Chewie, we're home. And a big shout out to the folks in the audience, we couldn't have done it without you!
*Audience cheers*
"I bypassed the compressor"
*queue laugh track*
>Finn gets shanked in the sholder
*Audience gasps*
Someone with editing skills make a video or I'll make a really shitty one.
Who is Kanjiklub? Like I don't remember them saying that name in the movie. I also barely remember the movie.
Not really, I think they wanted to portray him as an edgy teenager who rebels against his parents and who wasn't completely lost up until the moment he decides to kill his father. I don't think they intended to make him quite as pathetic as everyone ended up seeing him.
They just went too far with it, we were just supposed to see a regular unimpressive dude when he takes off his helmet, someone trying to look more badass than he really is, but I don't think they expected the public to outright laugh at his face.
The problem with that is that it completely ruins the main villain and there is no one else in the movie who can replace him.
- Snoke is on screen for like 3 minutes and doesn't do shit. His role is similar to the Emperor's in ESB but ESB had several competent villains
- Hux just looks younger, crazier but not more competent than any of the imperial officers we've seen in the past. If anything, him being so young and having such a high rank makes it look like he was casting-couched by Snoke or something. He's a bitch when you compare him to someone like Tarkin
- And Phasma, well she isn't even worth mentioning.
By hyping up Kylo Ren with the marketing campaign and making him look like such a strong villain in the beginning of the movie, then turning him into a pathetic emo teenager, they made the character less threatening. The main hero has already beaten him and she will only grow stronger from now on. If they want him to be a threat for the good guys again, they're gonna have to start over and build that up again. Once again, it could have worked but they needed another strong villain to take his place and show the first order wasn't just led by a bunch of incompetent unimpressive 20-somethings.
The little orange thing
Underated post
At least they're having fun.
>I bypassed the exposition
Thanks, diet yoda
>he doesn't know Mary Sue turns to the dark side and Kylo to the light.
Some one should tell him.
The dark side was never meant to be rational. The First Order is meant to be scary like a school shooter, they're not meant to be this super competent organization like the Empire. Them all being young losers with daddy issues was intentional
>They meant for the villains to suck
Overrated post
What's the problem with liking things?
Part of becoming an adult is to come to the realization that you don't need to stop liking the things you enjoyed as a child
It is a childish notion to think some things can't be enjoyed because of how people see them.
I guess that is also why edgy kids are drawn to things like South Park or things they deem mature, like smoking and alcohol.
If these men find joy in dressing up in funny costumes and watching a space opera, then let them.
The world is shit enough as it is.
Couterpoint: EP1, literally everybody complained about little mary sue Annie
sjws don't care about things like "narrative structure". they just want people they like depicted positively and people they dislike depicted negatively. the post you're responding to probably makes a lot of sense if you're a nu male
>these newfags were not on Sup Forums when episode 7 was released in theaters
Does Sup Forums think her character can be redeemed?
I hope so but they gotta tone down her powers first.
No, everybody loved Anakin in TFM, every.body. especially manchildren.
The Empire suffers from the same problem in Rebels. They're extremely incompetent and Disney seems to have a lot of trouble coming up with a decent villain that can be a real threat to the good guys.
>The First Order is meant to be scary like a school shooter
Not sure about that. They're still very organized, they keep building new weapons and are still improving their technology.
I think Abrams himself said they were more like the nazis who escaped to South America and something like the FO is what would have happened if they managed to get their shit together and raise an army again.
They're underdogs at the beginning of the movie but the destruction of the New Republic is supposed to even things out between them and the resistance. They're very much supposed to be the Empire 2.0.
>Does Sup Forums think her character can be redeemed?
Maybe. Showing us she can be fallible and sometimes needs the help of the other characters would be a good start.
Her characterization in TFA will always be shit though.
>yfw they do the side swap and kylo goes to fight darth rey but gets killed
>rey looks at his body and decides she no longer wants to be evil so she goes and kills voldemort herself
>the deathstar 2.0 2.0 fires but she uses the force to curve the beam and make it shoot itself
They don't "suck" because they're not generic edgy sith lords like in literally every other piece of star wars media
That's a juvenile way of thinking
i don't even know what a compressor is or why someone would install one when it clearly makes the ship run like shit
can someone change the condoms to a multipass card
wow, it's almost as if i'm back watching the thing during the premier
when luke was in the trench run did the torpedos curve due to the force or were they designed to curve?
That the force is so powerful that an uneducated scavenger can make complex electrical engineering decisions on an outdated and custom-made ship.
>not activating your almonds to go with your coconut kefir
>Does Sup Forums think her character can be redeemed?
Yes, as long as they have the dark side pull on her
>The Fantom Menace
>generic edgy sith lords
Which is pretty much what Kylo Ren is. He's basically an extra whiny and weaker Anakin wearing a fan-made Revan costume.
In fact, every villain in this movie is just a shittier version of characters we've seen in the past.
Snoke is a shittier Sheev, Phasma is a shittier Boba Fett and Hux is your average imperial officer, except he's younger.
My grandma used to make the best homemade coconuts. Now whenever I eat those store bought ones it just isn't the same.
Like when they said they were going to complete his training.
You're trying way too hard to find a problem with Kylo being edgy. It makes sense, he was born into privilege, but idolized his grandpa Darth Vader, it's so damn realistic.
Phasma will have a bigger part in the next movie and Kylo will have leveled up.
Doesn't mean a fucking thing. There is no machine on earth that can somehow be made to work by yanking out some of its electronics.
I hope they switch sides. It would be cool to watch Kylo have to level up to fight the big bad mary sue sith lord Rey
Well isn't she Luke's kid? The memories from the lightsaber shows her being left on Jakku.
that's just what abrams wanted but the other directors don't want it so they're going to scrap it
>See, it's easy to lose weight if you buy obscure, overpriced shit like me!
you can make a car work by yanking out some cables and bypassing the key ignition
More likely she is related to Obi Wan. In her vision you can hear his voice
>implying those ingredients make it any easier to lose weight
Unless you're shopping on a shoestring budget, buying more expensive shit won't make it much easier.
>Like when they said they were going to complete his training.
>Kylo will have leveled up.
Same thing with Rey and she was already overpowered.
>It makes sense, he was born into privilege, but idolized his grandpa Darth Vader, it's so damn realistic.
Yup, all the rich kids join a neo-nazi organization, want to rule the world with an sick old creepy pedo and end up killing their fathers because they idolize their child-murdering grandpas. So damn realistic indeed.
But him being edgy wasn't even the problem. The problem is the public has a hard time taking him seriously. The next director will have to work on that and make sure the bad guys don't end up being much weaker than the heroes, which appears to be the case right now.