
Are SSRI's dangerous?
Recently prescribed 10mg Escitalopram a day.

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I think you already know the answer.

they might help. follow doctors instructions . check in every few weeks..


no they are fine. took them too

I was on them for 3 years, i was hungry all the time and had no ambition to do anything. if your anxious/depressed its cause you dont like your circumstances, so change them

Why do you think so?
If they are, do you know an alternative?


Babby's first antidepressant.

There might be side effects.

It's your choice really. Stop taking them if you experience muscle spasms.

No. If you start getting intense negative feelings, stop taking them and tell your doctor. They will put you on a different type of anti-depressant or recommend something else.

That being said, don't start taking them until you've exhausted most of your other options for getting better.

They're bad for you. Only people who have a terrible condition should resort to trying them. Many people who have been taking them for an extended period find them impossible to quit taking. When they quit their dose they find they are highly addicted and it feels like they are being shocked by electricity in their brain. It's a a very bad withdrawal that doesn't seem to go away even over time with some people and they end up having to take them forever even if they don't want to. They have a shitload of side effects, bad ones too. They can make it impossible to sleep, so you may end up hooked on benzos as well. It's very common for them to cause a loss of sex drive, as well as a form of ED that can be irreversible. They alter your perception of reality, they are are weird to put it one way. I would stay away from them.

Efficacy is best when combined with cognitive behavioral therapy

The pill itself won't do much, but actively doing something about your depression will

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everything is better than escitalopram. i nearly lost my mind after poppin that shit. never again

They don't know what they're talking about. Find out your levels of magnesium from a blood test and start taking that if they're low. Take other dietary supplements (vitamin b, c, d) exercise more, push yourself to be more social and spend more time outside. If that doesn't work, do cognitive behavioral therapy. If that's not enough, supplement it with anti-depressants.

they're for people who hit rock bottom

they make you feel neutral about most things. no happy or sad emotions for the most part

was on that shit for a month and I couldn't nut so never again

They are dangerous to your sex drive

hey man.
as an alternative to anti depressants i'm on an extensive vitamin regimen which was prescribed according to a blood and urine analysis i had done.
the place i went to i think is a local one, so maybe you can find an equivalent for your area.
having been on both this and anti depressants i can say that i really didn't like the latter, and i felt like the latter didn't help NEARLY as much. i'm very happy that i went with the vitamins.

>When they quit their dose they find they are highly addicted and it feels like they are being shocked by electricity in their brain

I have exactly this. Been on fluoxetin for ten years. Tried quitting three or four times, always resulting in constant shock-like sensations in my brain that just won't go away. I got really fucking depressed and all that shit as well tho, so I probably would've started again anyway.

I was on citalopram for a bit.
Just remember it takes about 6 weeks for your body to get use to the drug so take it for 6 weeks and see how you feel. After that if you want to quit you'll have to talk to your doctor about it so you don't go through a withdraw and it'll take 6 weeks to get back to your normal self.

I quit taking them after 6 weeks because I started hallucinating and wasn't able to sleep regardless of what time I took them at.

Instead what I started doing is looking up mindfulness mediation. Practicing that everyday until I felt better and now just do it when I get really stressed out.

Also started to take more vitamin B. Started going to the gym a lot more and took toast master classes in order to learn how to speak to others.

Also studying philosophy helps as well. Try finding a community thing to go too. Even if you don't believe in a god going to a church or a temple will help you just for being around other people I find.

The main thing is to remember that life isn't like a video game. For your body to change you really have to work at it. It'll take weeks, months, and sometimes years for something to change but the only thing to stop that from happening is yourself.

Good luck brother. Wish the best for you.

Uh false user, you probably didn't take them for long enough. Numbness is not the emotion or mood that SSRI's create. It's either content and happy or very negative. They can take several months to start having any noticeable effect.

I've been on lexapro for two years, same with lamictal.

SSRI's definitely do NOT make you manic. they make you numb, empty.

Lexapro is pretty mild. Few side effects but also not that effective as an anti-depressant. Say good bye to your sex drive.

i would not touch that shit.

really didn't like them, try viibryd if you get dick/libido problems

non SSRIs are in development based of Ketamine, I'd never take an SSRI as I don't need it that much I can deal, but Limmy took them for a while and he's a good lad and talks about it.

That's probably the mood stabilizer you're on you boner. If you were just taking lexapro you wouldn't be saying this.

With Citalopram I was hard as a rock for hours. Only problem is I couldn't cum while on them.

>tfw was too socially awkward to talk to girls back then so I never plowed a girl till the sun came up.

>Are SSRI's dangerous?
No. They just take some time to take effect. Take them regularly, and if you're still nauseous or have a dry mouth after two weeks, have your doctor prescribe you a different one.

Don't fall victim for the pharma jew OP. You will turn into a braindead goy zombie.

Hmm. Probably.

why do you need them?
what do you feel you lack that makes you need them?
My dr prescribed them for me but I didn't take them, I also took cognitive therapy which was 100 times more use.

Tom Cruise was right, anti depressants are a dangerous meme.

I went through a bunch of anti-depressants through the years. Remember having muscle spasms randomly or almost in fits at times. I don't think I ever mentioned it to a doctor.
Went off meds cold turkey and it's now two years later but I think I still have spasms from time to time. Usually if I lie down stretched out. Maybe more like a twitch? I don't really pay attention.

Could it have caused nerve damage or something? What did the spasms signify?

this is what happened to me on lexapro...could not nut and i had a gf at the time so it was really frustrating so i ditched that shit

I actually happened to be at a pharmacy one time where a woman was getting that syndrome after trying to quit. She was getting a few pills to hold her over till she could get back to the doctor for another script.

It might take months for the therapeutic effects to kick in, but they will alter your perception immediately and make some people very uncomfortable with some side effects like insomnia starting right away.

Have we tipped the scales so far that we're openly suggesting homoeopathy for medical illnesses?

SSRIs especially the newer stuff like escitalopram are pretty decent. Worst side effect I had was anorgasmia and low libido. But it got me out of a rut, and i was happier while on them. No suicidal thoughts. Even since stopping i haven't had many, i used to think about it everyday. I only used them for 4 months, but short term use can also be effective.

This is a little exaggerated to say the least. The brain zaps you're talking about don't last long and I've never heard of people getting ED from it.

*Sees Aussie*

Nah take it bro, you'll be fine.

Have you tried to taper?

It's really fucking uncomfortable. Literally like a little shock going through your brain every time you move your eyes.

I would recommend Kratom as a natural alternative. It's helped me immensely keep my phases of mild to moderate depression and anxiety in check. It may not be effective for a severe long term depression though, haven't experienced that since I was a teenager.

Yeah, I did that everytime, really fucking slow as well the last time I tried.

I don't know, but I got them aswell (on antipsychotics) and gradually subsided as I got off aswell. There is a risk of chronic tics, but what if instead of some motor nerves in the arms/legs misfiring it happens in a more crucial muscle, the heart?

I think antipsychotics and antidepressants can cause permanent changes or damage in the brain, but it just hasn't been researched enough.

Anyways, good you got off. Stay safe and healthy bro.

I would rather take heroin than the pharmaceutical jew.

Seriously: Heroin is probably the best, safest antidepressant there is.
It just makes you content with whatever situation you're in, makes you instant confident and withdrawal only takes 4-5 days, if you think your life finally turned for the better.

I did the same, also used Piracetam.

Quit taking all SSRI's and have never been healthier. Kratom helped and now I won't even take Kratom. I still order Piracetam to help me in school though.

Now the real ultimate is Modafinil and piracetam.

Yeah, some of them are known to cause a permanent ED, I was looking at actual pharmaceutical company drug studies one time and found this right in the companies own research. I can't remember which SSRI i saw that in. I like looking up drug information, it's a really interesting topic and it can be put to practical use too.

Yeah, I think i'll do that, thanks.
depressed supposedly + I've haven't been quite right last few months, I'm a little cloudy-headed it's like I'm not fully conscious.

I took Zoloft when I was seriously suicidal and it probably kept me from doing it. They said I would be on it "for life" ... six months later I found myself pushing my married boss into the walk-in freezer at the restaurant where I worked and making out with her (she loved it), and some other over-the-top behavior. Then I started getting these weird shooting pains in my legs randomly.

So, it probably saved me from suicide, but I wouldn't stay on them for longer than you need to.

holy fuck, have the same thing man and no doctor has been able to help... i was on ssri's for years

Yes they do cause bad perm changes and also in later years anti-psychotics cause permanent digression towards Dementia and cognitive decline.


I took some for about 8 weeks and quit cold turkey.

Sleeping was a horrific experience. Felt like I was spinning and getting sucked into a black hole.

Opiates can be good, but heroin is not safe because they dose can vary so much from batch to batch making it easy to OD either from the drug itself or a cutting agent like fentanyl. I agree though that opiates can be good, a person needs lots of self control though.

Can confirm. On Luvox, everything has been made better except sex drive, it seriously must be about 25% of what it was beforehand.

>10/10 school shooters agree
>SSRIs are great

no. most likely youll just get an upset tummy for the first week or so.

Then the jew will have your brain

>take SSRI to be happy
>feel like fucking robot piece of shit on SARIs
>stop them
>even more depressed than before plus now you have bitch tits because of gyno from side effects
Have fun m8

Thanks senpai. I was on antipsychotics as well. Aripiprazole and citalopram were the things I went off of. Fug that shit senpai I'm sure they did more harm than good.

What were you diagnosed with

I spent a year on them.

Shit was cash. They've got no high, but you definitely feel more chill. I didn't know what 'relaxed' really felt like until I went on them.

I eventually quit because they make your dick lose all feeling, and that fucks with your libido. Not worth it in the long run.

SSRIs are poison with no statistical efficacy. Look it up. Without an adjunct like supervised exercise, in studies they perform no better than placebo, occasionally worse. With an adjunct, they're barely better than the stimulus alone. The papers are a Google away.

Request an atypical antidepressant. There are plenty that are actively psychoactive and will improve your general attitude. Withdrawal is difficult, though.

>everyone reacts the same way to drugs

SSRI's helped me immensly when I was younger and really fucking depressed and anxious to the point of suicide attempts. Sure I'm addicted as fuck now and can't quit, but I have no other reactions to being on them besides dry mouth.

Not for me. I was at most at 25mg pr day escitalopram/cipralex. About a year. Quit, feel much better. Drugs helped more than the therapy anyway. When you quit DO NOT DO IT WITHOUT CONSULTING. Some american here earlier claimed he was at 75mg pr day which i hope was a troll.

Let it be known I have taken a lot of drugs, both recreational and prescription.

I took a citalopram once and my god did I feel like shit all day and night. Never again, although I wasn't depressed to begin with so maybe that's why I had a bad reaction. I felt like I was going mad with all the weird thoughts in my mind. Much worse than an LSD trip.

see if you can get CBT, not kidding it really helped me.

>i've been chemically brainwashed
i agree

i took zyban (wellbrutrin/bupropion) to help me quit smoking and it fucked my shit up

my brain hasn't been the same ever since

My point is, people are being overmedicated, especially young men. The true costs of giving an entire generation of boys psychotropic drugs will never be known.

Also my sex drive actually increased on them, perhaps due to depression going away. Only side effect was dry mouth.

SSRIs fucked me up a lot worse than nearly two years of heroin addiction.
When my sister tried them, she seemed like she was turning into a zombie before she stopped.


Same here my norwegian brother. My sex drive is insane, actually borderline annoying.

I've been on a couple of antipsychotics exclusively, and luckily only for less than a year.

By far the worst zombie drug out there probably, also perscribed in criminally high dosages. This shit fucks you up.

It's alright. Swollen lymph nodes. Dry mouth.

Probably the most ''gentle'' antipsychotic out there right now. Still would only recommend to give to someone if they are in absolute despair, guess that's why they give it to all the PTSD soldiers.

>pic related

your brain on seroquel

>taking the chemical jew

good response- brain zap-user and nutritionanon are informed

You only have to watch out that you don't build that fucking tolerance.
It's easy, though, if you just stick to a relatively small dose and see it as a medicament, not as a drug to get high.

Heroin literally saved my life. It was even marketed and used as such.

they're fine goy take your blue pill

Gray matter and intrinsic network changes in the posterior cingulate cortex after selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor intake.

The fact is psychiatry agrees they are useless for anything except moderate to severe depression yet they push them because they recieve tons of kickback from mega pharm corps.

Fun Fact: The EU board of health recommends to ban Escitalopram and Lexapro because they can cause heart diseases.

mfw Psychiatrists still handing out the shit like it's candy

That is what SSRI does It gives you a constant level of Dopamine Which never really fluctuate which means you live in a constant feeling of okay never really happy never really sad.

>believing in the pharmaceutical Jew
>taking drugs prescribed by doctors that get paid every time they shill a drug

Face your problems

>chemical lobotomies

Almost all pharmaceutical drugs are poison. The side effects are up to 10x worse than the "illness" you have.
If you want to feel better just eat lots of green and orange vegetables and also salmon.
SSRI are the infamous 'mass murder pills' that cause shootings. The reason schools try to get children on these drugs is because public schools get more money for each child they have on these drugs.

I used to do that. Zoloft couldn't overcome my raging teenage hormones, so even if I couldn't cum I wold fuck for hours . I think it did eventually do permanent damage to my libido. I don't even masterbate anymore. 2 times a month usually

This. I had a bad reaction to generic escitalopram, felt like i was rolling off the heaviest ecstasy and couldnt take it. Stopped drinking that shit and called a weedman. Cannabis Sativa is your answer.
>Inb4 dude weed, lmao

>The reason schools try to get children on these drugs is because public schools get more money for each child they have on these drugs.

They don't do very much. Wellbutrin works though and it has no sexual side effects.

Sry, Venlafaxine not Lexapro. I'm getting confused with all these different brands of pure shit.

link to study?

cut that shit out.
Seriously, this is dangerous.

What is safer, pot or anti-depressants/psychotics

a small dose of pot throughout the day, keeping you barely uplifted

Yeah, but a legally prescribed drug like morphine would be much much safer. Heroin is usually gotten from the street and can vary greatly in potency causing an OD risk. It can also be cut with much stronger opiates like fenatnyl(100 times more potent than morphine). Heroin works the same way as other opiates.

People are dropping like flies here in Canada right now, a huge number of deaths and BC has just declared a public health emergency so many people are dying. It's really a huge problem. People are even dying from popping one or two oxy pills they get illicitly because they they are actually getting fentanyl counterfeits. Buying powder off the street is very dangerous. Some of the weed around here is even laced with fentanyl.

It's in the leaf

Depends on personal issues/circumstances

Quality is very steady around here.
And on the really low doses i recommend for using it as an antidepressant (NOT a s a drug to get high) its practically impossible to overdose.

Also, the scene is monitored 24/7 by the police around here. If someone starts cutting his H with fentanyl or strychnin, the cops move in and bust his ass for selling potentially lethal shit.

having tried it, i can say that yes it has worked better

I mean in terms of physical harm, taking pot orally vs the pharmaceutical jew

I realize cannabis consumption isn't great for certain conditions like schizophrenia

That's interesting. Street drugs are pretty dangerous around here right now.

I took a lot of SSRI's last week.

This morning and last night were pretty bad. I had body aches falling asleep.

It gets harder to find a reason to wake up in the morning. Be careful, but every once in a while is ok.

physically pot is much safer