What is the no man's sky of movies?
What is the no man's sky of movies?
The picture is like a stereotype of modern game devs
A ton of hype, pretty, dissappointing no substance
Nolan and Innarritu films
Overhyped and underdelivering
Literally all nu males with a dash of bull dyke. My god, I hate that I'm in IT sometimes.
Correct answer is suicide squad or batman vs superman
the testosterone in that room...
Either BvS or MoS
Hyped to all hell and flat out misleading
Probably BvS
Why is No Man's Sky bad?
I don't have a PS4 and only saw the trailer. Looked cool but I have heard people hate it
Bvs because most was cut from it to make it a masterpiece. At least bvs fixed it and SNYDERS KINO WAS WITNESSED
>no substance
why do these people always have to open their mouths really wide like that? what is the purpose
Don't even compare Man of Steel to No Man's Sky motherfucker
Now BvS on the otherhand
There's no real content. You just kinda walk around and do repetitive shit and that's it.
Nothing that you saw in whatever trailer you saw happens in the game
It's an exercise in exposing how video games can by their nature be a loophole in the 'false advertising' law
That game was so fucking boring, I dropped it 2 hours in.
But NMS doesnt have people calling it kino
So the free roam isn't cool at all?
>all white
>all male
No wonder this game sucked. Literally 0 diversity of thought in that room.
>Suicide Squad
>No Man's Sky
Try harder Marvelcuck.
It's like Spore all over again. Fucking awful shit.
I don't understand what posses a man to open his mouth that way to take a photo. I mean that's women shit real talk. The only one in that photo that looks like he has any testosterone is the bald dude chilling and holding his beer like a normal person
jesus fuck they look so fucking masculine with those beards
is that the manliest dev studio of all time?
Boyhood, no other answer
When will anti-art Sup Forumseditors leave?
Oh man that movie. Good first act. shitty second act.
What a waste of 13 or so years it took to make.
Civil War
Advertised as not being shallow garbage
turns out to be shallow garbage
its how americans try to establish dominance
Why does talking about a game piss some Sup Forums people off so much?
What if someone wants to talk about a game's story and how it relates to film?
I have only been on Sup Forums twice in my life anyway and find it a shit place to talk about a game's story or a game's artistic style anyway
>there are people who think mos was better than bvs
kys yourselves.
they ruined Sup Forums and now they're coming for Sup Forums and then next will be Sup Forums if they can penetrate the patrician shield
>why do these people always have to open their mouths really wide like that?
It indicates their readiness to prep the bull.
>there are people who think BvS is better than Suicide Squad
Editing of SS aside, it is a far better more enjoyable movie than BvS
It's amazing to me that they just kept hiring white guys and didn't say to themselves "don't we already have enough of this?"
>suicide squad
>thread where we could say any movie
>it's still a fucking dc vs marvel thread
just kill yourselves already
The Hobbit 3.
um since when has Sup Forums ever damaged Sup Forums? Talking about how a game relates to a movie is not damage at all.
Damage is if someone were to post multiplayer gameplay and just trash talk about cool game weapons or some shit.
Talking about a game's story and how it relates to a film should not be considered trash talk at all.
Besides: when does Sup Forums ever have proper film discussions anyway?
We all know that people like to talk about bad movies and what's wrong with movies
>next will be Sup Forums if they can penetrate the patrician shield
>Sup Forums
>patrician shield
>a fucking leaf
Jesus christ
>collect minerals to make a bigger ship
>a bigger ship means you can collect more minerals
>repeat ad nauseum
>New Male's Sky
based sam
>mfw a game that came out in 2003 on the original xbox has more places to explore and missions to do
Gaming is dying isn't it?
>>Suicide Squad
Maybe the director's cut is good but what was released in theaters is a mess. The Suicide Squad and No Man's Sky comparisons are pretty accurate. Suicide Squad's marketing heavily relied on the Joker but he's in the film for less than 10 minutes, No Man's Sky's marketing claimed you would be able to do space battles and all sorts of other cool shit but none of that shit is in the game. It's like poetry.
I don't really like video games
it feels like work
Terrence Malik's Voyage of Time, I can only assume.
BvS - a pleb filter.
>pouting is frowned upon
>an aesthetic smile is difficult to achieve
>Maybe the director's cut is good
It is but David Ayer said it will never be released
I knew from the get go Joker was a side character cuz he isn't part of the squad. Only Jokerfags went in hopes for a new Joker to watch. As for No Man's Sky you can do space battles, I did myself. You're a retard sheep if doubt any of this.
fucking WB, jesus christ
the funny thing is that people who want to enjoy no man sky will have to wait for fix and patches, or hacking tools just like BvS had to wait for a recut, fucking garbage, fans have 0 self respect
>I knew from the get go Joker was a side character cuz he isn't part of the squad. Only Jokerfags went in hopes for a new Joker to watch.
No, tons of normies went in thinking the Joker would be a major part of the film. The marketing heavily hyped him up.
>As for No Man's Sky you can do space battles, I did myself. You're a retard sheep if doubt any of this.
Hello Sean
>tfw the tranny knew they were selling everyone a pile of shit and was the only one who wasn't cool with it
Why are trannies so altruistic, Sup Forums?
So just smile??? There's no need to look like you're about to take a schlong in your suck hole
why are they sabotaging their own movies so hard?
If you want a good space exploration game play Stellaris
Fuck off, Spore is good, especially the first stages just disappointing
No Man Sky however is just terrible
It's neat at first, but it gets repetitive fast.
Also, the grind for upgrades is as bad, if not worse, than something like Monster Hunter.
Because they clearly do not understand how to make a good movie.
I understand the grenade part being cut because then it would have ruined the Joker's surprise ending as well as contradicted Harley's motive of staying with the Squad and not going with Joker. Although why not film more Joker scenes then and keep in him shooting up the restaurant?
WHY cut all that out for if you heavily advertised the Joker as a main character in all the trailers and posters?
>all white numale entitled scumbags
Yup lol
Why are none of them ever blond? I swear every dev is a brown-haired white (or Jewish) dude. And they're all reedy. Where are the squat ginger devs? Where are the portly blond devs?
The finger waggle isn't in the fucking movie?
I like video games.
But what I don't understand is why do people here keep making off topic posts on here when multiple video game boards exist.
This thread has as much to do with television & movies than a thread about the weather channel.
Not very much in other words.
If the quality of threads is so important to the moderation staff, why are they so incompetent?
That's a good question, might want to sit on it for a while.
>I knew from the get go Joker was a side character cuz he isn't part of the squad.
Watch the trailers again.
In one of the trailers we get Joker saying "Come on Baby" as it has Batman diving right into the camera in the next cut (implying that Joker and Batman possibly communicate).
I gotta admit that whoever edited that trailer was clever to make it out that Joker was involved with the Squad.
Another scene in the trailer is Harley saying "uh oh" as we hear Joker's laugh.
The whole trailer was false advertisement
I don't get it either.
>give Zack Snyder full artistic control over Man of Steel
>it ends up being a massive disappointment
>instead of firing Snyder or reigning him in they give him full artistic control over Batman v Superman
>it ends up being a massive disappointment
>go into full panic mode
>throw David Ayer's vision out the window and butcher Suicide Squad
>it ends up being a massive disappointment
They decided to give a retard full control over their movies and when that didn't work out they decided to treat their competent directors like shit. WB is run by retards.
Brunettes have the highrst chances of going numale
This is why people secretly perk up when they hear about mass shootings
Sure they pretend to be distraught but that's only a front
Nope. Not even the scene when Joker punches the roof of his car while Batman is chasing him and Harley... that is cut as well
Don't worry swaglord will start modding once /pol starts spamming his shit outside of there for being a clinton shill
No you dont get it at all and are ignornant person
>>instead of firing Snyder or reigning him in they give him full artistic control over Batman v Superman
not true though, they were fucking with Mos and BvS at every turn as well.
If they get Snyder to direct Man of Steel 2... they absolutely cannot...
>I knew from the get go Joker was a side character cuz he isn't part of the squad. Only Jokerfags went in hopes for a new Joker to watch.
Go away, shill. One of the biggest parts of Suicide Squad's marketing was the Joker. Every trailer and piece of promotional material heavily featured the Joker. One of the trailers was blatantly misleading bullshit that made it look like he would have a ton of involvement with the squad.
But MoS and BvS were great. Were you massively disappointed by them? They were incredibly memorable compared to Singer's outing with Superman.
Haven't seen /ss/ yet.
Another false advertisement is all the weapons in Joker's room. Do we ever get to see him use all of them? Do we get to see Joker kill lots of people in cold blood?
Nope... such a fucking shame. I really wanted to see Jared go real psychopathic and I KNOW Ayer filmed scenes of Joker doing shit because Jared said himself in an interview that there is a supposedly "X Rated" cut (whatever that means) out there.
I so want to see this cut so badly. If there was one wish I could have it would be this
>be an independent dev
>be nothing like these faggots
Do people like that ACTUALLY exist? Why are all indie devs carbon copies of these same dozen or so hipster losers? Aren't there any halfway normal fucking people in the community? Every single one of these guys comes off like some hipster used car salesman.
It's hilarious to think of all the plebbitors and all their "reasonable, mature discussion" on that shit site spent literal years building these assholes and their shit game up in the hivemind, only to have to walk it all back and pretend like they aren't all just fucking hype-jerking idiots who always knew it would be bad and didn't expend all that time and energy feeding the hype train.
As for the answer to your question OP, probably Cloud Atlas.
literally 1/2 a game
Go away, Zack.
Post stories. As far as I know, the only time he got fucked with was when WB had him shorten BvS.
The guy who did Tron: Legacy and Oblivion is gonna direct Man of Steel 2.
is the Hanging Man tarot scene where he's laughing surrounded by guns/knives in the movie?
>Haven't seen /ss/ yet.
Wait for the Blu Ray perhaps. Ayer said there will be 10 minutes of deleted scenes. No director's cut and he said a "maybe" if the deleted scenes will include Harley/Joker.
I bet all Jared's deleted scenes are locked up in some WB vault somewhere and they for some reason never won't to show it to all the fans or those who watched the trailers thinking that is what they would be seeing when they made for their ticket.
Why not make the movie mainly about Joker then? He was the one with the most advertisement. Like you make the story about him trying to rescue Harley, but he keeps fucking up somehow. It would provide a nice comedy relief in an otherwise dark movie. The suicide squad does their thing, Diablo sacrifices himself and makes the Enchantress weak. Enchantress is about to kill Harley when the Joker shows up, screams, "I'M THE ONLY ONE ALLOWED TO KILL HER!" and takes out Enchantress. He grabs Harley and runs away. Joker and Harley fly off, while the rest of the squad look all WTF m8. Cut back to Joker and Harley. Joker throws out Harley, the helicopter explodes. The movie fades to black with the Joker laughing.
The credits music is Living La Vida Loca.
Video games are for children just like capeshit
>Post stories. As far as I know, the only time he got fucked with was when WB had him shorten BvS.
How about starting with the fact that he wanted to do MoS2 first, and the studio instead forced him to finish Superman's origins, introduce batman and half the justice league as well in a single movie.
>The guy who did Tron: Legacy and Oblivion is gonna direct Man of Steel 2
Why is this trash still up swaglorde?
Yes. The scene right before he has a confrontation with that guard (a nice scene but damn too short).
I really liked that body guard Joker had with him. You can see him pointing a gun at Harley here
Obviously he served more of a purpose in the original cut of the film
Well, then the studio is the one most responsible for BvS being a fucking mess but MoS is still entirely Snyder's fault.
MoS was amazing though.
btw another deleted Suicide Squad scene. Showing Joker interacting more with the guy before he kills him
>MoS is still entirely Snyder's fault.
Actually, I take that back. Snyder deserves most of the blame but David S. Goyer deserves a ton of blame too. That fucking hack can't write a good screenplay on his own.