Remove China from the total and Suicide Squad just surpassed Guardians of the Galaxy's international cume

Remove China from the total and Suicide Squad just surpassed Guardians of the Galaxy's international cume

Remind me again about how your favorite "journalism" (variety, avclub, etc.) outlet is declaring the film unsuccessful and unprofitable? How much does it need to break even ?

Oh no the media's assassination campaign failed to take down another DC film. They'll just try again with Wonder Woman.

Does that really say "Property of Joket"?

>Le media conspiracy against muh favorite children's picture book company

You people are retarded as fuck.

Hi Mouseketeer

t. Hired contractor shill

>expecting anything more from Sup Forumsedditors that use sites like facebook

can mods ban these dc/marvel weeb threads

reshoots are expensive as hell and WB is trying to make up for the late start on their cinematic universe by blowing about a billion now in marketing.

Short term, no, these movies have not been profitable. But WB is all in at this point, ready and willing to throw good money after bad.

It has been this same shit since forever. Why don't you throw some scores here too?

I've to say that Marvel has the worse shills since they are everywhere coupled with Racing fans.

>They'll just try again with Wonder Woman.
Are you suggesting that the same critics that praised Cis-Busters would try to shit on the first female lead in a cape film in ages?

I just see them more likely to say "Cancel the batman solo movie and more more WW movies."

They'll never do it because WB pays good money for this spam

Uh... no, there wasn't a DC/marvel brand war till DCfans/shills started trying to force a DC/marvel brand war. Something they really haven't been successful at, either.

No DC does.
Marvel shills dont do shit unless DCucks get mad and do MARVEL BTFO XD threads. Then Evansposting appears.

Even then, they don't do much. You only see treatises in defense of children's movies when people start talking about how bad the DCEU has been so far.

All the criticism against marvel has been massive reaches and/or irrelevant. Because while the movies may not be high art, they aren't pretending to be, and are accomplishing what they're setting out to do.

I can't wait for WB to try to force a sexism shitstorm around wonder woman.

Did you seriously just make a "turn your brain off bro XD" argument?

They should just cancel it.

>It has been this same shit since forever
Fucking cancerous 2015 posters lmao

Iron man 1 vs. Batman just called and want their shekels back.

>capeshit is literally the albatross around Sup Forums's neck

>talking about how bad the DCEU has been so far

3 profitable movies with huge fanbases are "bad"? Again, by what metric? Your precious Rotten Tomatoes? Your clickbait "journalist" site that made that Top 10 Batman v Superman Plot Holes article or the Harley Quinn Is So Problematic article?

Why do people care so much about box office, you have no stake in it

is summer Sup Forums over yet

Do you mean the dark knight? The movie this board turned on when everyone started liking it?

Sup Forums pulls that shit constantly, same with Sup Forums because both are containment boards

It means I get more DCEU films so yeah i do dumbdumb

ITT: People who don't understand how box office takes and additional marketing costs work.

>can't read cursive


No, I made a pretense versus actual product argument. DC is presenting itself as high art and failing horribly. Marvel isn't trying to be high art, and actually doing better than that they set out to do in some cases.

Not to mention marvel movies don't completely disintegrate under the barest scrutiny.

The fact I've watched them and they've been god-awful and critics and audiences seem to agree.

But I do like how the general audience is nothing but tasteless plebs, until they start causing movies you like to make money. Then they're arbiters of quality.

Looks nothing like an R you failed abortion.

Summer doesn't end.

You do realize snyder got zero applause at the last comicon, right?

The only reason people didn't boo is because booing will get you ejected and banned from comicon.

No one is happy with him.

What's up with the weird bats costume?

Thats factually wrong

The Justice League trailer won Comic Con with thundrous applause

But some nerd fanboy booed Snyder ooooh DC is in trouble...

How is DC presenting itself as "high art"? Like with SS hot topic marketing?

It's all capeshit you inbreds.

JL trailer was trash. Forced lighthearted tone, nonfunny humor, costumes look like CW show. DC movies don't know what kind of identity it wants anymore. It's just a mess.

The only reason that I can see how people make this interpretation is the fact that MoS and BvS look like they were filmed through an Instagram filter.

No one asked you idiot!

Not to mention all the hamfisted attempts at symbolism.

SS was DC's attempts at copying marvel though.

Trailers always get applause.

Zack snyder himself got crickets.

But hey, reading comprehension is hard.

>SS thread
>nobody discussing the actual quality of the movie
>Just Box office numbers

Every single thread

>if you take things into account that ever happened or eliminate things that did, I'm right.
>cost doesn't go into profit
