why do women love douchebags?
Why do women love douchebags?
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Why dont you ask Ivana, Marla and Melania?
Ah, good times.
R9k faggit virgin
Western culture teaches women to be evil sluts that hate all forms of decency, vibrancy and life.
Sup Forums is full of loser femanons that get triggered by threads like these, so watch out.
*tips fedora*
truth is woman don't want emotional men like the movies tell you. They want to be dominated
It is because society conditioned us to be weak and powerless. They instilled Victorian level chivalry in us from childhood.
It's fucking sad.
OP stop really giving a fuck about seeking acceptance from others and take care of your own issues first.
They dont.
They "love" good looking guys, who in hand can act as douchebags because women dont give a shit about your personality at all.
Redpillfags got it all wrong and backward.
Its not you need to be douche to get women.
its you need to get women to be a douche and get away with it.
Also lets not forget that women only love men who other women love as well.
so being popular with women -> being a douche -> positive feedback -> being more popular with women -> being more of a douche
science n sheet
Guys grow up seeing how Chad Thundercock can get away with abusing women, and how they women enjoy it, and it makes them wonder.
It's not "douchebag", it's confidence.
Despite the jewish propaganda seeking to turn the western women into sluts, the girls' instinct push them to research a suitable husband. Of course, now they might cheat on it and more but that's linked to their deceitful nature which is a whole other subject.
This leads us to the following question : how to recognize a suitable husband? A Chad might not really make millions but that's the impression he gives. By being overly confident and act cocky he reeks success. Women fall for it and start to believe that, with Chad, nothing bad could happen because he obviously controls everything. When your common sense sees a douchebag, a girl will see a bright future.
tl;dr : women are dumb as fuck.
Because douchebags are confident and actually talk to them.
>inb4 all of Sup Forums with some shit about how they've been emasculated.
Time to be redpilled
Because they are douchebags
>women's nature is good! :)
>women's nature is bad :(
>it's all mens fault! :)
All women have sexual fantasies about good looking and/or powerful men abusing them.
However you either need to be one of those, and most guys are not. But for the average guy its easier to become better looking than truly powerful.
Half the headlines on that satirical magazine are actually pretty reasonable
Yeah, Chad's opening line on Tinder includes:
>wanna fuck?
>show me tits
thats like, real hard to do
Seems like every colorado male in a nutshell
I still think it's pretty funny though
I know there are a lot of memes on this board but if you haven't worked out that most women actually want alphas then you're beyond hope.
women prefer alpha males, its encoded in their biology
just be a douche and you'll get some Juanita pussay
they fuck strong dominant guys and stay with weak obedient cucks, also known as swedes
that's the natural of how the sexual preferences are drawn, and the top 20% of guys always end up with 80% of the women if women are given a voice in the matter
but then a compromise between the men happened, where every men gets only one woman, and they called it christianity
sexual liberation is chipping away at the foundations of western society and the basics which has built it, and guess who profits from it - not the westerners
Chad douchebag
> Good!
> Bad!
The word you seek is :"deceitful".
Women have a few built-in evolutionary survival mechanisms. They have to carry around babby and spend considerable resources to do so. They require the support of the community and a strong man with resources to achieve this aim. That's why women will always follow the herd without exception and will date the douchiest men imaginable.
Women generally can't tell the difference between "confident" and "douchebag." They just simply don't care. Their instincts recognize a strong man with resources and their vagina gets wet.
When you act like some passive girlfriend of theirs, the pussy dries up like the fucking Sahara desert.
The trick for a modern man is to demonstrate strength and confidence without being an abusive asshole. It's hard, you have to face some of your faults and negative traits if you're a passive or underconfident man. It takes a lot of soul-searching and failures until you reach the type of person you want to be.
Or you can just say to hell with it and play vidya and fap.
Shitty women do
Yes, but the problem is that guys have been deceived into thinking that all women are pure angels. Then, they grow up, and see that women are sluts, and it makes them upset.
The problem is raising men to be weak and see women as pure, and the Internet doesn't help with it's toxic cesspool anti-male memes.
No, they pretty much all do.
This is another part of the problem - telling guys that only a small minority of women are sluts that like jerks. Pretty much all of them are like that. I don't care anymore, but it still bothers me when people blatantly lie to me and say women are pure when they are not.
Get help dude
>thinking that all women are pure angels
No man who ever had a gf could think that. Women are animals, pure and simple.
I don't need help. None of this bothers me. You need to do something about your angst, femanon, the very first post you made in this thread from the one I'm replying to here is full of bitterness.
It's not my fault you're too weak to handle my words. Go get choked by Chad, maybe that will make you feel better.