Why are Marvel movies so bad looking?


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Money laundering scheme.

they don't care about cinematography , music, soundtrack, etc. Being bland doesn't offend anyone.

bad directors, also Marvel reels them in and is probably breathing over their shoulder at every turn

Why do you keep spamming these threads, Sup Forums?


Why don't you watch real cinema like webm that has actual cinematography

literally kill yourself

Is that DC screenshot supposed to be impressive or something? It looks like a mess.

You don't give diamonds to pigs, user.

Well OP?

Does actual film make you insecure and thats why you don't watch it??

>DCucks would have wanted the sky to split open in the airport scene

I disagree. Marvel movies do NOT look so bad. I rather enjoy what I'm seeing in full color without grainy shit in the way, and hard contrasting shadows hiding so much because you have such a weak imagination that YOU need distortion to make it seem all real.


Yes, this doesn't look fucking awful.


something about this is very arousing, what movie/

Looks like a deviantart shoop where someone used a stock photo of an ariport and pasted superheroes on it

Marvel just needs to make the Russo's saturate the colors.

Thor 1, Cap 1, Ant-man, Avengers 1 and GotG all look great and it's because of the strong colors which makes things look expensive. Washed out de-saturation makes things look cheap!!!FACT!!!

No. It doesn't actually. That is similar to what I see with my own eyes without fucked up computer generated distortion used for those with limited imaginations.

they hire tv directors

Why do DC movies look like they were filmed through an Instagram filter?

>That is similar to what I see with my own eyes
Do you have derealization?

No. I just appreciate seeing a fully framed solid straight view, which reminds me of most of the greatest films ever made.

Technology has finally advanced to high definition, and some small minded people believe distorting an image makes it "more real" which is fucking ridiculous. Tight blurry shots in which you can hardly make out anything that is what certain plebs think is enriching to their bullshit "intellect".
I'm guessing you're one of those bullshit intellects who enjoys crappy images.

>Avengers 1
Looks like a fucking made for television movie

>Tight blurry shots in which you can hardly make out anything that is what certain plebs think is enriching to their bullshit "intellect".
get some glasses.

Because they don't need any substance, style, and cinematography.

They get by making $1.5billion+ per capeshit movie using nothing but generic basic directing paired with lots of banter and one-liners

So blame the audience for buying into shit

Wide angle lens, makes everything look flat- bad choice for a CGI background. However, this is literally a scene where the characters are in motion running towards the viewer so yes. This looks fine in the final product.

The cinematography of marvel movies isn't awful, it's just every average looking, while dc is more stylized.
Dc movies don't even look that much better than marvel movies, they look Instagram filter/video game garbage

Bump again for OP. Why are you such a coward lad?
Tree of life

Perhaps comprehension is difficult for you. The point is I see quite well, and OP's idea of "better" is distorted shit.
You don't need glasses to see distorted shit, because it is already distorted, shithead.
How hard is that to understand? Shall I draw caveman shapes to explain further?


Except every single scene in the film is shot like this, bland, unimaginative shots.

>Tight blurry shots in which you can hardly make out anything
seriously, if you find it hard to make things out in BvS you need some glasses.

Will DCEUshit ever top this sequence?

Or maybe its that digital tech has levelled the playing field to the point that TV now looks more cinematic. Either way, I don't give a fuck what you think. Avengers looks great and a much better than AoU which went for filtered desaurated shit typical of every other shit movie that comes out these days.

>seriously, if you find it hard to make things out in BvS you need some glasses.

Not true. Many of the shots in BvS are to tight to see what is happening. It is irritating. Glasses has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything I've expressed. You're a fucking idiot. I give up on you. You're too stupid to converse.

Why are you pretending you know what you're talking about? it's painfully obvious you don't.


I'm glad someone actually highlighted just how many fucking threads this betamax has spammed on Sup Forums its top quality cancer.

>Except every single scene in the film is shot like this
With wide angle lenses to incorporate several people standing in a line? No, it's not.
>bland, unimaginative shots
You're welcome to your opinion but it's still going to be an opinion.
All the things people are making fun of are CGI, not one screenshot posted the past several days has been making fun of any of the many conversational scenes towards the beginning, or have been anything other than freeze framed 1 second shots precursing or int he middle of action.

calm down

is that CGI as well

Good (you) generator. May I save it"?

Why are you so goddamned stupid? Can't get laid?


There's no need to be mean, I was just pointing out the obvious.

>backlighting a woman with arm hair
so fucking distracting

You're describing DC.

Is CGI inherently bad or is it only bad when you know it's CGI?

wow nice framing mr snyder
superb cinematography

here's another one I grabbed off google, this "debate" is what sparks off the "war" in the movie, yet is shot like a generic conversation.

>throwaway flick did a better job
jesus christ

Mean? Just asking you what seems apparently obvious to me since you enjoy so much bullshit.
Don't play if you can't take it.

>snyderbots will defend this

what did he mean by this?

Looks fine. Doesn't look like a CW TV show at least.

He was sayin it, you was playing em, now you know.

what the fuck did he mean by this?

Zack Snyder is Style over Substance while Marvel actually focuses on characters, scenes and forming a coherent narrative.

That's not even a photo from the 'debate' it's literally the debriefing, which is a really well shot scene two in how it shifts focus between all several people in the room as they slowly come to their own personal decisions that will define their role in the movie to come. With Tony in the corner, always out of focus because he already made his decision.

THIS is from the debate, one man with a book coming between two former teammates who bicker over it.

You can come to ohio and see how it feels


Forgot my image.

>here's another one I grabbed off google
Fuck me this really is the worst board. You don't judge cinematography from stills.

All you shitwhiners do is complain about capeshit but I never see any actual film discussion here.

What videogame is this? Looks cool.

>Bloom effect: On

God damn that movie had some eyecandy, too bad Suicide Squad tried to steal the formula.

jesus christ LMAO



You mean like giving Tony PTSD and acting like it's a major character change, yet turning it into more fodder for quips two minutes later? Or Steve's MUH BUCKY for literally three movies?



Oh, I guess you meant one of the dozens of forgettable no-stakes action sequences?

Or also devoting ten minutes to watching Ben Kingsley fuck around with whores and spill beer?

>Coherent narrative

So when is Thanksgiving going to be a thing? Oh and remember when Pepper Potts got super powers, that definitely left a huge impact on the Marvel saga.

There hasn't been much worth discussing over the last 9 years.

Not to mention any time a movie drops that is worth discussing, Sup Forums thinks its shit because they don't get it.

what's up with his hands?

>movie about how supers are destroying things and need oversight
>the big action scene is a happy fun quip fest where the characters joke while fighting each other and destroy an entire airport

who the fuck wrote this? was there even a script?

>there are people ITT RIGHT NOW who will spend hours debating capeshit flicks on Sup Forums based on their comic book fandom

I want plebs to go

No wonder new/tv/ hates BvS so much

Wait are you implying 2014(the year you started posting) is old Sup Forums?

Nu/tv/ are the ones that like BvS and keep making HAHAHA threads everyday.
Classic Sup Forums accepts Snyder as the hack that he is, and Goyer as the hack HE is.

t. 2013 poster

that's objectively false, newfriend.

>I rather enjoy what I'm seeing in full color without grainy shit in the way
I want people like you to die. You're the reason we get so much boring, flat, all-CGI visuals.

Remember the X-Men Origins: Wolverine workprint leak, specifically the shot of the Asian dude flipping his guns in the air then continuing to shoot?

Yeah, that. They just expect you not to notice between all the jiggly action camera shots.

Why are you now aping what you've been accused of? Is this your attempt at damage control?

>worse than TV lighting and colors
>actor's expression doesn't match the dull tonality and purpose of the scene that comes between two dramatic scenes
>shakycam even though it's not a tense scene
>close shot but serves as a establishing shot between a previous scene and ANOTHER establishing shot

>this is what DCucks claim to be good looking movies


Have you been here all summer?

pretty much

Anyone liking capeshit is objectively nu-Sup Forums. No matter how long they've been here they've become the cancer.

Look at all this autistic progression...ooOOOh wow.

What's wrong with this?

nice attempt to save face boys. you nearly convinced me.

>that thor waving around his foam beam

Convince you of what? You're the one bragging about how long you've been here, we're sorry that 3 years seems like a long time to you because it's a fifth of your life.

At the end of the day, BvS is just a bad movie. It utterly fails in everything it sets out to do. And Marvel movies are generally stupid, but they at least do stupid pleb shit well.

>you're the one ___
does that pass for an insult wherever you came from last week?

Underworld was the only movie to do a "super human speed running" effect really well.

And the practicality of the effect was amazing. Just have the werewolf dude run on a length of track being dragged by the car he was chasing, he moves at an effective speed without looking goofy with cartoony sped up movements.

>cgi the shit out of it instead of getting a real photographer to just take the same picture with actual authenticity
Jesus christ
did they blow their budget on trying to get oscar nominated actors only?

>but they at least do stupid pleb shit well
Bay does it well.
Marvel... does not.

>being a virgin who thinks all girls should be as perfect as they are in his chinese cartoons
poor kid

It's a great scene. As comicbooky as you can get. A comicbook fan's wet dream.

>Just have the werewolf dude run on a length of track being dragged by the car he was chasing, he moves at an effective speed without looking goofy with cartoony sped up movements.
That's literally what they did for this scene user, they even have the 2nd unit director that invented the concept filming that scene.

amazing symbolism. it's like poetry.

it looks like a bollywood fan movie, dumbshit.

>pleb shit
Go back to /r/movies with your capeshit flicks