Careers that never took off

careers that never took off


She took off quite a lot

>fat and long horse face

gross. jaw lines are important


>no tits
>man shoulders

Gee I wonder why she never had a career.

she gave away all the goods immediately

She's in 4 films this year, retard. And has consistently had work.

Starred in one Godly Kino and some shitty comedy movies, nobody remembers who he was.

does she ever close her fucking mouth?


What went wrong?

Was it because he can only really play himself in movies?

So nobody finds qt buckteeth attractive anymore?

Napoleon Dynamite wasn't that great to begin with. He's still getting work, that's more than can be said for a lot of people.

pretty much. the difference between jack nicholson or bruce willis is that audiences like watching really masculine men playing themselves in movies. nobody wants to watch a dweeb in his element on film.

it's more that nobody really finds nigger loves attractive

there's nothing wrong with her jawline you autist. stop projecting

She made my pants take off.

who is this?

I don't know, your mom keeps getting work

John Heder

>no tits
>broad shoulders
>giraffe neck
>doesn't even have blue eyes or something in her favor

you cant tell that is a weak jaw line?, its super fades and loose. also look at all the bumps on her face gross, half the hookers in russia are more attractive than her. she looks fucked.



Literally who

>Amerifats think that only english movies exist

>careers that never took off
Is taking off crossing over to Hollywood to star in capeshit? She's doing fine.
