An inconvenient truth:
Where did the Awoos go?
They were always in every Trump thread like clockwork.
Now, they are missing under mysterious circumstances.
Can the hacker Sup Forums Crack this case?
An inconvenient truth:
Where did the Awoos go?
They were always in every Trump thread like clockwork.
Now, they are missing under mysterious circumstances.
Can the hacker Sup Forums Crack this case?
Other urls found in this thread:
The anti-awoo shill was quite persistent, people are probably taking a break from posting awoos form a while.
Wat, I still see tons of them.
Both of these individuals were Reddit
I don't have it but there is another cap explicitly implicating Awoo
Oy vey! I murdered them all
>reddit organizing Trump General trolls
Hell I troll Trump General just for fun. Get on my level reddit.
The plot thickens
but awoo has been around on pol since forever
>male anime users
>implying this isn't you
>go into Sup Forums and expect to not vote Trump
>Post anime girls, that will make them vote for the libecuck, communist jew that wants to make all whites into cucks
Plebbit is fucking retarded.
They can't even stop or even slow down Sup Forums's reddit colony r/the_donald and they think they have a chance in our backyard?
i've taken a break from awooposting in trump gen in the downtime between the tremendous primary victory and the RNC
i'll be back tho
kek I haven't watched any anime for over a year and to top it off you post a stupid meme about naruto, which is an anime that I despise and have never watched a single episode of it. Also you posted a borny meme not anime, faggot, just keep shitposting.
Why do you do it? Just to bump the thread? (serious question)
to maintain the extremely high energy levels
and channel meme magic
You are both great guys, terrific guys, but you have to go back
Right on I can genuinely say that it adds character to the threads. AWOO on my man.
>*projecting intensifies*
do you think that because you're making fun (projecting actually) of someone with the same flag, it makes you less of an idiot? you're still a delusional faggot.
pls stop with the thumbnails
Energy levels were over 9000, desu!
>animeposter degenerate thinks i give a shit he is italian
You shame your race traitor, in the oven you go
i remember when Big Don was just starting the primary race, how exciting how brave it was to create meme magic here. now the spirit is gone ;_;
i want high energy to come back
>race traitor
>*projecting intiensifies again*
Can't argue with these facts. I'm now a awoo bot
For the record, Awoo was in the Trump general since december at least:
Plenty of AWOO to go around.
Don't know about others but I stopped posting them and stopped going to trump gens almost entirely, the awoo hate is too much so I dont bother. Not eager to be called a perma virgin who doesnt shower by a dumb and fat loser.
Of course Reddit is retarded. They still have a hardcore Bernie fanbase that keeps donating their student loan's money even though it is obvious to everybody that he wont make a comeback.
We're talking about a bunch of autists that think they can change the issue of an election by spamming phone calls to random people.
lmao is this real?
Low energy pepe desu.
Too much /r9k/ not enough awoooooooo
I want to give Momiji a bone.
No. People who disseminate this type of organization don't use fucking REDDIT. They're using productivity management systems, or shit like evernote.
We are trying to unlock the secrets of meme magic
I'm sure the paid shills use enterprise stuff but the volunteers sending in their whole paycheck are generally confined to Reddit and its apparatus
Awooposters are the worst in the trump gens. Better off without them.
>caring about what anons think
fuck you they were the best part
Boy, that really showed me.
Awoogirls to the chipper-shredder
Awoo loves you too.