Why we consider Slavs are not white?
Why we consider Slavs are not white?
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The only reason why people spout this meme is because of the Russian-Baltic phenotype called "East-Baltic".
It has a mongoloid look to it. Obviously most Russians don't look like that.
>Obviously most Russians don't look like that
>Mongoloid look
Nice try Ahmed.
Divide and conquer.
The Russians and Poles push the slav race as an excuse to have exclusive sphere of influence over e
Eastern europe.
You're from the UK and you can't even speak proper English. Off yourself.
We don't, it's a meme.
Well, it seems like Belarus translates to "White Russia" for a reason.
Wrong pic, the guy there is Uraloid, this guy is East-Baltic.
Is that stefan?
Yep, we kept them safe from all the ass-fun.
I dont care what color she's "considered", I want to dick her holes.
Genghis Khan and his Mongol horde.
Us Serbs know we're not white and are OK with it. Fuck you faggot
>Slavic/asian/watever genes stop precisely at the austrian border
>albanians didn't mix with anyone
>czechs didn't mix with PL
OK, quality map
Slavs are NOT white
Negro knows a shit
Because white = WASP.
they are no humans
I actually say that slavs are nit white just to gaing profit and be able to call people who offend me racist in the near future.
West slavic cunts are white.
oh, hello there, we love you too
>She's having an orgy with robo-dicks in that pic
Mummy no!
because they aren't
Actually no, I'm convinced people who say that shit are immigrants.
Because we don't wish to associate with you cucks.
>didn't mix with anyone
You have a problem with reading comprehension?
It's not a fucking "mixed with someone" map.
Of course we didn't mix with anyone you Slovenigger.
who the fuck pays the bill for your internet you poor slav§?
depends wich kind. I'm a hohol and would count myself as semi-white. everything South of Hungary is not white anymore.
>inb4 Long hair neet
Picture is old and I have cut them
>I have cut them
you dun goofed
Is this a /fa/ raid?
Keep on topic of piss off.
do you consider yourself as slav? are there any slavs left from the Poland-Lithuania times?
We don't.
It's just spread by the shills like the eternal anglo meme.
Whites stand united in this dire times of need.
the topic is against the rules so fuck off
the hair makes you look more white. distracts from the slav lower face
Because they act like niggers and seem utterly incapable of grasping the finer points of civility.
Why else would they stick to communism for so long?
Lol I always wondered as a kid why it is called Weißrussland. Racist as fuck! I cant stop laughing I hate this country for keeping this a secret like all the other common sense things.
Trump must free germany from the scourge.
what is a slav lower face? i don't look vastly different from the Czechs and Bavarians i see in Plzen
>Americans practice Capitalism
>allow niggers and SJWs to run rampant
How's that working out for you, buddy?
Holy fuck I'd kill to have your jaw
slavs have a more roundish lower face while germanics have a flatter, czechs and bavarians are pretty slavic geneticly and have the rounder faces too
Which battle is this? Google says Kalka river but that was a Mongol victory.
In the US perhaps.
Is my hairstyle white?
Russia is in Asia, therefore they are Asian
What are longfaced slavs?
but russia is the only slav country in asia
We do actually
...Why would you have your hair bloom out like that on top you fuck head? Jesus christ it makes you look like triangle
every picture I've seen of Eastern Europe is either very trashy and poor in the countryside or is very nice with beautiful architecture within some cities.
Doesn't matter if Slavs are white or not they're nice and make a lot of good memes.
Also best flag in the world is Slavic
>doesn't love Slav posting
Calm yer tits, it dries faster that way.
They look american
>Deciding whats white or not
Nice try Weinstein
Considering how cücked Western faggots such as Swedes, Germans, English, French, etc. are - we DO NOT want to be considered "White". If that is "White", I'd rather be "non-White".
I have more respect for the Chinese, the Japanese, the Koreans, than I do for Western Europeans.
You look like an old disney cartoon character
We look alike, always knew my Breslau roots gave me Polish and Czech blood.
Slovene knows his shit
Bow to your future Supreme Mama Sahib, Slav haters
>copy of roman flag Nr.99378239
Mongols btfo'd everyone in Eastern Europe but they always retreated, they stayed in Russia for a while
You say that like if it's a bad thing.
my ancestors were mostly ethnic germans from bohemia (western czech republic)
There was an old slovenian woman who used to come into the coffee shop I used to work at. One time she brought her daughter and she was hot. I bet the old lady was hot when she was young, too.
Thanks, Slovenia.
You're welcome, Jeff.
Republic of Slovenia
Slavic Union when?
Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary, Slovenia...Russians can stay away, they would only try to control the rest.
I guess being Czech blood makes me nonwhite, even though I'm pale as a ghost and don't look like a mongoloid.
oi you shitskin turk calling yourself "white" better not think about race mixing with our goddess i mean traitor that deserves to get shot for moving to amerikka
would you like to join, Eastern Gernomoney
ve stronk!
I'm Galician (Polish+Uki) so i think i would fit in.
Oi Polan we agreed to not allow Turks to join in on this.
I think it's because of the snow but idk
Post info about the idea that physical traits are directly linked to behavior.
Animal heraldry begot human heraldry in the empires of old. Some people have culturally appropriated the wisdom learned from a millenia of these human experiments.
In genetics there are two catagories of data, genotype (genetic code) and phenotype (physical traits exhibited). Rules of thumb about hybrid vigor and offspring percentages were similar for all mammals... including humans.
Inbreeding was deemed negative after extensive testing, yet is still practiced by several inbred supremacist ethnic cults.
When the phenotype of an organism is observed and its appearance is related to its behavior, this is called phrenology (or facio-cranial sciences if you want to recatagorize and over catagorize a topic so as to stigmatize it into a small specialist role, but along with neurosciece, phrenology will investigate the concept of mental behavioral links compared to brain structure).
Many call phrenology psuedo science but phrenology is being resurrected publically, now. Israel already uses phrenology in both negative and positive societal/cultural roles.
Israel sterilizes overbreeding Ethiopean semites practicing judaism and deports Filipino maids who become pregnant in their country with half breeds. Israeli officials have commented these efforts were to prevent a "watering down of the blood" by undesirable ethnicities... which seems more like an ethnocracy than a democracy or religious state.
Some trait linked roles are long standing like the shuning of the red headed "bastard jews", which has now spread from the british kikes to a normalized set of gentile hating jokes, cross culturally and worldwide.
Any rabbi will tell you the goal of judaism is worldwide cultural conversion, and what a culture it is, you should read up on what you will be fully subsumed by so you stop being such a goy (tribe/cow) shiksa (insect).
Why do we consider finns non white? Pic related 3 pure white aryan finns who were imprisoned for no reason by the slavs and sent to siberia just because they are aryan and pure and white
God even the non shitskin "german" is actually a slav. I bet north of my country is more german than germany.
Bavaria was always full of slavs. We consider us self more as Austrians.
school classes in Bavaria were like 70% Germans, 5% Asians or Turks and 25% slavs
I got once an elaborated discussion with an Ukrainian guy about Pol-Ukr (reaching union with Lithuania) and all I got he is butthurt about Poles leeching off Ukraine and wanting Lwow back.
And the more I was trying to be apologizing and admitting that perhaps we were not as good as a random Pole thinks he was more and more butthurt but yet wanting to join V4+. I don't get it.
I am against changing any borders which were set after II WW. Let it be.
I am not sure the union would work. Being dependent on oil we would finally become part of Russian empire.
hello Nazi council please don't consider me white thanks :)
Jew propoganda
sorry im late guys
you agian :D
Mongol blood
Guys, lets just accept that people from civilised, andvanced cultures >>>>>>>>>>> people from fucked up shit holes.
With civilised i mean western Europeans, Slavs, Koreans, Japs and the non shithole overseas european populations. (Ie not colombia, yes chile)
I don't know but they are primate faggots. Minus the polaks and the czehs
You think the "white" refers to race?? Really?
Learn some fucking history.
Look Ahmed, we the Slavs are the whitest people on Earth, we've basically spent out eternity fighting for our own race, and you should be thankful for that before you get completely consumed by subhunam goatshaggers. We know how to act before shit hits the fan.
also we aren't fucking slavs, Abdul.
Finnic, Uralid, Turanid, and Mongolic admixture in varying degrees. It's that simple.
Eastern Slavs, Balts and Finns have some genetic admixutre and it is also visible is some of the population.
Less so/none in Western Slavs and Southern Slavs though.
for your sake, I hope you are a Bosnian Serb. There's a lot of ottoman rape baby in Bosnia. Its far from "pure".
Genetically speaking you are closer to Slavs than anything else. Uralic is only 1-3% of the Hungarian Genome. Your language on the other hand certainly isn't