Recommend some films with a transgender protagonist

recommend some films with a transgender protagonist

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mrs doubtfire

there is a rule against posting anime outside of Sup Forums
there is a rule against posting ponies outside of /mlp/

when is there going to a be rule against trannyposting? this degeneracy has to stop. stop promoting this shit. don't you see you're ruining the next generation? it's not funny.

who's this semen demon


When is there going to be a rule against Sup Forums posting?


idk if that has a penis but id definitly pork in the bum

The Dark Knight Rises. Prove me wrong, pro-tip: you can't

Don't care if dick, would fuck into oblivion desu familia.

I need source plsss

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

congrats on not being an insecure faggot

this or sleepaway camp

>not one mention of The Polish Girl

seriously Sup Forums?

About Ray.

Let The Right One In

laurence anyways

because that's not good

Is that really a trap ?

>not wanting to fuck a man with a wig and makeup equals being insecure

were reaching levels of degeneracy that shouldnt even be possible

I really liked "Boy meets Girl". It's very sweet and the trans girl is actually very pretty.



He's pretty cute desu

its shit


The Polish girl is not good.

>would fuck a man

calls anyone else a faggot

>nude scene
>actual trans actress

thnx gonna fap to this


don't get mad, son. I'm bi and you can call me whatever you want, i don't get triggered like you "100% hetero" dudes

Good, this is progress. I can't wait until 90% of palm d'ors are going to lgbt films

enjoy your stds you subhuman scum.



I use condoms, but enjoy your virginity

I will fag.

this is kind of one


Stargate the movie

Crying Game

Sleep away camp

Bella Thorne?

>comes to Sup Forums to bitch about degeneracy

Where the fuck do you people come from? God damn it I've been here since Line trap was a thing and seeing new shits like you bitch is always annoying

pfft, that ugly untalented skank wishes she could look as good as that amateur tranny

She's not a trap though.

I'm 100% hetero white male, but I'd totally fuck a trap if she looks feminine enough, what am I? I can't figure out, I'm not gay enough to be bi and not hetero enough to be hetero, fuck this shit.

Are you looking for a safespace friendo ?

You're a female-preferring bi. That's fine, user.


Well is she or not? I need to know if i find "it" sexually attractive or not :)

Ella Freya

Not entirely sure I can dig her nose though.

Who cares? As long as her penis is feminine enough it shouldn't matter

>Wild Zero
Not really the protag, but a great rec all the same.

You're just like me senpai, it's still called bi. Even though i don't like 90% of the men, i'm not a pussy about it

>attempting to slap a label on emotions so you can tuck them into a filing cabinet

wow dude
Let me raise some questions about sexuality and why rigid definitions don't matter.

Take Reynolds in Deadpool. He's clearly masculine, not insecure, not effeminate, but he gets pegged at one point. Does that make him gay? Is it gay to get pegged by a woman? Is it effeminate to not be the one leading during sex? If so, does that mean reverse cowgirl is slightly less than heterosexual?

It's to the point where these questions are so pointless that they don't matter. Are you with someone you care about, and are you enjoying the act? That's all that matters.

Of course not. Not everything is a trap, geez.

Is it a dude or a girl?


b-but Sup Forums told me that's degenerate

>new shits
rofl when did you get here

2006 or so


>18 years old
>not a trap

I'm so disappointed. I thought this was sexy young teen trap

It is degenerate. The fact is that you most likely fapped yourself into bisexuality thanks to neuroplasticity. But eh, whatever. I am in a similar situation, and it's really pretty much the same as hetero. I've never been attracted to actual IRL men.

Now is the best time to be degenerate anyway.

It's called being straight.


You want something profound?

>people who have beliefs or traditions should follow them. i.e., good Christians shouldn't be gay because the Bible says no.
>non-believers are not bound by these traditions however, and are able to do as they please [sexually]

>It is degenerate
you fell for the meme. Unironically, there is literally nothing wrong with being gay/bi/whatever

>"Davidson is gay. At the time of his short acting career, he said that his androgynous look alienated him within the gay community, saying "Homosexual men love very masculine men. And I'm not a very masculine person. I'm reasonably thin. I have long hair, which isn't very popular with gay men."[6] He later adopted a more masculine look, with a shaved head, tattoos and more developed physique."

So, if you think non-hetero sex is degenerate, you're thinking along Christian ideology. I've got nothing against Christians, I was raised Roman Catholic and remain sympathetic though non-practicing myself.

But there is more than one world view, and no one can prove which is right.

I'm on your side famigo

When will boi pucci be weaponized

I'm pretty sure ISIS beat everyone to it, I heard a story about it

friendly reminder all traps are more neurotic, selfish and insane than biological women and if you even consider them over real women you're just a closet fag, that or insane

friendly reminder no matter how good the film is it'll never be good because the focal point is inherently flawed by making your protagonist an effigy of a human - a veritable doll with no emotions

We want to fuck traps, not date them

>Look at her instagram
>Start crying

I often cry when I see beautiful women because I'm reminded that none of them will ever love me.

I'm going to die alone. I hate being a DYEL manlet, I hate being a beta, I'm an utter failure. It's all my manlet father's fault and my whore mother for having such low standards. I ignore women as often as I can to avoid being humiliated and embarrassed because they're so shallow and cruel.


thats really the only sensible "argument" I'd agree

your mom still never told you not to stick your dick in crazy?

>friendly reminder all traps are more neurotic, selfish and insane
That's kinda my fetish though. I'm a submissive masochist.


why not an ugly woman?

No mention of Hit & Miss?

For all the trap haters, think about it, would you rather date a ugly fat woman or a cute feminine trap? Really makes you think.

I think I have the same phone as that girl

That's a CGI cock, isn't it? Her body is too feminine to be a real trap.

I think hey'd rather stay the virgins they are

>shhhh it's me casp---OH GOD WHAT

Prosthetic, but yea, fake.

Why are you wearing a skirt, are you scottish or something?

literally a fuccboi

Trannies are literally better than real girls in every way

Trannies and tomboys are the best, it's like having a bro but you can fuck him and have a relationship with him.

if makes you feel better more than half of her photos are photoshopped

I would, but even they all want Chad and Tyrone. Women are the ones that get to pick and choose, even the ugliest women shoot for way above their league.

No ugly girl or fat girl will choose a 5'8 midget like me, she'd rather be a side whore to 6'4 Chad even though he doesn't give two shits about her because he has a whole lineup of women to fuck at any time.

I just wasn't made to be loved, it's that simple. Aren't there more males on this planet? A lot of us are going to have to die alone and I'm one of them.

your mind is still living in the 90s, women want dadbods now

i'm beginning to think it might be more viable to be a faggot

literally "i just watched X. did i like it?" the post


As a tall, but fat dude to compensate, I feel you bro.

Any good relationship is better than not having one.

>cute boys playing pianos
>or cute girls playing pianos
>only difference is logistics

this women will never be as pure as they are in anime, but if you do come across some fat weeb who likes that kind of thing, consider the fact that you are both 1/10s in your respective genders and maybe you should cherish the few women that exist who are not judgmental Stacies

seriouslyFam, you don't want to be lonely the rest of your life, this is far more important than getting your dick wet

prove that you can be a good bf, don't waste your time on bad people and meet as many bitches as you can (ignore feminists, talk to them in the middle of the night and in elevators etcetera.. you need as many chances as you can get...) believe me there are also lonely women out there (be they merely tired of being "pumped and dumped") who will take you

Never go faggot, faggot, just fuck trannies and act manly about it.