>This is what leftists really believe.
I hope you guys haven't called Banks "racist"
Other urls found in this thread:
I fucking can't stand liberals.
Obummer is black tho, nigga
it was just a prank you sand nigger paki faggot
Thank God I live in Bermuda away from this crap.
Yall don't really fall for this meme do you?
It's just an irrelevant counter argument made up by liberals to try and stumble someone
If black people don't have institutional power, then why haven't any white people deposed Obama, Lynch, or Holder yet?
>institutional power
I guess this is the new term for rich coloured folk
No one does.
Okay so she's just prejudiced against people based on the color of their skin.
I'm thinking about spending a couple of weeks in the Caribbean, which one is the best island there?
Bermuda is not officially part of the Caribbean, but the weather here is nice right now.
If not try the Bahamas, real nice place.
>no institutional power
>run the executive branch
>Azealia Banks makes redpilled comments slightly in support of Trump
>leftists say she can't be rayciss cuz she black and oppressed, even though she's a millionaire with a bunch of fans
Meh, let it happen. They won't silence her, so let her keep redpilling blacks.
Who posted that? I want to hate mail them
Literally who?
>How dare you accuse black people of not having institutional power, you racist
Can we gas these people already?
bad idea
they'll doxx you and tell your boss youre racist and ruin your life because they can't stand disagreement
Oh yeah, just checked the map, didn't know Bermuda was so north. Mite be cool. I just hope my plane doesnt crash into a black hole.
Wait, that actually happens?
NAACP is an institution
Howard University is an institution
BET is an institution
THE BLACK PANTHER PARTY is an institution
So yes black are FUCKING racist
Does all info going into Bermuda get lost on the way?
I own my boss. I literally run the show at my job. I could kill a nigger in front of them and they wouldnt fire me
Azealia Banks is racist as fuck and as a white nationalist I agree with her on most issues.
Different people, and different groups of people use different meanings for words. The left is simply encapsulating itself in a special language so that people who are "ignorant" or not part of their clique cannot understand anything they say, nor do they need to.
No, why would it?
Kek. Every time. I`ll let you in on a local secret. No one here actually believes in that kind of thing. We are just taught of magnetic interference but no plane or internet problems in decades. But the internet does suck here.
>So tolerant.
The president and attorney general are black and yet blacks play no part in 'the' institution. Leftist logic.
Plus Banks says herself that she's racist
>when you use your retarded ideology and principles and word them as little girl tantrums