Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in God?

if quadz, God exist, for ever and ever

tu connais les no mùore heroes?

If he existed why would he let such a piece of human shit exist?

This is my god. He does exist.

I'd like to.

The concept of god is not only fascinating, but entertaining.

It's a ripe area for logical fallacy, but it's also an area that helps us to challenge our conceived logics, and explore our more emotional, moral, or abstract thoughts such as faith, trust, love, honor, and bravery, all concepts that defy logic in favor of immaterial pursuits of imbalance.

Agree or disagree about it's existence, but the conceptual impact is undeniable, and that make it all the more real.


You can't walk without something to step on.

Yeah boi! its the only way.

Why would he?

Lutheran here

To me it's not about the physical or metaphysical but it's more about the fact that we were created. This implies that there is a schema in place and a template in place to determine the course of time. It cracks me up every time I hear about "evolution", and that it's all an accident. That is not true

But created by whom or what?

That doesn't answer the question. That might just mean you like casserole-heavy potluck dinners in church basements.

I am agnostic. I don't know and I don't care

if aliens created us, then who made them? ultimately, creation demands a creator. a God.

Yes, and I am dead to him because I've been abused, beaten up, molested and I'm only 20.

A god isn't the same as a creator. I can create something that doesn't make me all powerful over it.

I got 95 reasons that the church is wrong

I think there's a God who made all of this and ingrained order into this world from chaos. I also don't believe that homosexuality or transexualism is right because it doesn't adhere to the correct way of life

He works in mysterious ways

To answer the question at hand, yes I do.

What do you mean?
Maybe there's a chance for me in the future?

to create something from nothing is impossible without an all-powerful being.

>I do not understand how
>Therefore, God

Ignorance is now proof apparently.


It's only flesh and bone. The spirit is eternal

And the people who did that to you will be judged for it

There isn't order though. There are random events all the time. Don't tell me that a child getting molested is order

>i do not understand god
>therefore, atheism

Only to the small minded

No, that's the sin of mankind

No because im not 7

we live in a fallen world. God is not the author of chaos or death.


>I see no proof of God
>Therefore atheism

Most, if not all gods aren't all powerful.

Outside of Judah Christianity, gods were fallible and mortal, they simply possesses as deeper understanding of the incorporeal world, and a extreme, almost negligible longevity.

Godhood doesn't mean omnipotence.


This user gets it

How do you know there was nothing?
How do you know nothing cannot become something?
The evidence doesn't demand anything at all. It just is, and so are you.

>i believe something came from nothing in such a perfect way randomly multiple times to produce life from lifelessness
>therefore atheism

No but I was raised with christian values and to this day apply them in my day to day life.

If God is all powerful and all knowing then freewill can't exist because he knows what you will don't here for there is only destiny not freewill. And if evil happens and he has the power to stop it and doesn't then he is evil. So either good doesn't exist or he is evil.

Russian church don't love pokemons.

>Evidence doesn't suggest or prove a god
>Fuck trying to figure it out though, let's just believe something instead, that's easy.

So you believe in higher beings who are not all powerful?

We're told that the earth was void and empty and in chaos before God made light, it's not that hard to understand

entropy. if all that is has always been, then it can't have existed for eternity past because of the decay of matter and energy

how do we know if god is not just figment of our minds believing in the existence of a being in a greater power. and by that logic, couldn't someone who exhibits abnormalities be considered a god. sum-thing like they can produce excess body heat to a fingertip and produce enough concentrated energy to light a wick.

Double will not lie!


I believe nothing
Proof is demanded. also,
thats fucking funny

There is a more than zero chance that a tornado going through a junkyard will assemble a working car

You wrote gibberish but God decided to give men and women the ability to have free will. We used it wrongly so that's why we have problems

Unless they're born-again Christians, in which case they go to heaven, no questions asked, and the most noble, compassionate, charitable pagan goes to hell to be tormented for eternity.

There is equal chance that we life in a computer simulation as there is that God exists

and the cell exhibits irreducible complexity, yet it is extremely complex. it can't appear from nothing.


A figment in the minds of all ancient civilizations who had nothing in common except being human beings

Until the Judgment Day, when God will, for some reason, intervene and set everything right. After allowing millennia of needless suffering.

It didn't. There were a lot of chemical reactions involved.
Also, the earliest living cells were laughably less complex than you think.

That's mainline Protestant dogma, stemming from Martin Luther's existential anxiety that he was going to hell when he died.

Well yea, we're told that there's only 1 (one) way to heaven. Is that a problem?

it's a bit like trying to solve a puzzle with only 2/3 of the pieces

based on fossilized cells from the dawn of time?

Prove it

Actually prove that God doesn't exist. That would be better

actual pic of god

No one knows anything, and they say they do they're lying cunts. If there was a Almighty creator, the fucker is beyond all comprehension of our monkey brains. Be the best version you can be, try live and full life, and hail our dark lord Satan, amen

this guy is mostly right

I wrote a logical statement. Just because you didn't under stand it doesn't make it gibberish. I will break it down for you though

>Destiny cannot equal freewill they are mutually exclusive
>If God knows all he knows the future
>If God knows the future then we are predestined
>If actions are predestined then we are not free to decide our actions they are already determined
>God is all powerful
>God knows people are predestined to evil
>God does not stop evil from happening
>Therefore God condones evil
>Therefore God is evil

It's simple logic. Tell me the flaw

It can because it did

As opposed to based on a book thats been rewritten dozens of times that contradicts itself frequently? You can create life yourself by reproducing the chemical reactions.
Neither of the scenarios in question can be proven with any greater logical doubt than the other, which makes blind faith extremely stupid.



Prove you aren't a child fucker. You can't prove a negative.

Good point. i'll have to get back to you on that one.

>God is the Universe, the Dao. I believe in God as much as I believe that I as of the world around me.


circular reason much?


It's the same with God. The world is infinity complex so therefore must have been created. What ever created it though has to be all powerful and more complex then the world. But who created him? He could not have sprung from nothing because he is infinitly complex. As is the world.

an ancient scroll of the book of Isaiah predating Christ was found in the Qumran caves near the dead sea. it matched the modern translation almost perfectly.

The flaw in your argument is implying that God is only restricted to eliminating all creatures he made who are sinful. Since God wrote the definition of the word "definition" eons before time ever existed and has written every other concept that the physical and spiritual universe operates on now, how can we sit here and say that God has no right to make something he already knows will become evil eventually?

God didn't bring order from chaos. He brought Chaos from order.

Think: vacuous, empty, unformed space; nothing ever happens. What could be more ordered than that?

But a world full of life, uncountable different entities making choices, affecting the world around themselves? Chaos.

Chaos is the essence of free will, and without free will, we would be boring, and pointless.

the absence of matter produces the absence of time. this explains eternity past.

>infinitely complex = must have been created
Theres a flaw in your logic. I'll let you figure it out.
Ah, so it's always been full of stupid contradictions, good job.

The world is infinitely complex, therefore it exists. Its existence is God, as God is of existence and not nonexistence.

We are pointless, and you cannot logically prove the opposite.

That's a cop out. That's saying he is too complex to understand. If he is too complex to understand then how do we know his will? That complexity can't be written in a book so therefore the Bible is shit. So he is a mystery that we can't understand so why even believe in him?

He's not just god. He's /ourguy/

pearls before swine, dude

So much cringe here.

There is no God. Atheism is the absence of a belief. Also it does not matter if there is something or nothing at any point.

Saying God does have no more explanatory / causal impact than saying there was nothing. God us an empty word. Nothing ACTUALLY follows.

Yes but does nothing to prove a creator. Matter coming from the big bang is equally as likely as matter from God.

the Bible is written so we can understand parts of His plan. if it was too complex for us to follow, it would be pointless.

Only if you have a linear concept of time.

Look at me, I'm arguing on the internet with no cited evidence. You dinosaurs had a good with two dicks, one to fuck the sun and the other to cream on the moon. They died off because they fail to anticipate the keebler evles would create a cookie comet that could wipe out all live on the face of they earth?

True fact look it up at

Umm it's been stated many MANY times that God can't be understood by humans.

What's your're point?? You're not making sense

let me put it like this, if one person knew for a fact, without a doubt, that a god does not exist. the world will still be praying to a god. its a deeply rooted belief, some ask why are isis doing what they do? its because its deeply rooted into their lives, to kill insurgences, and to kill anyone who apposes Islam in the name of their god. so religion is a driving factor behind violence rooted throughout history.

No, but I always find religious people's arguments for god very lacking because they either are saying they believe because they want to bury their heads in the sand or argue for a higher being/power but we would have no idea what this higher being/power is like outside of proving its existence.

No, because I was born an atheist and I've never heard a compelling argument.

>muh Pascal's wager
>muh cosmological argument
>muh ontological argument
>just have faith lmao
Not good enough.
