What are some other good examples of "Show don't Tell"

What are some other good examples of "Show don't Tell"


hes a big guy...

>t. Nu-male who's fragile masculinity is threatened by DC's alpha males.

Now we know where all that DC insecurity comes from.

mmm post more bulges pls

Snyder's movies, if there were another hour of exposition marvel fans would love them

damn i wish thor would hammer my wife with that nail


>This dick prosthetic for this shot is real.


you mean jack hammer.





>being this intimidated by big guys

sucks to be you

I didn't know this board was so gay.

Please do not sexualize the Bowie.



I have to wonder if gay size queens are made to feel inadequate by the men they lust over

>mfw i can't help myself and i stare at any noticeable bulges in public

are you fucking new?


Personally I'm not gay but there is something aesthetically attractive about cocks when they're large and meaty

post moar capeshit cocks

nigga u gay



This. Cocks are beautiful.

I mean't stop posting big, fat cocks not little spider dick




those are some big balls

fighting bulls requires big balls

dumb bulgeposter

That can't be real. His dick would have to be like a foot long flaccid.

Like Mike Matei's bulge pics seem unbelievable. My 7.7 inch erect dick isn't close to as big as these guys are flaccid. The fuck.

For you






>that one scene in Road Trip where Sean William Scott steps off the bus and you can see his cock bounce around comando style

Still one of my favorite movies

jealous tinydick

yummy, he a cute


also idk why but he always gave a impression of a based gay bro

He has a trap gf

>Ywn see Mike pound his qt trap gf's boipussi with his hugh mungus monster cock.

Why live?

Do you think Mike has ever sucked his own cock? I would.

is it tradition to hang left?

hurts your back desu senpai

i'd figure it'd need to be a elastic asshole with a prostate to stimulate

no idea.

but with the length of his cock, shouldn't it be less strain?

It would be extremely painful, but he's a big guy

yes, but probably still hurts

Was getting a big cock part of your plan?