Why did this movie bomb at the box office? It made only $285 million on a $185 million budget. It can't be because of the gay Sulu thing, that scene was only about five seconds long and was just two guys holding hands.
Why did this movie bomb at the box office? It made only $285 million on a $185 million budget...
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Did it make its money back
If so, it didn't bomb
If not, it's because all the nerds knew JJ jumped ship and assumed it was already a failure
In my case, it WAS due to the gay Sulu thing. As soon as I read about that, I canceled my ticket order.
>Why did this movie bomb at the box office?
The film looked unappealing in the first trailer and got a lot of negative press. There also didn't seem to be a lot of advertising for it too.
Shame, because it was pretty good.
I didn't bother to see if for free due to the ridiculous PC Sulu thing that even the real Sulu said was fucking stupid. Fuck these guys.
>285mil gross; 50-60% of this comes home
>185mil budget, not including marketing
>did it make its money back
If I had to guess, I'd say the mainstream is getting tired of Star Trek. There was never fuckhuge hype for it, and we're on the third in seven years, now. The last one only made ~30mil profit.
Also Into Darkness probably pissed off a good number of trekkies, though I doubt that'd account for more than a few million.
>continued feminization of Asian men
No thanks
but why
okay here's the skinny on STB
> + Good characterization
> + Better homage to STII than Into Darkness
> + Less Spock+Uhura
> + More Spock+McCoy
> + Some clever twists, setups and payoff (i..e. competent script)
> + An unpredictable story with a genuine mystery
> + Some cool new Star Trek type stuff (that space station)
> + The layout of the Enterprise was accurately reflected in the plot and direction. Very well done.
> - Chris Pine's face
> - Non threatening villain (i.e the Marvel disease)
> - What exactly did that "weapon" do? It's just poison gas?
> - the faggot gay shit
In all more plusses than minuses. Good summer action flick.
It was the gay that killed the BO. People don't like that shit shoved in their fucking faces.
Because sofia's a dancer and it's fun?
There you go. The normies dont care and the Star Trek fans hate it.
In the cut I saw Sulu was full on slurping on a guy's dick and saying "mmmm, captain's log..." and then smacked his lips and jacked off. When he got up to leave he got smacked on the ass and the other guy said "now this is what I call a STAR date." and then Sulu turned around, raised his eyebrows and said "Oh my!"
>Star Trek Beyond - July 22
>Jason Bourne - July 29
>Suicide Squad - August 5
Basically this. Both Star Trek and Jason Bourne share the same older demo audience. Bourne took away the potential audience after it's opening and Suicide Squad took the rest.
I feel like the whole Sabotage thing was just cheesy enough to be enjoyable.
Like, at first it's really dumb, but then "WHYYYYYYYYYYY" and they all start blowing up even faster...if they hadn't have played it up that much, it would have been a much worse scene.
>Beastie Boys
That was the only good thing.
>The normies dont care and the Star Trek fans hate it.
I'm both and I really enjoyed it. It was a good follow up to ST09 and was quite a bit of fun. I hope the next one doesn't get cancelled because it didn't do as well as expected. Especially if Hemsworth is coming back to play Kirk's dad.
Because NuTrek into Dankness was shit and no one wanted to see more of that, fans and normies alike. Beyond ended up being the best of the three by a large margin, but following up a shitpile is never a fun task.
Plus the ads made it look like it was going to be absolute trash.
I'm so sick of fucking Beastie Boys. Making Sulu gay wasn't even the worst thing, it was all the fucking Beastie Boys up to this point.
A Beastie Boy has fucking died. Maybe you didn't realize that. In any case I think an apology is in order.
That was my favourite part, tbqhwy. But seeing as the film was written by Simon Pegg, I was expecting "Don't Stop Me Now".
Best star trek movie of the last 19 years. I hope it gets recognition and audience it deserves.
> Star Wars
Delete your account.
There was real excitement for the 2009 film and the sequel. There was ZERO for this one. Outside of Sup Forums It seems like this film didn't exist.
I think peoplje just didn't care. The new Trek isn't new anymore, the story isn't going anywhere so it's not like people want to see "how it ends". And the film is kind of ass.
I'm guessing the terrible trailers, I wasn't going to see it until people pointed out to me that it was nothing like those
Into Darkness was shit (you know, a few judicious edits to make Bendydick into Gary Mitchell and Alice Eve into Elizabeth Dehner might have improved it), the first trailer for Beyond was shit, the promo campaign leading up to the movie was weak, the box office was crowded.
>Did it make its money back
Unlikely. The $185 mil doesn't include marketing, and the $285 doesn't include the money that goes to people unrelated to the production, like cinemas, distributors and lawyers.
>If not, it's because all the nerds knew JJ jumped ship
That made me more likely to see it, but I didn't because it's still set in his retarded vision of the universe.
>gay Sulu
If I didn't learn it from Sup Forums I would have thought it was his brother because it was never mentioned in the film
I would say it was weak promos, following a weak sequel, and Jason Bourne all combined to hit ticket sales.
The scene of Sulu was enough for me to turn it off and not go pay to see it after that, not supporting that faggotry
I dont know what kinda of gay inbred relationship you have with your brother but you dont embrace your brother like that and look into his eyes like you want his hot fluid sprayed into the back of your throat
it was gay and not needed tbhfamily
What are you a nigger?
>what is an advertising budget
Read the thread.
Budget only includes production, not advertising. The gross is shared with cinema owners so only half would return to the studio.
bcos they're so poorly made and the novelty of the "nu-trek" shtick eventually worn off
plus: how many times can u fool the audience?
the next disney wars won't make as much money for the reasons stated above
>movie is called star trek BEYOND
>just a by the numbers star trek adventure, absolutely nothing BEYOND about it
The problem is doing something that was popular in the 70's and 80's. Star Trek was HUGE in the 90's and 90's revival shit is also huge for movies right now. They're not doing 90's star trek though. I think they should do a god damn crossover movie. Grab as many 90's trek actors and cross them all over and probably sling in these NuTrek cast mates too. Just fuck our shit up with star trek. That movie would have draw and sell.
This meme only applies to marvel films
I didn´t go because the guy who plays Scotty loves to tweet sjws stuff
can´t stand that asshole
Star Trek movies were never huge, they knew this, but the franchise was well known, so they figured they'd make a Star Trek movie for everybody and get all the fans and new people too, but it didn't work like that, because it was so un-Trek that the hardcore fans got turned off, and the normies don't want to watch infinite Trek films, it was just a bit of nerd cred for them.
the only character that I belive lives up to his predecessor is Bones
the rest seem to be nu-males
anton was too fragile for this world RIP
Not a huge fan, but Axanar looked pretty nice for a fan movie:
Anyway, I still remember the cool intro of Enterprise:
>the first trailer for Beyond was shit
Paramount sabotaged the movie from the inside because they didn't want people like Pegg writing the scripts
they want to stick to hacks like Robert Orci and that other jew from LOST
Why is that I love absolutely every design of the federation that isn't Enterprise like starship?
I didnt know it came out
Those don't look like Klingons
Your source:
>"The Beautiful Klingon Designs JJ Abrams Rejected for Star Trek 2"
>not liking gay Sulu
fucking faggots on Sup Forums
>first contact was 19 years ago
Agreed, Bones is perfect, the rest are...ok to bad. I don't dislike chris pine and it think it's more a problem of the script than him, but he doesn't carry the moral aspect of Star Trek.
fuck them for putting a stop to the only good Trek stuff being made
Because JJ spent two movies disenfranchising the core audience and somehow doesn't realize that the general public doesn't really give that much of a damn about science fiction no matter how much he tries to appeal to the general public.
>inb4 star wars is science fiction
Yeah no. That's straight fantasy.
I remember seeing like 2 commercials for it a week before it came out
I didn't see it cause this was a summer of bad movies. I know others that have just stopped going to these summer movies cause this year was that fucking bad.
I probably should have gone to see this, but I waited and instead went to go see Kubo and the Two String. And I am glad I gave my money to a good movie
idk what you guys are about it felt retarded as fuck to me
It's more a problem that TOS characters don't work today.
Yeah, because those who weren't look so different
>>inb4 star wars is science fiction
>Yeah no. That's straight fantasy
Science fiction is a branch of fantasy
The Klingons and the USS Vengeance were the best things about STiD.
That's literally one of the dumbest things I've heard all day.
my nigga. but Beyond is the best Trek movie we've gotten since Undiscovered Country.
>Science fiction is a branch of fantasy
fuck off. Just cause something branches from something else doesn't mean it is a part of that.
Or do you think death metal is a part of blues and classical music?
Sofia a cute.
First trailer was awful, made the movie look like shit, even though it ended up being the best of the three.
Star Trek 1 and 2 and Star Wars 7 were all the same movie. People didn't need to see it a fourth time.
better than First contact? I don't see how it could be better than that. The others were dissapointments I liked insurrection, even though it was a tv episode done long
>Why did this movie bomb at the box office?
Because it's fucking horrible and word of mouth spread quickly.
Anything to stay inside, hey user?
But it wan't shoved down anyone's face.
Seriously, who the fuck cut that first trailer? I'm putting a lot of the blame on them for why this isn't doing well. I had friends who like the new films, but even they didn't want to see this one after watching that. A few of them actually did go after I saw it and told them it was nothing like that. I wonder how much harder this would have bombed if word-of-mouth was actually mostly bad.
It was about 10 seconds long and they didn't even kiss. How fucking triggered do you get by stuff like this?
Because it was fucking shit. Normies thought it was boring, TOS fans thought it was tiresome. The only people who liked it were reddit dickheads who only got into Star Trek in the last year or two and think they know everything about Star Trek
>hurr the movie was self contained like an episode so that makes it good
So does this movie proves that you don't born gay?
Why is that?
looks more like an extra chromosome than an alien.
The first trailer hurt it and I did not realize it was in cinemas until a week later.
I think it's a homage to this Kharn