Is it the ultimate pleb filter?
>that photoshopped arm
Holy shit, I just noticed that abomination
the idea being "whos arm is it" her dur its both
Why ask Sup Forums, it's full of normies pretending to be patricians
My girlfriend had to watch is three times to realize Edward Norton and Brad Pitt were the same person.
Suffice to say: we're no longer together
One side Clyde, lemme show you a REAL arm.
this one gets me
check out leo's hand
The answer depends on why someone likes it.
It's an interesting and era defining movie in a lot of ways (and important because of those ways). To reject it out of hand is possibly even more ignorant than to cleave to it without question or to assert its philosophies as realistic or enviable.
whos leo, freind
>To reject it out of hand is possibly
Jesus Christ, most reddit post of the day right here
how tall is your fucking horse?
Fight Club is the most overrated movie in history
nigger its a great film people pretned to dislike it so they can think themself smarter than the average watcher when in reality no one gives a fuck make your own opinion on if you like a film dont pretend not to like it becase a few other people do the same to the extent where you start hating it for no other reason than you dont want people to know you liked it becuase you think it makes you pleb for the same reason as the other people say you should dislike it, its a fucking vicious circle
You're on Sup Forums everyone here is a contrarion piece of shit. Don't speak reason.
no it isnt
Yes it is.
It's frequently found on top 100, top 50, top 20 or God forbid top 10 lists
When in reality it's a 6/10 movie at best
lol wut
Maybe by high school tards, or tards in general, but it wasn't ever reviewed that great.
My bad. Is this better?
THIS YOU RETARDED FUCKS! You only pretend not to like it so you can fake superiority over another group of worthless neckbeards who replace actually living their lives with mass produced entertainment that literally insults the fuck out of both groups of you for not living your lives because you replace actual life with voyeuristic wankery over fictionalized, mass produced entertainment!
This abomination.
Whoever tells you that this is a good movie you can safely dismiss his opinion on movies or artform in general for good.
It somehow brings out all the wannabe "patricians" out.
so true.
everyone wants to be a special little snowflake.
so are many other films, shindlers list for instance, shawshank redemption for another and many others, just because a film is good and recognized for its quility dosnt mean its overated its definetly not the most overated film, but nice try il give (YOU) a 6/10 for your effort
spotted the pleb
The difference is that Schindler's List and Shawshank Redemption are not 6/10, they are better.
>TIL people have different opinions
Opinions can be wrong and plebeian
t. plebeian
I am sure I can safely say that this shit excuse of a movie is OBJECTIVELY bad and can provide you a whole list ofreasons why it is if you are interested.
Opinion dismissed
>using the word pleb so you can appear to look smart
I don't even think the movie is that good, but you're not fucking special or superior for disliking this movie.
I don't even dislike the movie, it's just that every person that I've ever met that loved it has had shit taste
thats your opinion mate, you're free to have that, dosnt make it true though, those films are just as "overated" stay pleb
Thanks, always appreciate feedback from someone who has yet to master the English language.
Shawshank is pretty much the definition of a 6/10 movie.
Yes. You should disregard the opinion of anyone who likes this trash.
yes it is. people who are too insecure to admit they enjoyed a movie just because edgy 14-y/o's also did are definitely plebs.
What is a 10/10 or 9/10 movie to you?
Better cover
what's the list?
aaaah there it is, it was a nice try but you have revealed youself
Fight Club
There will be blood, Tree of life, 2001, and, and children of men are all 10/10
Not him, but I agree. Shawshank has a good message, entertaining story, I'll always stop and watch it when channel surfing, but...it's not truly great. There's no real depth to it. I'm kinda drunk now so I can't think of any films I'd point to that get a 9/10 or 10/10 from me, but I'd definitely say that Shawshank is a fun story, good movie adaptation, but not "great"
more like primo edge-core imho
was amazing back in its day, but tried to watch it again and its just kinda bad
>was told we could be rock stars and millionaires
>now we cant
>so were gonna throw a tantrum and be some street-tuffs and terrorists
Man from Earth IS the ultimate pleb detector.
It's for people like you who feel "smart" after watching it without realising how fucking atrocious it is.
It's like a bad cheesy B movie from the 90s. The only redeeming factor is the intriguing backstory, literally every other film element is utter dogshit.
From the mexican telenovela like acting, generic stock soundtrack, no character development, no actual dialogue just a long exposition Q&A throughout, constant boring back to back camerawork, no use of the one room, no creative lighting, a side love story pulled out of the ass, most cliche character traits, literally everything. I had to look up twice that it actually was from 2007, not early 90s.
This shit shouldn't even be a movie, it should be a book or a play. Or given to some other director because Richard Schenkman doesn't even know what a director is.
Just look at any other movie in his profile, everything is a meme (pic related)
And don't tell me they had no budget, 200 000$ is not small budget for this kind of movie. There are far superior movies with half the budget of that.
This movie has no artistic value whatsoever. It is just an excuse to make money from the script.
You will never see a renowned director admire this movie because there is nothing to admire except the concept.
Just try to compare this movie to let's say 12 Angry Men, both set in one room. The difference is almost laughable.
Don't get me wrong, you are allowed to enjoy anything you want, but you can't deny that it fails in almost every filmmaking element there is.
I can rant about this disgrace for hours if needed. And yes I'm mad, fucking schenkmanshit
wow you're so mature now I'm impressed by your maturity
I've met so many normies who say this film is great, but when I ask them to explain all they say is >1st rule of FC: Don't talk about FC
Then I awkwardly change the subject or they leave
>most reddit post of the day
>hahaha xD look mom I made a reddit joke on the super duper cool edgy website called four chan
>does this make up for my lack of success in life?
fight club was a great movie any way you slice it.
good dark comedy, good writing, great acting, great cinematography, good take on schizophrenia and a good take on materialism.
this follows, what i call the "Dave Mathews concert" problem.
the substance isn't necessarily the problem.. you hate all of the people who enjoy it.
and rightfully so, teenagers and insecure faggots focused on the idea of a 'fight club' and liked the movie for the wrong reasons
that's not the point. The point was that the modern man was stuck in a pointless self loathing cycle, one in which to fix it we take drugs and buy shit to feel better. The idea of the book/movie was to break cycle, to indulge in man's most primal activity - fighting. This supposedly gave them purpose (along with the terrorism against the faceless corps that prolong the existence they hate)
dont be a sensitive twat, its not even about that
this movie had a serious attempt at justifying everything that was done...only in hindsight, behind the camerawork you have a bunch of spoiled shits acting like twats, edge masters, and attention whores
>talking about literally any "intellectual" film with someone
>"yeah it reminded me a lot of Clockwork Orange"
and thats when i dip out
i can see that being thoroughly relayed from a novel, but the movie didn't really relay that entirely. the movie just looked like a bunch of people who were formally victims of habitual bullying and hazing getting their revenge...got tired of all the wedgies and male tit jokes, so lets destroy society
not only that, but even from the novels representation, there are more useful ways to get past frustration. just imho its way too edgy for my taste, attention whorish etc etc
Tyler was right
one man wanted to change his life and change the world, he wasn't a retarded edgy faggot; he was crazy. Tyler did that for him, everyone else does come off as a cunt though.
>one man wanted to change his life and change the world, he wasn't a retarded edgy faggot; he was crazy
yeah this is the only narrative that can make this movie semi tolerable. i guess my point is that, scenes like the one where you see norton walking to the bus smoking his cigarette like a douche, and sizing people up on the bus like a douche, it creates an image that makes you literally cringe. that aspect of this movie just bleeds off and on into the film adjacent to all the positives.
like i hate that speech where tyler's basically complaining that "we cant be rock stars and we cant be rich like we were told we could be, now we're really really upset"...etc etc
makes who ever wrote that sound like a spoiled twat, like i cant hear that and nod my head with the character. just kinda lame. 90's version of edge.
I don't think he is actually annoyed at not being a rockstar, it was more of the capitalist deceit that everyone may one day be successful.
Norton was being a douche because apparently that's what it takes to blow up the biggest credit card companies in America. And he's not really wrong,
The bus scene was meant to explain the power they felt after fighting. I can't tell if that's factually correct or just douchey.
>like i hate that speech where tyler's basically complaining that "we cant be rock stars and we cant be rich like we were told we could be, now we're really really upset"...etc etc
He wasn't complaining that he's not a rockstar. He was getting butthurt at the lies we are sold every day.
>Norton was being a douche because apparently that's what it takes to blow up the biggest credit card companies in America. And he's not really wrong
nah, those types of people are creepy recluses
norton just played those specific and similar parts like a try hard douche. seeing him around the female, seeing him trying to track down tyler, seeing him talk with big tit bob, basically whenever he wasnt being a edgemaster he was at his best
>all those literally who
>coherent thought is considered reddit behavior
Sup Forums has won
i get all that, just the overall response is what im talking about man lol
anyways, the movie was still better and more original than most of the film that's been coming out lately
yes,but is pretty good
>there are people on this board who still don't understand Fight Club
>get lied to
>throw tantrum
>become terrorist
whats not to get?
The terrorism part is just a crazy person taking it to the extreme.
The point of the movie is not "become a terrorist". It's more like "grow your balls back, start being alive, stop trying to make yourself feel good by buying useless shit."
>thinking movies tell people to do things
user pls
i take this back, some people are that impressionable
still kinda butt hurt i cant be a ninja turtle, let alone a karate master in general
>growing up watching 90s martial art movies
real fights dont even work like that man