whats your favorite Sylvester Stallone film?
also i wouldn't mess with that guy on the right, looks like a big guy
Whats your favorite Sylvester Stallone film?
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your right or his right?
Party at Kittys and Stud is his best, everything after that is garbage.
They all look the same holy fuck.
Also Rocky.
Is that Chuck Zito?
I'll watch Sly in anything lad, even if he's a co-star like in Nighthawks or Escape to Victory.
Even a lot of his modern stuff like Escape Plan is watchable. Saying that. I never really got into that Expendables crap.
I absolutely refuse to watch Creed though.
>I absolutely refuse to watch Creed though
Creed was surprisingly good. I thought it would have been complete garbage
>says he'll watch anything sly is in
>proceeds to list sly films that he won't watch
Demolition Man
Creed was fantastic, i was really surprised it honestly one of his best films.
Watch it.
>but but nigger main character
At least he is love with a nigger girl and there is no Marxist shit. Doesn't he even get beaten by the white dude?
I think his best overall film is Rocky, since he shows an incredible amount of nuance in both his performance and script. Rocky Balboa is a close second, but suffers from the other boxer's bland performance. First Blood too, but it loses points for being an adaptation while Rocky was Stallone's labor of love.
His best out and out action film to me is Rambo "4". It has a good balance between grit and OTT action, while having a message relevant for both it's own Myanmar setting and the timeless message that "As long as there is random atrocity and injustice, violence will always have a place."
My personal fave is Demolition Man, though. The plot has the perfect blend of action, comedy, and surprisingly prophetic scifi, with great character performances all around, and it's comfy enough to be eternally researchable.
Adonis was really likable, the film actually made me give a damn about him. It is sort of like Rockys story of success but with different motives for his actions.
Film was full of feels, that scene when Rocky talks about his son and how he moved to Canada with his gf and dont speak to Rocky no more.
Spoilers for end
I was really surprised when he lost the final fight, its the cliche that the hero gets up and knocks him out in the end, and whilst he does actually win only 1 round the final round the scouser gets up at like count 7
Stallone is probably one the greatest men in Hollywood, the story of how he made Rocky is motivating as fuck.
The media portray him as a bumbling idiot, but the man has genuine talent and is an amazing writer. He does not get enough credit.
This is the most Italian picture I've seen in some time.
Media people can't understand why someone smart would want to be strong. If they did they'd drop out of life and become real artists.
Rocky balboa would have been his best film, if he got an actual actor for the antagonists.
>get some scrawny, flabby, middleweight to play an undefeated heavyweight.
I understand what he was doing, with the boxing cinematography, but I didn't like it as much
Rocky and Rocky Balboa, and First Blood and Rambo are Stallone's best kinos. The first of each series where he was being an artist, and then the returns to those series in his old age where he wanted to be an artist again.
Masculinity is problematic
>Go to see Rocky Balboa not expecting much
>Holy shit, Sly, you've done it again. It's actually very good.
Did anyone correct the numale on how sly is the writer?
>Stallone is probably one the greatest men in Hollywood, the story of how he made Rocky is motivating as fuck.