>watch Saving Private Ryan
>later find out that WW2 actually happened
I thought it was a fictional story, just like Star Wars or LOTR
Watch Saving Private Ryan
Other urls found in this thread:
>Star Wars
>fictional story
It's hell.
But how do you know it did happen? Did you see it with your very own eyes?
>there are people out there who think this for real
>find out WW2 actually happened
>the bad guys won though
>I thought it was a fictional story, just like Titanic
FTFY. Superior bait. Get on my level, chump.
Obvious response to this is for someone to insist that they didn't know Titanic was real. Let's see if you guys can do better.
>Watch Schindler's List
>find out it didn't happen
>that sad ending
Why did spielberg ruin the greatest comedy of all time?
LotR isn't fiction you fucking retard, it's a documentary
>watch band of brothers
>mfw finding out the holocaust didn't actually happen
Wtf i just watched 300 and then i googled it and Sparta was a real place?
mfw sparta is real
wtf i hate persia now
but the lord of the rings did happen you mongoloid, that's why it's called the middle ages
Did you think WW2 was a cinematic universe or something?
It's reddit
WWII happened but the holocaust is mostly fan-fiction
>britcucks this absolutely rump ravaged the only thing they did in WWII was get bombed
Based Australia did way more than you weirdos.
I thought Hitler was a similar generic bad guy like Vader
t. Chris Moltisanti