>'Do you have a vagina? You must be a girl!' 16-year-old male feminist details the cruel torment and abuse he faces from other guys simply because he stands up for women
>Aidan Alexander is a proud and outspoken feminist who was raised by a single mother in Boise, Idaho
>The social media star explained that guys come up to him and ask if he has a 'vagina' because he is a feminist
>Aidan insists that the guys who berate him for his beliefs just don't understand what 'feminism actually means'
'Do you have a vagina...
Other urls found in this thread:
>single mother
>male feminist
>daily mail
Fucking sage this shit and don't give them clicks.
a male feminist is the most sexist thing iv'e ever heard. Its basically a way of saying 'listen sweet cheeks, if you want your movement to matter, let a man do the talking'
Feminists don't know what fucking feminism means so why does this little faggot thinks that he knows what it means? All I ever see are these retarded feminists talking about "its about equality for everybody" then why the fuck dont you just call yourselves humanists and be done with it you cunts?
A cute boy taking the pose of an "abuse victim" (since he has received 3 ad hominen bants in his life) on the social media despite never being one actuallly, travelling around the world self promoting himself and his youtube content with media coverage because he has a cute face.
Another hypocrit narcissist to add in the list.
My brothers name is Aiden and I hope he isnt turning like this in Toronto right now.
Fucking white knight beta orbiter faggot
its a tactic of the left and governments in general to leave rules and definitions vague on purpose so they can lead you to believe you might be violating them somehow
>single mother
This fucking cancer has to stop.
Could someone place this quote next to a picture of some crazy feminists notions? I'm no good with photoshop.
What a fag
Explain me how this is not branding yourself ?
Bet this guy would be destroyed in any serious debate.
Feminists are always the ones that abuse guys online. I run into them often, even when I'm not on Sup Forums, and they start fights and hate me just because I'm an average guy.
Women are stupid, but male feminists are just utter losers. Feminists deserve all the hate they get - if they don't want to receive hate, maybe they shouldn't hate others to begin with.
>Single mother brainwashed her only daugher.
>School partners tell her the truth.
>Are you fucking kidding me! it's 2016 cmon!!!
>a proud and outspoken feminist
>raised by a single mother
What a surprise.
Do it in paint
Look at this faggotry:
Seriously look at his manner, he is acting like a woman, wtf.
>Implying it's not more socially dangerous to say you're not a feminist
Here's a useful fact: most normos consider themselves feminists because for them feminism is letting women vote, thinking they have to be paid the same, etc. They don't know feminism as well as a Sup Forumsack so they see NO reason to oppose something that appears good and sensible in all aspects.
Lol. What a faggo. I'm cooler then im. Yeah im cooler then him. hehehehe
I'm literally vomiting out of every hole I have.
Does he have a vagina? The article never goes into details.
is that chloe from dance moms? is that her brother?
>tfw your name is Aidan
he has touched more women than you ever will lol
even out of your vagina?
Which one is the guy from the OP?
But it ceases to be a feat if you can't be considered a real man.
The bloke is on the daily mail, the absolute madman, haha. He'll probably be swimming in poontang.
He does look like woman with a dick, though
What about that name?
And he will never be loved by any single one of them. He has been reduced to a mere label, used by vile narcissists.
He actually represents why feminism is bullshit, just like every other SJW trend: he's a pretty fag, and he hangs out with all the pretty girls, and he wouldn't want anything to do with some filthy spic illegal alien who got trafficked when she was 13.
he doesn't have any interest in actually advocating for the truly disadvantaged. he has just adopted some posture to ingratiate himself with the girls he already hangs out with.
they PROMOTE these stories so you come to engineered conclusions
whats the problem user? its 2016, masculinity is a thing of the past, all the cool boys are into feminism and girly stuff now.. you don't want to be a dumb cave-man loser do you user? look how all the girls love him!
If you want to get a girlfriend you better become a frail feminist fuccboi user! everyones doing it!
He gets more pussy than the average Sup Forumsack will ever get
again, Sup Forums is proven wrong about male feminists being betas
Sup Forumsack misogynists on the other hand, are neckbeard betas who try to convince themselves that they're alphas
also, brotha getting dat white pussy
Bank tellers touch more money than you ever will but they don't get to have any of it.
Well congratulations
>Boise, Idaho
and here i thought we didn't have that shit here. oh well. 6 months in the potato mines will fix that
you're a big guy
It is the name of insufferable cunts worldwide.
Why does he need to act like a male feminist nice guy. He is pretty decent looking.
Jesus Christ the headline in the link is fucking atrocious
>attractive young man is widely accepted and fawned over by his female peers
I'm so shocked. When does that ever happen? Surely it must be because they admire his feminist ideals?
>either be a man and don't get pussy
>or become a
>and get pussy without your special friend
This guy won the genetic lottery, he has good looking eyes and hair, attractive and symetric facial features so of course he has success with women, he could support ISIS or Monarchy restauration there would still be pretty girls around him.
For one bieber-like feminist there is 1000 betas nu males, white knighting on twitter for nothing (or just get the most disgusting ones) because the unattractive bitches they defend are entitled to it and think this is normal, however they still fuck Chad at the end of the day.
Yeah, I want to punch his face honestly.
People still can't admit that feminists only like Chad Thundercock. Feminists utterly despise any man that is not good looking.
If he started lecturing me on feminism, I would punch his face.
sorry to burst your bubble kid but when you get a die cis scum message on pol its probably just another nazi pretending haha
that nigga won the nigga lottery
I've never heard it before, but most male names that the first letter is in the first half of the alphabet are for faggots
I was raised by my mother. 3 sisters and no brothers too. Parents divorced when I was super young. First thing I learned about women is that they cry for almost no reason. My sister cried about dumb shit. My mother cried during movies. My one sister cried because shes really happy. Most guy shit I got from tv because I'm 34 and internet didn't exist. If anything this made me unable to stand women when they cry I just refuse to engage when my lady pulls that shit
>outspoken feminist who was raised by a single mother
poor lad
He just likes his best female friend's strap-on, what's the big deal?
It's all well and good but to be a 'feminist' in modern western europe means to just be doing whatever girls tell you for no reason, its a sign of stupidity where you willingly surrender your own experience and insight in order to faithfully trust whatever girls tell you.
It's a position of bad faith, so im sure this kid is nice, but he's just outed himself as an idiot - and he's not getting laid regardless.
This 'equal' statement is so empty and useless, it tells us nothing - in what terms is equality being measured?
If we mean necessity for the human race, then yes. If we mean iq, then that also seems to be a yes (though i suspect any research otherwise would be silenced).
But we aren't equal physically, we have different mental skills, we have different personality trends, different political needs and views.
Why can't we stop idly supporting homogenous equality and start objective analysis to see what everyone is actually good at and make something of the human race for once. If women have such faith in themselves, as much as I do, then they surely have nothing to fear from objectivity. It seems like they secretly fear redundancy.
>raised by a single mother
>plays the victim like a pro
sigh why doesn't it surprise me. also, I think I've seen this faggot on instagam pouting his dsl's for likes.
but does he really have one?
It's a big name
Look at this fucking faggot. I want to bully him and force him to walk around in a skirt until he gets laughed at so hard that he cries.