Is this kino?
Is this kino?
jesus fucking christ. when will this world end
why are japs so disgusting?
that's disgusting but also hilarious
Yes, now fuck off.
kek, is he a ninja or something? I wouldn't be able to cum so fast.
staged as fuck. how did he get to come halfway through a escalator
Based Japan
I wonder what was she thinking? Did she noticed what happened? Did she think it was cum?
I was hoping this would be one of those videos of people falling through escalators in China. I was disappointed.
some guys cum fast + just stop masturbating and looking at porn for a while
Literally LITERALLY degenerate lowlife filth. I'm glad he'll die alone.
>Did a bird just poop on me?
>How'd it miss my body and hit my legs? So weird
>Ching chang chong bing bong
Mods get this shit the fuck off my board.
>what was she thinking
Its a woman. They don't think. Their mind is a nonstop grey void filled with urges for immediate gratification. Occasionally within that grey void, they'll have and name a child. Within that grey void, they reach old age. And at the end of that grey barely conscious, barley sentient void, they die.
A woman is more like a rabbit or deer than anything. Eat, poop, fuck, die.
>all the cucks in this thread
Get a grip
Is she okay?
Calm down, little girly girly. Just think about your favorite uncle.
That's some Final Destination shit
>implying you wont as well
That was a fake dick.
She has three clones of herself standing at the top, she's fine.
Ah, yes, that's the stuff. One time I found a whole thread full of videos like that.
>Chinese """"""""""""people""""""""""
Is she ok?
oh he has a grip
that's not very nice
i'm the kinda guy who immediately pictures what a woman looks like while get fucked hard from behind when i see them randomly in an elevator or something, but that's just taking it too far.
>dat sum Final Destination shiet
I would if I was invisible but I'm not, so it's not worth the risk of getting caught and arrested
What the fuck is with your filename? They clearly do try to help her
that's disgusting and if anyone think it's funny you guys should honestly kill yourselves
>inb4 sjw white knight
here's your you samefag.
H-how did you know I was black? Fuck this shit
>>inb4 sjw white knight
Oh good, you said it for us
we Sup Forums now lads
Underrated post
Always good to see a fellow redpilled brother around these parts.
That IS funny though, great prank. Then again, I'm brazilian, and our humor can be seen as sick to outsiders.
>First priority is to get her child out of danger as she is dying
job (plural jobs)
1. A task.
I've got a job for you - could you wash the dishes?
A job half done is hardly done at all.
do any of these videos have sequels
Rebbit is that a way, nu male cuck.
You fail at being a real human bean
>Mods delete the chink dying
>Leave the rest of the thread up
You mean I fail at being a feminized white knight beta cuck? Gladly.
You're trying to hard.
yes this is kinography
I think it means the mod didn't even watch the webm, just saw "kino" and a Sup Forums filename and assumed it was Sup Forums related.
The chink dying wasn't even graphic. OP's webm is more NSFW than that.
>being this triggered
I'm brazilian too.
Não use sua nacionalidade como desculpa para sua falta de civilidade.
>all these redditors in this thread
Holy shit, you faggots literally to fuck off and kill yourselves, bunch of dumb beta cunts.
>Can't fight that cowardly instinct.
It's a basic human reaction you fucking retard, do you want to die for a stranger that you don't even know?
Also she was already taken by the gears of the escalator, nothing she could have done.
I'd tell you to get redpilled but you're obviously either gay or a woman, so just kill yourself or wait for The Day of The Rope.
>going against human instincts
what the fuck
how does somebody even manage to be aroused like that in public?
Pretty easy
>2016 regressive left's ideals
>basic human instincts
Oh boy...
There's a really funny one of these in a Walmart. The guy actually gets caught and makes a sprint for it while people chase him while the Metal Gear theme plays along. Somebody please post it.
based af
Don't worry /r9k/, the more you repeat it the more it becomes true :^)
People actually find this weird? Honestly, how long have you been here?
something something reddit
dumb frogposter
just a prank brah
So the mods deleted the BBC/cuck thread, but this one is still up.
What did they mean by this?
Gooks being gooks
this board is far and away the most fun God fucking DAMN