Was he innocent? Or dindu nuffin?
Was he innocent? Or dindu nuffin?
I think he did it. In reflection, the documentary was one sided, and under the circumstances and with the evidence provided, I believe he did it and doesn't want to admit to doing wrong. The only thing I find fishy is the blood vial being accessed, but we never got to hear both sides.
even if he didnt do it he deserves the punishment for being a retard and giving birth to an even bigger retard
Brandon why did you help Stephen kill that woman?
He is literally a retard. Of course he did it.
stevenaverycase org has a good discussion of the EDTA thing. At this point, I'm totally convinced he did it.
>Sweden in a nutshell.
He didn't do it, the fact that the state needed to coax an admission out of a slow 16 year old boy and ruin his life to get Steven makes it really obvious.
>black criminal and pol
Lol nigger
>white criminal and pol
He is innocent DINDO NUTTIN (insert autistic MEME)
He had no motivation to want to kill the girl.
He just got out of jail and had a new fiance.
Also neither the victims roommate or ex bf were really questioned and their alibis were based on each other.
Most likely one of those people murdered her and the other helped hide the evidence and blame it on the local weirdo.
He clearly fucking did.
He made sure to have a party on his estate the same day he burned the body so nobody would question why he was burning something on the other side of the property.
t. someone from his community.
He is innocent until proved guilty beyond doubt.
None of the evidence presented is valid IMO.
He is a hillbilly, it's what hillbillies do though. Here in Norway too.
Do you have some more insights from you being from his Community (you mean town?)?
Why were some charred remains found else where miles away from the property?
A small amount of remains were found in some garbage dump while most were found on his property in his bonfire. The car had blood all over it so the murderer must have killed her then transported the body to be burned.
The evidence of 2 sites of burned remains would have to mean that the murderer killed her. Transported her to the dump to burn the body. Then picked up most of the charred remains and moved them to his bonfire.
If Steven killed her why would he be that much of a retard to move her remains to his property?
Also the heat needed to incinerate her body would need to be more than a bonfire.
>Also the heat needed to incinerate her body would need to be more than a bonfire.
Wasn't there someone sending a note about an industrial oven being used to burn a body?
Town, community - tomato, to-mah-toe.
Steve was the local weirdo, I'll give you that. He had clear bouts of mental instability and would easily flip his shit over just about anything. Beer not filled up high enough? Flips out. Didn't pack his groceries just right? Borderline capitol offense. He had a decent sized field of junk so it was good for him and his shithead drug addict friends to hang out in. Say what you will about the guy, he did not have a good crowd around him.
Because Steve was a weirdo retard. Congrats on answering your own question. Not all unstable drunkards are as calm, calculated, and rational as you think they are.
I watched the series on netflix, and think he did it. But it's a TV program designed to gain ratings.
I don't know much about American law, but I think it's based upon British Common Law - I might be wrong. There must be a presumption of innocence until the evidence clearly demonstrates guilt. The burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt is always on the prosecution. Then 12 randomly selected people (the jury) decide guilty or not guilty. (note there is not an 'innocent' verdict). The judge or magistrates pass sentence according to precedent and any other factors.
I'm a community psychiatric nurse, and I can tell if someone is lying. This guy looks to me like he has lied to himself and convinced himself that he didn't do it. He obviously has very low intelligence. The police and investigators were very lax about evidence gathering and interrogation. The whole thing was a mess.
It doesn't matter
What does matter is there there was so much tampering by the Police that the case should be ruled null and void
Then the police should be taken to court
Yeah, but he is not proved guilty.
None of the evidence presented is good enough, and there is a much higher chance of that he was framed than not.
And the new laywer or whatever have said that they could track T.H's phone signal after she supposedly was on his property, that she drove away.
I can't personally say that he's innocent, but from what I've seen of the case there's reasonable doubt that he isn't guilty.
>implying Sup Forums goes out and burns a city to the ground everytime a white criminal gets shot and killed
Also that guy is a white nigger. He had charges before for burglary, should've been shot in the head then
fuck common law
because of gay common law if you live in a house with a woman for 2 years she's now your wife and gets half of your shit
courts have way to much power, lawmaking should be done by elected officials not old leftist justices who get appointed so that the government can change laws without any backlash from the public
That's because we know the cracker probably did it.
Correction: Steven drove away with her cell phone.
In retrospect he might just have done it anyways but poor brendan was imo just fucked by the law. And there was some seriously shady shit going on with those cops as well. I flipped my shit when the part about the suddenly appearing keys came along and everybody was like. 'oh they were in his room. he must've done it.'
I'm neither defending nor opposing the law.
Everyone breaks the law. If you go above the speed limit, or break copyright by downloading something that is legally protected, you've broken the law.
In some countries, walking across the road is illegal even when there is no traffic. Also publishing stuff about the holocaust, collecting rainwater to consume, and much more madness.
A lot of it is just common sense and part of living in a civilized society: don't steal, don't kill, don't rape, don't be a fucking idiot.
Everyone here is saying he did.
I am not sure how they managed to track the signal after all this years, but I would guess that the phone was used to call someone. I am not sure though.
I have not heard of a logical scenario where he could have killed her. Nothing points to that she was killed on his property (none of her blood/DNA, not even on the key they found. Possibly on the bullet, but that was found way to late to be a trusted evidence). Everything points to that she was burned another placed then the remains transported to his fire pits.
Maybe he was unsuccessful in burning it all in the quarry, and transported it to his property for further burning. The logical fallacy is that his bonfires would have had to be HUGE to be hot enough to burn the bones to the degree they were, and would have had to be maintained for a long time (which would be really hard). Not impossible though, I think. But not logical. He did not use the industrial oven they had to burn her, why not?
1. She must have been shot (they found a bullet with her DNA, so the narrative is that she was shot).
2. Nothing points to that she was shot on his property (none of her DNA (except the bullet found waaaay too late), nobody heard gunshots. + He must have put her body in the back of her car, not been seen driving her car, burned at least some of her body in the Quarry, driving the car back to his own property, parking it on one of the most visible and accessible places on his property and spread the bones on two of his camp fires, poorly. Not in the middle of the bonfire, but around them. He should have seen the very visible bones himself. Retards is not logical, but they usually do not go out of their way to be illogical either.
I can't think of a logical scenario, or at least a scenario where Avery is not going out of his way to act illogical. Maybe he was in a psychosis?