How would you have handled it Sup Forums?
How would you have handled it Sup Forums?
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Walk away because I don't want to talk to the cops when they show up
If it's not my mom, sister, or gf...then it's none of my business.
>expecting someone to help because she's a woman
Sexist much?
It's a good call. With domestic violence if you intervene, both of them will attack you or you'll be the one going to jail. It's best just to call the cops and enjoy the free entertainment. Why risk jail, a lawsuit, or injury for some random stupid bitch?
just watched, wouldnt want get my white privilege near them.
it's a nigger
what a shock
I would just watch. I would be afraid to do something, otherwise I could be called racist for interrupting some traditional custom of PoC.
This type of barbaric fuckery only ever goes down in NIGGER AMERCIA. So not purposed to see it was a bunch of niggers in a nigger town.
>People are on their cell phones and just watching her being beaten. We don't know if they were possibly afraid for their own safety. We do know someone on the block did call police.
"I didn't want to jump in and be a hero and just get hurt you know. I's bad out here," the man said.
>get called a racist for it
>go to prison for a hate crime
>Jamal a gud boy he din do nuffin
Here's how that goes
>you decide to play white knight
>risk injury in a fight or worse
>cops get there
>battered woman will 9 times out of 10 side with the person that was beating her
>cops don't know what to think so decent odds you end up getting arrested
>Wally Wifebeater will probably sue you
>wifey will testify against you
>also have fun with whatever medical bills you might have picked up
>also will probably have to miss work at some point between the lawsuit, the injuries, and the court date.
Battered women have all the resources in the world to end their situation without you beating their abuser's ass, it's ultimately up to them.
>grab camera
>begin filming
That's about it
>Man beaten while crowd watched
Happens all the time, nobody cares
>Woman beaten while crowd watched
Suddenly newsworthy
It is their culture.
I would be a racist if I intervened.
Why violate the prime directive?
>shame the people watching what is happening
>no mention on the nigger chimping out on the woman
>getting yourself involved in nigger shit
The West is turning into China, people too cucked and scared to do anything.
You can occasionally see a woman get hit in really shitty white areas, though not with this kind of ferocity. You don't get involved for the same reasons though, the only one with the power to end domestic abuse is the woman.
Wait until the first punch is thrown after she's lost her feet, draw down, and bag me a buck.
Gonna have to wait a bit longer than that until he's done enough damage that a jury might think the woman's life was in danger.
Is he also providing a bicycle "lost and found"?
I'm not sure how it works, but if a guy walked by and shot the attacker would that be legal?
I know that if you are a customer at a store and a robber comes in you can shoot him. Does it apply here if the woman's life is in serious danger?
I only protect the once I love, because I will never risk my life for any stranger.
>The West imports non-Westerners and becomes non-Western
>More at 6
lol I used to buy heroin there
You cucks only have yourselves to blame
Precedent in Illinois states that striking a prone victim is a forceable felony. In Illinois you can use deadly force to stop any forcible felony with or without the victim's knowledge or consent. Obama actually proposed that legislation as red meat for the downstaters way back when he was Madigan's bitch. Nobody ever thought we'd have carry, though...
>Woman beaten while crowd watched
Why not "Person beaten while crowd watched"?
Isn't the main focus of the news that the people didnt helped? Why mention her gender?
Of course you see domestic violence in white neighborhoods. But I don't care where you go, you will never see a white man on top of a woman for 20 minutes beating the fuck out of her and no one steps in to do anything. This would never happen in a white neighborhood. I don't care how big or scary the white guy doing the beating is, it still wouldn't happen.
>asking all these questions about why things like this happen
>no comments section
1) I am not obligated to help a woman in peril. The fact that most people feel obligated makes it MY OBLIGATION to make sure they do get hit.
As someone who got involved alot when I was younger when "that guy just hit his gf" outside of bars to stop it I got a taste of my own medicine when my gf was drunk and crazy and I was told to take her out of the club by the bouncers and she punched me and acted like I was abducting her.
All these dudes were about to intervene but I stopped them before the even started with one simple trick.
>but if a guy walked by and shot the attacker would that be legal?
Thats going to depend heavily on what state you're in.
>Does it apply here if the woman's life is in serious danger?
Generally yes, provided you can prove you had a reasonable fear that she would suffer death or great bodily injury and you're in a state where you can carry. If you're somewhere like Connecticut or New York, though, best to not get involved.
As a conceal carry holder I would say no. Pretty much if your life is not in direct danger you can't even show your piece. In the good old times you would pull up on your horse with your gang, pull out your 6 shooters and then prolly Lynch the guy. Make America great again
Who cares.
Media should at least be honest with themselves. Niggers and spics stood around watching nigger and spics behavior. Or as I like to call it, Friday
This. If you get involved in someone else's shit, you could get into serious legal trouble. On the other hand, ignoring the situation and walking away is your right in this country.
Not the way it should be, but that's the way things are.
Just goes to show how blatantly racist the average American is
If that girl being beaten was white, everyone on that street would intervene in a second and police would show up in 2 seconds
That place is in Philly and is a heroine drug zone which is not policed.
Jumping in to break it up could result in you catching a deadly disease.
Let the savages kill each other and grab some popcorn.
Fuck off Ruskie
Your bait is like your women. Salty and tired
>show your piece
Brandishing is generally a bad idea. You could draw in a cast like this in most places, but you better not ever draw to threaten anywhere. If you clear leather the only reason not to shoot is if they run or they're a cop.
That place is pretty much a favela.
Yea, and we have good Samaritan Laws. I bet if you had walked up trying to get the nigger off, and he started attacking you... You have ever right to unload on him. Because now you are under threat for your life.
You'd have a harder case if you just walked up to the two of them, and shot the nigger in the back. Especially if he hadn't even acknowledged you.
Wouldn't you want for someone to help your loved one, if you aren't there?
We shoot criminals all the time. Nobody is going to intervene between a chimp squabble though.
>You'd have a harder case if you just walked up to the two of them, and shot the nigger in the back. Especially if he hadn't even acknowledged you.
That depends on your state's self defense laws and if you think she was at risk of death or great physical injury. There are quite a few places where you could literally shoot him in the back on camera without warning and never see a charge.
Not always user, the US has very strong good Samaritan laws. Intervening to help another person usually will grant you immunity from persecution.
That trick is???
That would be SEXY!
The details of good Samaritan laws/acts vary by jurisdiction, including who is protected from liability and under what circumstances.[24] Not all jurisdictions provide protection to laypersons, instead protecting only trained personnel, such as doctors or nurses and perhaps also emergency services personnel such as trained police, fire and EMS workers.[25]
It's good to see people are getting the message about not going white knight anymore. Equal rights, equal fights.
Still, fucking niggers.
Sharia zone folk take no shit from whores
The NRA has done a pretty good job of getting laws on the books that make someone civilly immune from any claims arising as the result of a justified shooting.
>try to protect woman
>be charged with crimes while the assaulter walks away free
No thanks
Yup, that place & Camden is hell on earth. Honestly with all heroin addicts popping up in the white suburbs of Philly, schools should be making this place a sorta scared straight field trip. Learn so much more talking with some of these addicts then a trip to the zoo.
I would totally get some fried chicken and purple drank from that bro
Depends. Did she deserve it?
It's the stupidest idea ever to get in-between a man and woman in a domestic violence situation. The woman will start bearing you up to once you hit her man. You will then end up in court with 2 people against you.
All in preparation to impose Maoist Socialism.
Trump may be our last chance to turn away.
Your video will resume in 130 seconds. Fuck that.
don't be muhsoggykneestic user.
>No yugioh cards
Otherwise great cosplay.
You intervene you will be shot or otherwise fucked up. You survive to testisfy against Dinduvius you get shot by one of his boys. Fuck I hate the city. Suburbs will collapse if Obama moves these section 8 groids out here.
You can get away with murder in illinois.
I know..
If it was a white girl, I would have cheered the nigger on
I like how the story is given special attention because it's a ((((((((WOMAN™)))))))) as if that is supposed to matter anymore in this piece of shit world.
honestly people should be punished for not calling police to help person in need
you better tip him
Serves her right, she encountered diversity.
A dindu beating a woman is not news. This shit happens on the regular.
Getting involved in violence can get you killed and I don't own a gun. Lots of people are better at violence than me.
Why am I in the hood is the better question. News has nothing better to do, they're literally vampires and they have the balls to critique other people? Fuck them, those cunts have no high horse.
Philly has this "No snitching" thing. The entire city is niggers. Even the white people.
Because I watched the live leak video, and actually saw one of those gorillas threatening people who were watching, I'd only interfere with a gun, if at all.
Niggers beating on Niggers, with no fear of the dozen people watching, tells you they are most likely armed. It's not worth dying for.
Here are the betas.
Why isn't the main focus that a black guy beat a woman instead of white people watching a black guy beat a woman
>it's beta to not want to help some ghetto trash whore who loves the man beating her
I would see if there is any sense among the people there that a number of people would be willing to intervene. No way in hell would I try to break it up alone, and wouldn't go near it under any circumstances if I even suspected there might be a weapon present.
Failing that, I would just keep right on moving, then dial 911 once clear of the area to report it, then disappear.
In leftist progressive land, niggers and women have no agency or responsibility - they are like animals, and as such are the responsibility of everyone else.
This is actual policy and doctrine for progressives.
>passing up an opportunity to beat the fuck out of someone
Seriously, why is this board full of faggots? Pennsylvania is a castle doctrine state. Free range.
Sorry. Stand Your Ground. You can stop a forcible felony in progress if you have reason to believe the other person's life is in danger.
Fact - in cases where bystanders interfere to stop domestic abuse, the abuse victim is more likely to side with their abuser than the person who interfered to stop the abuse. Abuse victims will frequently claim to police that the interferer was the one assaulting them and help their abuser file civil or criminal charges against them..
You know a lot about China don't you xhiang?
>turkroaches stand up for women better than burgers
I'm ashamed
its a nigger
I grew up in this neighborhood, honestly it should just be fire bombed. It was a struggle to get to school everyday without getting jumped by a pack of random gorillas
This right here, sjws made their bed, now they have to sleep in it. I lived in philly for a few years, that city is a total nig pit. Why risk your life? If you intervene you could get it worse. Until the niggers/spics/white trash in the city renounce their regressive crime culture, nothing will get better
Why on earth would you want to interfere in something that has nothing to do with you?
Thats not true.
That mummer parade didn't seem like niggers to me.
Nothing. I hate women.
>nigger attack other nigger
I'd probably do what the dude with the camera did - stay a safe distance back and film it.
>white socks and sandals
I will charge towards him!....oh wait it´s the US and your women love em, they want "equality", you can´t shoot black guys and u are armed.
Would she have helped me if i was getting my ass handed to me?
A good chance to sucker punch a nigger at full force and get away with it bet your ass I'm taking it.
I'm going to guess that you are black
If the victim were White I would intervene.
I would have called the police!!!!
Why are whites such cowards?