Trump gonna get fucked

trump gonna get fucked

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Don't you have some Soros demonstrations to crack down on or is that one of the other irrelevant Balkan states

Bernie's not threatening

Lol no bernie is gonna get fucked. Its over for him

If Bernie was really trying, he'd focus on Hillary and then Trump.

How is he fucking this up, him not calling out Hillary on her shit now is the most important step.

Americans will never vote for some senile commie over somebody so blatantly pro-America as Trump.


Bernie will get eaten alive. No way he's gonna get the Dem nom. if he does he gonna lose the general

That's a pretty YUGE if, Bernie.

>If I am the Democratic nominee


One problem with this plan. Bernie is not getting the nomination.


this mentality is why he's in last place

Hillary will pick him as her VP

Did he pick a VP yet?
Worked out pretty well for el rato.


Sure he is.....

Bernie is so irrelevant nowadays the only way he gets coverage is if he talks about Trump.

>I've got some bad news for Trump, the Dems are about to nominate their candidate who is least likely to beat him

What a loser. "If" is a weak ass word to use. I would've said "when I am". Makes you sound confident.

quads checked, Kek himself has willed it, Bernie will not win

lol tax policy.

Might as well talk real tales about being UN chief

Bernie's the brat who talks about how great his life's going to be when he grows up, but then he ends up never being able to hold a job and living with his parents

His socialism alone, taxing people at 90%, is going to kill his campaign.
Trump only has to show the video clip of Bernie and the BLM dindus.

he fucked up a looooong time ago. the first misstep was saying the emails didn't matter, then not attacking her at all, and now praying the emails matter.

Bernie is a fucking idiot, his campaign is burning cash faster than anyone else, its obscene. I hope this fucking kike is pocketing some of this free cash. I can't imagine what else he's spending it on.

Well I'm convinced, time to get on board the #BernieGurney



Because he's controlled opposition.

Kinda sounds like his policies. Also Bernie wolnt win the presidential nomination.

>Bernie is a fucking idiot, his campaign is burning cash faster than anyone else, its obscene. I hope this fucking kike is pocketing some of this free cash. I can't imagine what else he's spending it on.

A sports car for sure.

>quad 6

Thank you lord Kek. Bernbots confirmed BTFO.

Kek, Biden has more of a chance

>taxing people at 90%
Is this serious?

>Bernie still thinks he can win

Delusional moron

Hernie is better than Trump at one thing: making big, empty promises that he can't back up


Even if he miraculously wins, he will be impeached.
He will destroy America's identity with his retarded plans. America already has a major problem with companies moving abroad. Bernie's idiotic policies will be the final stab.

How will he stop rich people from moving outside of US and taking their money with them?

He'd win if he would be the democratic candidate. All polls show it.

All those opinion sponge retards saying they'll leave America if Trump becomes president.
Look what happens when Bernie becomes president. kek.

Same way he's going to force them to pay taxes on all the capital that has been stored outside of the US

By not doing the impossible and giving up, and start a Venezuelan collapse

>cant win the nom
>can win in the general

I never will understand why people think this

He would be utterly demolished in a debate with Trump. He can't even handle Clinton

He can't. It's not just the rich people. He's going to fuck up companies and their investors. He's going to fuck up everything.
The economic fall-out of this retarded plan is so big...


He has tons of huge billboards here in California. They always say ridiculous stuff like "politics as usual won't end student loan debt, but Bernie will."

These retards think Bernie is a silver bullet that will blanket pardon their debt. It's insane.

>Bernie winning the nom

Less likely than HRC being indicted

I look forward to reading about how Hernie totally annihilated Hillary and went on to turn every state blue in the general election on Maybe he can get someone from deviantart to sketch him ripping off Trump's "wig" with one hand and high-fiving Mike Brown's ghost with the other.

they won't. If Bernie becomes President (thankfully that won't happen) every multinational corporation will leave the US and every CEO will go elsewhere.

To be honest it would be interesting if the final race was Trump vs Bernie because either way you'd see what effects this kind of policies have, instead of Hillary "Status Quo" Clinton

Holy shit, man

>when you go full retard and never attack Hillary

Does the senil old fool think Trump dosen't know this?

lol old jews can't banter for shit

>can't even defeat a criminal & darling of the establishment

I agree OP, trump is BTFO. He'll never recover from this spirit bomb.

>Wiccan ritual in support of Sanders asks Portlanders to 'feel the Bern, be the Bern'

>Bernie Sanders supporters hailing from various magickal sects such as Wicca and Druidism will meet together on Friday night in Portland, Oregon, to invigorate the candidate’s campaign with spiritual energy.

Clearly you're feeling the Bern. Maybe you're a Wiccan? Pagan? Goddess worshiper? Heathen? Druid? Spiritual but not religious? Secular Jew? Spiritually open minded? Unafiliated? Athiest who likes ritual? Other? And you would like to engage with a community of like minded individuals to raise the energy of the Bernie Sanders vibration to a higher frequency and ultimately change the world for our children, grandchildren, and all future generations. I hear you!

trump fan here, he's right. I'm glad shillary won actually

>autistic virgin losers actually believing trump is going to win

oh how I'm going to laugh in november

Bernie already cucked himself when he shrugged-off Hillary's e-mail scandal during the first debate. I wouldn't be surprised if he was just a false flag for the DNC establishment.

>ad homs

Not an argument

"I'm going to beat you, Trump"

Is this the only form of shitposting he's able to parrot? I haven't seen him say anything other than "gibsmedats" and "1v1 me trump*. This is meme tier shitposting and if this is the only thing that defines his campaign then he's going to lose terribly to Shillery

Also makes you sound delusional in Bernies case. Like how Ted picked a running mate even though he was getting destroyed

It is, actually, the precise likelihood. If she goes to jail then he's good. Otherwise, fuck it.

>I hope this fucking kike is pocketing some of this free cash.

That's illegal.

Delusional? Bernie's making bank from all of this. The more confident and aspiring to his idiots, the more donations roll in. Do you even Jew?

If Bernie had won, you can bet the Democrats would have closed rank around him; the inverse does not appear to be true though, mainly because Hillary is a globalist, wall street shill. and is hated by half her party and 3/4 of the republicans.

Bernie would have been bad news, but I'm not sure he would be as bad as hillary.

Woe to he who would separate a jew from money, be it by oceans or laws

Trump has the best catch phrases. The catchiest.

They all do it. especially the superPac's. its easy to write off certain expenses and then launder the money through think tanks, PR, and shell companies, no one is going to track down every dollar you spend on consultants and services for your campaign.

doesnt his family run his ground game too? im sure they pocket some much needed "expenses"

Someone send him the picture of the old man with a BBC on his mouth



physical traits are directly linked to behavior.

Animal heraldry begot human heraldry in the empires of old. Some people have culturally appropriated the wisdom learned from a millenia of these human experiments.

In genetics there are two catagories of data, genotype (genetic code) and phenotype (physical traits exhibited). Rules of thumb about hybrid vigor and offspring percentages were similar for all mammals... including humans.

Inbreeding was deemed negative after extensive testing, yet is still practiced by several inbred supremacist ethnic cults.

When the phenotype of an organism is observed and its appearance is related to its behavior, this is called phrenology (or facio-cranial sciences if you want to recatagorize and over catagorize a topic so as to stigmatize it into a small specialist role, but along with neurosciece, phrenology will investigate the concept of mental behavioral links compared to brain structure).

Many call phrenology psuedo science but phrenology is being resurrected publically, now. Israel already uses phrenology in both negative and positive societal/cultural roles.

Israel sterilizes overbreeding Ethiopean semites practicing judaism and deports Filipino maids who become pregnant in their country with half breeds. Israeli officials have commented these efforts were to prevent a "watering down of the blood" by undesirable ethnicities... which seems more like an ethnocracy than a democracy or religious state.

Some trait linked roles are long standing like the shuning of the red headed "bastard jews", which has now spread from the british kikes to a normalized set of gentile hating jokes, cross culturally and worldwide.

Any rabbi will tell you the goal of judaism is worldwide cultural conversion, and what a culture it is, you should read up on what you will be fully subsumed by so you stop being such a goy (tribe/cow) shiksa (insect).

>already BTFO candidate acting like he will be successful
Reminds me of Cruz.

what's the source of that gif?
Is that a legit monkey? wtf

I'm really going to enjoy Sanders desperatly trying to get a place in Clinton's team after he gets destroyed like the submissive little bitch he is.