Pol is a Muslim board

You are all Mujahideen just waiting to be activated. You know that the ways of Islam are superior to the progressive liberalism being forced down your throats.

Who among you can honestly say that your governments work in your. Estate interest? Anyone? Join the Mujahideen and help us Make Earth Great Again.

>no more Jewish tricks
>no more banking usury suckling you dry
>women kept in the fucking kitchen or the bedroom
>homosexuals thrown from rooftops
>criminals executed or publicly flogged

All the West wants you to do is accept your destruction quietly. All we want you to do is to have a large healthy strong family who honor and obey your commands.

Join with the Mujahideen pol. Or stay the FUCK out of our way.

The whole of Islam is just one big Jewish trick.

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.

Muslims and Christians were meant to be allies by Jesus and Mohammad. Kill the Jews and leave Europa.
Our kinds are not compatible, but can be great allies.


Live by the sword. Die by the sword. Its not magic. Its odds.


>no bacon
fuck you

by the time hating islam becomes mainstream in the west, Sup Forums will be a muslim board because its the unpopular religion.

They raped the FUCK outta her before they cut her head off too


Different woman lol.

every muslim country is a shithole though
>b-but muh cities designed by westerners and built by south asians!

Traditional Catholocism is superior to Islam. It allows for all the good things that you attributed to Islam without the added pedophilia, bestaliality, and mutilation of women's genitals, among other things.

Just because Islam opposes things that I also oppose, does not make them my ally.

I'd rather throw you from a rooftop desu

Said by a true FBI or JDIF.

why'd you cut off the QT's head/??>?


That woman did not kill 100 terrorists single handedly.

Kurdish women - and all "female soldiers" in existence - are just there to pose for the camera. They might help with non-combat roles, but showing them in anything beyond a support role is pure false propaganda.

>That's not a goat why did they rape her

Who is the woman ?

Nice try mohamed

I can see you put a lot of effort into this shit post, and it is a shame because its too much effort. you don;t even sound sub human intelligence, you have used proper punctuation for most, it doesn't fit because we all know Islamic people are technically retarded and would never form coherent sentences over such a long post unless they were reciting from their indoctrination texts

It's not her.

No thanks I prefer to crusade your ass Ahmed

>I am cucked be at least I have muh bacon!

Story behind the pic on the right?

thats why we call you "Leaf"

M-me neither
I'm just like you, Australia

They advanced very quickly and surprise attacked a Kurdish barrier. Women were staying there and they didn't know that the Islamic State had advanced so quickly. So, they killed the women and beheaded them.

>You are all Mujahideen just waiting to be activated
I want to save the world, not destroy it.

You are literally doing the same as Jews.

Fucking semites - not even once.

You too will walk pacifically to the gas chamber, when the Reich rises again. Jews, Muslims and atheists will be removed from society and christ will welcome the rest to him paradise.