Now that the dust has settled who was the best narco boy and why was it Poison? Also all the women in this show were fucking annoying except for Judy. Anyone who defends Maritza is a cuck.
Other urls found in this thread:
This was the most used word through out the season.
The Medellín thread is dead. Long live the Cali thread!
Law side - Vice Minister.
Crime side- Limon.
I edited the arm
>tfw the Pepes call you to tell you the job is done
Horacio "If youre 13 or older, you can go 6 get under" Carillo
WEH,WEH,WEH,WEH,wait....why was Colonel "if you smuggle cocaine, there will be no end to your pain" Carillo in Spain??
Because he was too effective and they wanted him dead.
Because back in Season 1 the president was trying to negotiate with Pablo and knowing that Carrillo would do anything to kill him even in the prison where Pablo was in, he sent Carrillo to Spain so he won't get involved.
>Only one black character on the show
>Name is Blackie
Good thing this is based on real life and not fiction because white-guilt apologists would throw a fit calling someone named that on a tv show.
And no one would give a shit because Hispanics don't have white guilt and because even black Hispanic are more well behave than their American counterparts.
When have facts ever stopped SJWs from complaining?
la quica a cute
La Quica shit.
Limón > La Quica
his name was actually changed though
his nickname was actually negro
I don't remember it.
This season feels like a CBS/Burn Notice type cop show with lazy writing that your dad would watch
>tfw no loyal hot Tata wife
why did qt maritza lose her mind and decide to threaten pablo's trusted man?
>tfw no 15 year old bribed and brainwashed wife
The real Murphy was there when Escobar was killed
Did he confirm whether Pablo was executed or if he killed himself?
Was best girl of the season Mrs. Moncada or Maritza?
>los pepes
if this is how beta uprising is going to look like, the normies are fucked
Did Carrillo do anything wrong?
>it's a Los Pepes episode
it's not that simple, have you been watching the series? The first lesson Murphy tells us is....about right and wrong
why is quica trying to show off his ass?
>listening to anything that hijoeputa malparido Murphy has to say
Are those cool right-wing guerrillas going to be in the next season with based Pena and Cali?
>it's a Damian Alcazar portrays a Cali cartel boss episode
Most likely, The Cali gave them Judy's assets and want them in their side because they get the good "gringo shit" aka guns.
>you will never creatively arrange a murder scene
feels bad man
If you're going to anglicize his name it should be Alejandro Gonzales.
>those 10/10 tatas and ass
what movie/show is it
she never saw him become a sicario and assumed he was still the good guy she grew up with
Does anyone else wish they owned Pablo's father's ranch? It looked so calm and peaceful.
Also, why wasn't the dad ever mentioned when it came to Pablo's childhood? Did he abandon Pablo and his cunt mom? If so why did he do so and why were they so poor the mom needed to steal shoes for Pablo if the dad was a landowner?
He told her he didn't want to hurt her so many times she believed he was never going to hurt her no matter what kind of horrible shit she said to him
>tfw never grew up with a qt like Maritza
Why do the bad guys have all the luck?
What is the final Sup Forums consensus on Limon? I'm a bit conflicted about him. He was loyal and hardworking but he was dumb to join the organization when it was crumbling rather than getting in on the ground floor. Also it was a bit rude of him to shoot Martiza.
Didn't he said like he left with his mom and siblings? I understood the father didn't leave.. Or maybe I understood that because I think the mother is a gonorrea hijueputa
Did Blackie lie to Pablo because he wanted to comfort his patron or because he wanted to get out of there?
>Also it was a bit rude of him to shoot Martiza.
Yeah, where are his manners.
Anons, I don't know if you're trying to start an ebin new may may or are just going by what you heard, but what you are trying to say is hijo de puta aka son of a bitch.
it's probalby the way they're trying to simulate the accent.
why don't you try a capeshit thread, Cpt. Obvious, gringo hijoeputa?
>tfw nobody ever makes it back to mother base
A couple questions for any nice spanish speakers. What does puta mean? By the subtitles it looked like it was either used for whore or bitch. Can it be both? How would you be able to tell which they mean? And what does malparido mean?
>I was just pretending to be retarded
who was pablo's best henchman?
I'm 100% white but it meansike slut/whore/bitch
Goddamm she is sexy
>What does puta mean?
It seems to me very improbable that someone wouldn't know what that word means.
Puta, in latin, means young girl.
It's a global word meaning whore.
Now you have to explain me what's the difference between whore and bitch.
Literally it means whore, but it's most often used the way bitch or cunt are used.
women, amirite?
returno to reddito hijodeputa gringo cabrone
that particular one in that show, yes.
>it's an user tries to read sexism into everything post
grow up kid
One is a prostitute, the other a female dog.
not seeing the difference.
no, I was actually making a sexist remark that all women are like her
who /LosPepes/ here ?
I thought you had a successful thread about this already.
Press F
what is marica?
fuck it i guess ill watch this shit
the gringos' country
your dad
According to Killing Pablo the most likely scenario was one of the Search Bloc guys shooting him in the head after he was injured
No love for Limon? He was a good boy from the barrio, tryna get money fo dem programs and shieet
>Agent Pena, we're here to talk to you about the avengers initiative
malparido translation is "bad birth", i dont know the equivalent in english. where i came from its like calling someone abortion
I honestly didn't know bitch meant female dog.
Do people still use its original meaning without sounding vulgar?
It could be used for both.
Mal parido is bastard.
malperido meand bastard, you idiot mongoloid
An homosexual man/a coward pussy
>Hélmer “Pacho” Herrera –
>Gay and a gangster
>He was the youngest and most physically fit of the four godfathers, unmarried, and openly homosexual. He also fit certain gay stereotypes. He was noted for a wardrobe of fashionable sportswear and for stylishly decorated homes. Pacho had the empathetic manner of a priest, but he also ran the cartel’s most brutal wing of hired guns (called sicarios).
wtf? I'm #TeamMedellín now
>show has subtitles
>still this thread has people asking "hur hur what does patron mean? What's a puta? is it cool to be a maricon cabron?"
I'm honestly surprised people don't pick up on the meaning of words that are used hundreds of times in 10 hours WITH A TRANSLATION FOR THOSE WORDS SITTING RIGHT THERE
Best character. He's like a Colombian Dredd.
lotta loyalty for hired guns
Except instead of cubes, you get eternity in the dirt.
Jose “Chepe” Santacruz Londoño –
A prankster who could be deadly serious
>He often dressed in the work clothes of a simple farmer and sometimes seemed a bit of a bumbler when it came to business matters. His adolescent pranks could test everyone’s patience. But he was the wrong man to underestimate …or to threaten. When a Spanish-language journalist in New York wrote bad things about him, Chepe sent killers to gun down the man at a restaurant in Queens.
>When a Cali country club refused him a membership, Chepe ordered an exact replica of its clubhouse built on his own property.
>Book Excerpt: “He seemed jovial and self-deprecating, even a bit mischievous. But he sometimes took his penchant for teasing too far… Chepe was proudly unsophisticated. He also was a street fighter. And in brawls, as in practical jokes, overkill was his trademark.”
based as fuck
best part of the last episode was when murphys annoying monologue was cut off via gunshot
>watches his shows with subtitles
Next time you try to offend a group of people, don't show everybody that you're a pleb
>speaking spanish
sorry I'm not brown
BEST SCENE was when Escobar is just hanging out in his own city in plain site, enjoying a strawberry ice cream, and that Raymond Scott music hits.
>murphys rape face as he holds onto escobars corpse
>not being a polyglot
Remember what I said? About not showing you're a pleb?
This here.
Why'd they kill Lion?
why didn't Pablo just ride the eagles out of Medellin