What the fuck did i just watch? no seriously, what the fuck?

i dont know where to start with this monstrosity of a flick. if it wasn't for the obvious faces and lightsabers it would just be the usual high budget flick with the thinking that fancy effects and explosions will make a 'movie' good. fucking wrong.

i couldnt tell if it was at the start, beginning or end due to the lack of structure and plot - infact im still struggling to see what the plot was? the whole thing dragged out to see some old fuck standing on the cliffs - greeeaat.

what really fucking me off was how they mocked the dark side to be a laughing stock. that pathetic joke making the clone troopers run away when kylo was throwing a tantrum.
-kylo was meant to be the evil sith boss but actually got KILLED by a girl using a lightsaber for the FIRST FUCKING TIME. the fucking dindu put up a good fight, they both have zero fucking knowledge in using one, let alone the force in general. what the fuck?
how can anyone possible criticise the prequels with pieces of liberal shit like this one? there were no characters in TFA with any presence, or something that made you think 'wow i like this guy'. the prequels had mace windu, anakin, obi wan, darth vader, darth maul, etc. what did this one have? the characters were fucking dull as fuck, im actually angry as im typing this i just cant get over what i just watched and i need to vent it somewhere.

trust disney to fuck up this bad. i dont even need to mention (but i will anyway) the obvious racism with the dark side being all white, and the 'goodies' being a melting pot of spics, chinks, dindus, females etc. how can this racism even be allowed?

sadly ticket sales determine the success of a film, and so people will feel obligated to think this flick was good but in reality it was tediously boring, which lacked a plot, characters with any redeeming qualities, and made the dark side a joke.

Other urls found in this thread: is SHIT/

star wars blew up in a time when sci-fi shit was brand spanking new and cool.

honestly tfa is a little worse than the rest. but was the whole franchise that great to begin with?

yes the prequels were god tier, although im not a fan of the OT and its awful effects.
TFA is on capeshit level, infact it IS capeshit!


>TFA is on capeshit level, infact it IS capeshit!
H-hey now user.
I mean I'm not saying capeshit is anywhere near good, but at least in general they have a story structure that goes beyond "character goes to place X and does thing Y because the script tells them to, despite their characters having no priorly established motivation to do it".

Is this your first Star Wars movie?

None of them are especially great but for some reason people expect them to be movie-Jesus or something.

Sooooo much this.
Star Wars is a cheesy, mediocre, franchise. Mediocre writing, ok acting, great effects for the time, great soundtrack... But the movies are overrated as fuck. Baby's first sci fi. The novels and vidya are the best things about it, much better than the pandering, normie movies.


I don't understand, do you have a notepad of written opinions and just copypaste it to death or what.
well atleast this keeps you lorefanbois contained in one thread

I love prequelpilling people in these threads

>you now realise there was more thought put into the design of Dexter Jettser than anything in Ep7 is SHIT/

The plot raises many questions, some of them completely unnecessary.
The camera work is vastly different from the style of the originals and the prequels. There were far too many closeup shots, and each cut was so quick to move on that it couldn't linger in any one scene too long.
There was a 3rd Death Star, which again blew up due to a chain reaction and a small band of ships.Would they not have learned?
The worlds that were destroyed seemed inconsequential, as I don't even know what they were or what they were like. All I know is people blew up and the Republic is crippled. Sure, that's enough to know, but it didn't linger on those details very long, and therefore it was easily forgotten. The lack of "lingering" is a fatal flaw in this film. No scene or character is given much time for us to really take in what is happening.
The soundtrack was uninspiring. No Imperial March or Emperor's Throne Room.
Another Cantina scene for the sake of mirroring A New Hope.
Poe is the very first character we see, but after helping Finn escape, he serves no purpose or focus in the plot but to give camera perspective to the X-Wing squadron.
It wasn't a film that can stand alone by itself, which I expected based on Phantom Menace and A New Hope. It ends on a massive cliffhanger, way more than Empire Strikes Back did. So many questions.
So many characters! Did we need to see the First Order commander? Or Captain Phasma? Or Snoke? Good characters, sure, but I think the focus should have been Kylo Ren.
The narrative doesn't focus on Rey enough.
Finn was great, but too jivey for a military soldier from birth. He won't kill civilians, but he has no hesitation to gun down his brothers that he has spent his whole life with and represent everything he knows.
The whole movie wanted to pack so much in, but failed to create a memorable linear story like A New Hope, or Empire, or even Return of the Jedi. I enjoyed it, but ultimately it didn't feel like Star Wars, and wasn't told like Star Wars.

Episode II has my favorite scenes, music and sound design:
The pursuit in Coruscant. That cyberpunk/neo-noir vibe and the sounds of the ships passing at hi-speed mhhggghmm
The Kamino scenes. I love the concept of Aiwha, that's such an "Avatar" thing to have (either the movie or Last Airbender, actually now that I think of it) and I just love the atmosphere of this scene, there's something so calm yet so unnerving about it
Seeing Yoda fight for the first time
The battle of Geonosis
Padme's white suit
That fucking CIS leitmotiv (dum dum du-du-dum, du-du-dum, du-dum, du-dum dum du-da-du-dum, dum... du du dum da du dum du!)
Anakin riding to the sand-people village while the Force leitmotiv transforms into Duel of the Fate
That fucking Across the Star (seriously wtf Williams? This theme is soooo simple yet so beautiful)
Those sonic-bomb (best, sound, ever)

Is Rey a Mary Sue?
For reasons unexplained she has expert level fighting skills, ace piloting skills, and advance force skills. She has advanced engineering skills that are likely not learned from being a scavenger, such as what would stress a hyperdrive.
Add to this that every established character, Han; Chewy; and Leia, take a quick liking to her. Han even offers her a job on the Falcon she's so awesome.
She is the type of overpowered character a fan would write into Star Wars to be a proxy for themselves. It's a symptom of the lazy writing that Force Awakens displays quite often.


You will never be this butthurt about being called a capitalist pig

Also who wants to see how Rouge One turns the main girl into a mary sue like Ray?

There's so much wrong with the movie from just the writing.

>rey has no agency
She doesn't decide to do anything in this movie. She doesn't even choose to go on the adventure until she's halfway across the galaxy on another planet and even then, she gets kidnapped right away.
>it can't follow the hero's journey storyline
The oldest fucking story archetype and the hack JarJar Abraham can't get that right? The story is told so out of order it doesn't seem like a story but a highlight reel.
>it's tone is all over the place
We start with an homage to a ww2 beach landing to comdey with Poe to a firing squad to implied torture to action comdey in the first 15 minutes. And of course there's the problem of our heroes enjoying killing people, all of whom we are told are brainwashed child soldiers.
>the plot completely loses itself
we start with the map to Luke. We have a bunch of chase scenes with the droid with the map. We then sidetrack everything so we can go destroy another deathstar to the point where our main character has to be knocked unconscious and dragged there so she can be in the final action scene. Then the last 5 minutes we return to the Luke map.

A fucking hack. How does JJ still have a job?

Star Wars was never good to begin with, tfa isn't that bad compared to all the others. Star Wars is full mediocre writing, acting, and characters. People only like it bevy are of nostalgia

Because RLM are too afraid to attack this movie this is the best review of it so far

Funny how RLM managed to attack the good movies (prequels) but haven't touched this. Hmm...

Disney will never make her a non-mary sue. Movies get criticised nowadays for having any violence against women (remember the x-men poster controversy?). Disney will play it safe and have her survive and wink at the camera while reading off a generic quip

Wowsers, for someone so passionate about Star Wars you sure waited a long time to see the newest installment famalamadingding :^)

Actually this makes me wonder:
What TFA reaction/reviews did everyone see out there?
My favourite so far has go to be but I haven't seen the one linked above yet.

you watched a weak clone of ANH


Nailed it. It really baffles me when people say tfa is good, i just cant get my head around it

I liked alot. Lol i like watching the lightsaber fites i member it minds me of the oither movees when the guys had the lightsavers and were in the spaceship i member because it was the spaceship movie lol and they guys in the spaceships were fighting too lmao member how they were shooting???

>being such a faggot that you screencap your own posts and try to force it as a thing
you really think im going to read anything written by a queer like you?

>>I liked alot. Lol i like watching the lightsaber fites i member it minds me of the oither movees when the guys had the lightsavers and were in the spaceship i member because it was the spaceship movie lol and they guys in the spaceships were fighting too lmao member how they were shooting???

Why do I waste my time on this shit board? Fucking Sup Forums is better.


Kylo was never meant to be the evil Sith boss. He's not a sith, and the dark side isn't his nature. He's forcing himself to be something he's not and it fucks him up.

Movie was indeed shit though.

a glib facsimile

>He's forcing himself to be something he's not and it fucks him up.
It's supposed to be easy to fall to the dark side, not difficult. Even Yoda says it is more seductive. God, JJ is such a fucking hack.

I see Daisy Ridley took lessons from Emilia Clarke

Maybe that says something about Kylo.

Clearly not.
There are multiple emotions in your pic.
Rey is stuck between second to last and mild confusion throughout.

hate seeing people say this.
the first scene we see him get off a ship with clone troopers lined up for his arrival - that kind of sets the scene of his importance. if he was just a kid trying to be something he isnt then he wouldnt be allowed full reign to go doing whatever he wants across the solar system with an army behind him.
with that whole first scene and him stopping the bullet withut even looking at it all sets him up to be someone important, which just goes to show how lacking in structure this flick was.
it was literally a heap of inconsistent shite

And you were doing so well...

I don't give a fuck if this is bait or not, a lot of this is spot-on.


I'll be honest, I copy and pasted all of that. But it's not bait, I agree with it. I just can't be bothered to type it out in every thread. I have a .txt document with like 10 pastas attacking TFA and praising the prequels (which I like)

Nobody said he was a kid or not skilled. He just seems to be more inclined to the light, since he still feels the pull towards it despite the seduction of the dark. And that throws his focus off at crucial moments. It's not inconsistent, it's how he's supposed to be. He's not emotionally or mentally stable during a lot of TFA scenes. The times he is, though, he's powerful and in control.

Still haven't watched it, and probably wont

good lad. its all for a good cause

I think people forget that it was his family and Rey getting involved that threw him off. I'm sure when they don't factor in, he gets his job done well and probably has for the years before the movie. When he thinks about them, he goes full retard. Which was most of The Force Awakens.

No, they just can't handle the fact that he doesn't act like the typical big bad. They think it's a mistake that he's not scary and controlled, when that was the intention.

Personally I think it's an interesting choice. Only time will tell if they play it out well through the trilogy. I have more faith in Rian Johnson in that respect, at least. Not sure about Jurassic World guy.


what are some memorable scenes from TFA?

i literally cant remember any good quotes or events, meanwhile i could probably write down the whole script to the prequels word for word


The more I think about Star Wars 7, the more it pisses me off.

It undid literally everything accomplished in the originals.

> There is no longer balance to the force
> The empire has still not been defeated
> There is a new, even better death star so Luke and Lando accomplished nothing longterm
> Leia is not learning to be a Jedi
> Leia and Han are not together
> Han is back to being a somewhat sleazy smuggler
> Luke is still learning to be a Jedi
> The prophecy of the originals was apparently meaningless, because Anakin's redemption apparently accomplished nothing.
> It even undid little things like Luke losing his saber, which was somehow recovered from falling into an abyss.

How is one faction called the resistance, when they're backed up by the republic against a tiny fraction of what was the empire?


That scene bothers me. The destroyed building doesn't resemble the old one in any way. It's like they got teleported to a completely different location.

Apparently after defeating the Empire, Mon Mothma decided to disband the military and the resistance is an independent organisation.


>well executed movie
Pick one, reddit.

Didn't read the OP but im inclined to agree

The amount of praise this films gets is boggling.I wouldnt mind if it was so formulatic

Yeah it's pretty fucked up at times.

how many fucking times are you going to make this copy pasta shit TFA post?


>TFA was so unoriginal it's making me appreciate Episode 2

I'm praying Rogue One and Episode 8 save us from Star Wars being a stagnated franchise, stuck forever sucking X-wing and TIE fighter's cocks

I liked Rey's vision and finding Luke.

Anything with Starkiller Base and the Resistance is unmemorable schlock though